Cablegate: Ambassador Discusses Iraqi Constitution, Apec
This record is a partial extract of the original cable. The full text of the original cable is not available.
State for USTR E. Bryan
E.O. 12958: N/A
Reftel: State 158420
1. (SBU) During an August 30 meeting with Vice Foreign
Minister Le Van Bang, Ambassador Marine raised the USG
desire to know whether GVN will co-host the APEC Export
Controls Conference and Post's hope to sign a contract
within weeks for land for the new embassy compound. The
Ambassador also delivered reftel's points on the new Iraqi
Constitution and noted National Security Advisor Hadley's
agreement to meet with the Vietnamese Foreign Minister on
September 23. VFM Bang raised the GVN's desire to make
progress in its bilateral WTO accession negotiations and
explained that the GVN will inform Post soon of its
desiderata for the FM's proposed meeting with the Secretary.
He reiterated that the GVN understands the importance of the
APEC export controls meeting but wants to proceed carefully
before committing to a conference because of its possible
impact on U.S./Vietnam/China relations. He expressed GVN's
desire to work with the USG to conclude a contract for land
for a new embassy. VFM Bang also raised the issue of the
recent ban on catfish imports from Vietnam by three southern
states. The Ambassador and VFM Bang also discussed at
length religious freedom issues and the USG decision not to
lift Vietnam's designation as a Country of Particular
Concern for religious freedom violations (septel). End
2. (SBU) In an August 30 meeting with Vice Foreign Minister
Le Van Bang, the Ambassador raised several areas of USG
concern. On the subject of the APEC Export Control
Conference, the Ambassador reminded Bang that the United
States would like to know whether or not the GVN will act as
co-host and emphasized that this remains a high priority for
the USG. He urged the GVN to provide a positive response
this week to the Deputy Secretary's recent message on this
subject. The Ambassador also noted the USG's desire to
receive an answer this week regarding Vietnam's willingness
to negotiate and sign a contract for land for the new
embassy compound (NEC). He warned that the GVN's tardiness
in agreeing to reserve the Ciputra property for the NEC
might cause years of delay in building a proper embassy here
in Hanoi.
3. (SBU) The Ambassador also informed Bang of National
Security Advisor Hadley's agreement to meet with Foreign
Minister Nguyen Dy Nien when he visits Washington on
September 23. He advised Bang that we are exploring a
possible meeting between FM Nien and Secretary Rice, but her
availability is not yet clear. The Ambassador also
delivered Reftel points on the new Iraqi Constitution, as
well as the fact sheet and the Secretary's statement. VFM
Bang had no official comment in response to the Ambassador's
presentation on Iraq.
4. (SBU) For his part, VFM Bang expressed the GVN's
determination to make progress in its WTO accession
negotiations. The GVN has concluded negotiations with India
and China, along with a host of others, but the Vietnamese
understand that everything depends on the United States.
For example, Latin American countries and Australia and New
Zealand will not proceed until the United States gives the
"green light." "If the United States continues to block
accession, there will be negative feelings here," Bang
5. (SBU) Continuing, the Vice Minister said that FM Nien
originally did not wish to visit Washington. However, after
PM Khai's visit, the MFA decided that Nien should meet
personally with Secretary Rice to continue discussing issues
raised in the PM's visit, particularly plans for APEC 2006
and the CPC designation. The GVN will inform Embassy Hanoi
of the exact desiderata for FM Nien's visit soon. On the
APEC Export Control Conference, the GVN considers this the
most important current issue in relations among itself and
the United States and China. As such, the GVN wants to
proceed "meticulously" and "do more homework" before
committing to co-hosting the conference. The GVN
understands its obligations as next year's APEC host, but
the possible impact of this conference on U.S -China -
Vietnam relations makes it a tough decision.
6. (SBU) On the NEC, VFM Bang said that the GVN is delighted
that the USG has dropped the idea of the Russian property
for the new Embassy. The new location will eventually be
more central, hence better, and the GVN will work with the
USG to close the deal. In closing, Bang raised the issue of
the recent ban on catfish imports from Vietnam by three
southern states, questioning whether these were "politically
motivated." The Ambassador responded that we are seeking
more information on the measures taken by Louisiana,
Mississippi, and Alabama. He stressed that the FDA ban on
shipment from some companies is based on a scientific study
that showed contamination in recent shipments. He
encouraged the GVN to urge the Vietnamese seafood industry
to better monitor itself. Bang countered that the recent
tests were suspect, but the Ambassador assured him that the
FDA's tests are impartial and scientific.