Cablegate: More On Corruption Allegations Against Finmin
This record is a partial extract of the original cable. The full text of the original cable is not available.
E.O. 12958: N/A
SUBJECT: More on Corruption Allegations Against FinMin
Palocci; Speculation Rampant But no Hard Evidence
Demonstrating the Minister's Personal Involvement
REF: A) Brasilia 2237
1. (U) Summary and Introduction. Over the August 20-21
weekend, the surprise August 19 corruption allegations
(reftel) leveled at Finance Minister Palocci continued to
reverberate through the Brazilian body politic. In an
August 21 press conference, Palocci emphatically denied the
charges made by his ex-advisor Rogerio Buratti - to the
effect that kickbacks from trash collection concessions were
funneled to PT campaign coffers. Meanwhile, President Lula
publicly defended the Finance Minister, adding that unnamed
members of the opposition were trying to destroy his
2. (U) For their part, Sao Paulo state prosecutors
acknowledged that, outside of Buratti's written deposition,
they do not have any documentary evidence against Palocci.
However, the August 20 "O Estado de Sao Paulo" reported that
it had obtained audiotapes made by federal investigators
between February and September 2004 in which Buratti
intimates that he will seek out the Minister's Chief of
Staff and Personal Secretary (all three alumni from
Palocci's mayoral administration) to help direct a contract
to Buratti's firm. End Summary and Introduction.
The GOB Responds
3. (SBU) Neither Palocci nor the Ministry of Finance is
taking the charges leveled at the Minister laying down. On
Sunday, August 21, the Minister held a two-hour press
conference, following up on his August 19 written statement,
in which he denied that he had done anything wrong. Palocci
performed well during that session, anwering all questions
posed to him and generally earning the plaudits of
commentators and analysts here. With respect to the
specific allegations against him, Palocci noted that the
trash collection contract in question had actually been
signed in between his two terms (1993-1997 and 2001-2003) as
Mayor of Ribeirao Preto (SP). He said that prior to the
press conference he had spoken with Lula by telephone and
offered to step aside - but that the President had made
clear that he wanted Palocci to remain as Minister. (In an
August 22 morning radio address, Lula publicly affirmed that
he had insisted that Palocci stay.) Nevertheless, Palocci
emphasized that he was not irreplaceable and that the
continuation of the GOB's sound economic policies does not
depend upon his continued presence in the government. The
markets, he declared, knew how to distinguish between
economic fundamentals and the political process, and the
anxiety in the market on (Friday) August 19 was due to the
way the allegations were made public and not any
disequilibrium within the economy. Finally, Palocci
guaranteed that Buratti's charges would not disrupt the
ongoing work of the Finance Ministry.
4. (SBU) Concurrently, high-level members of the GOB's
economic team have been reaching out to investors in an
attempt to help calm market jitters. President Lula told a
group of industrial leaders in Sao Paulo that come what may,
he would not alter the course of the administration's macro-
economic policies. PT President Tarso Genro took much the
same line, calling the allegations against Palocci
"delirium." Others, however, within PT circles hedged their
bets a bit more. Party Secretary General Ricardo Berzoini
labeled the charges as "silly ones," and stated that the
market was sufficiently mature so as to withstand any change
in command at the Finance Ministry - should this prove
The Case For and Against Palocci
5. (U) On August 20, federal prosecutor Aroldo Costa Filho
briefed the press on the results of investigators' search of
Buratti's place of business. According to Costa, law
enforcement authorities did not find any documents linking
Palocci to impropriety, but did uncover some documents
indicating that the kickbacks alleged by Buratti may have
6. (SBU) While Palocci's personal involvement (or lack
thereof) is still not proven, circumstantial evidence is
mounting that the trash collection contracts may indeed have
been dirty. Specifically, Buratti, the Secretary of
Government when Palocci was Mayor in Ribeirao Preto, left
that post in 1999 to join the trash collection firm Leao and
Leao, and irregularities in the award of such contracts in
other cities governed by PT mayors (Santo Andre, under the
administration of the late Celso Daniel, and Sao Paulo,
under Marta Suplicy) have since come to light. In addition,
the August 20 "O Estado de Sao Paulo" reported that it had
obtained audiotapes made by federal investigators between
February and September 2004 in which Buratti intimates that
he will seek out the Minister's Chief of Staff and Personal
Secretary, all three alumni from Palocci's mayoral
administration, to help direct a contract to Buratti's firm.
While this is not proof that either of Palocci's aides (or
Palocci himself) did anything wrong, it is one more
allegation coming at a very inopportune time for the
7. (SBU) At this point it's unclear where all this will
lead. Palocci has stated that he expected to be called to
testify to appear in front of one of the congressional
investigative committees currently looking into influence
peddling allegations. Meanwhile, prosecutors might seek to
gain access to Palocci's bank records in an attempt to
verify Buratti's story.
August 22 Market Reaction
8. (SBU) The markets appear to be giving Palocci the benefit
of the doubt: the Real appreciated 1.6 percent immediately
upon the market's opening on Monday (from 2.45 to the dollar
to 2.40) before depreciating slightly to 2.41 to the dollar.
The Sao Paulo stock exchange (BOVESPA) was up 1.68 percent
in morning trading. A CSFB chief economist, in a
conversation with Econoff the morning of August 22,
attributed this to Palocci's weekend press conference and
the absence of evidence corroborating Buratti's allegations.
He did not expect, however, that the Real would make up all
of the ground it at lost on Friday August 19 due to the
additional uncertainty that the allegations had introduced.
The CSFB economist noted that while Palocci had more
personal credibility than some of the other players in this
drama, that the markets would nevertheless be watching for a
repetition of a pattern that has been replayed repeatedly
during the scandal: first an allegation is made which the
accused denies categorically, but then new evidence comes to
light confirming the accusations.