Cablegate: Hollingsworth-New Zealand Country Clearance
This record is a partial extract of the original cable. The full text of the original cable is not available.
E.O 12958: N/A
REF USDA 673432
1. Embassy grants country clearance to USDA official,
Robert Hollingsworth, USDA/ARS/PWA/HAWAII to visit Auckland and
Rotorua, New Zealand from September 22 to October 10, 2005 to
attend and present a paper at the Australasian Postharvest
Horticulture Conference in Rotorua and attend a pre-conference
tour in Auckland.
2. Embassy understands that country clearance is the
only assistance required.
3. Point of contact at the American Embassy is the office
of Foreign Agricultural Service, USDA. Their contact
details are:
Tel: 64-4-462-6012
Fax: 64-4-462-6016
Email: agwellington(at)
4. Travelers can exchange currency at the airport upon
arrival and ATM machines are readily available throughout
New Zealand. Check cashing privileges at the Embassy are
restricted to traveler's checks only upto US100.00.
Personal checks will not be accepted.
5. Visitors should use local taxi service, which is
generally safe, reliable and frequent. Taxi fare from
the airport to downtown Wellington hotels is
approximately NZD30.00. A commercial shuttle service is
also offered at the airport. Taxi fare from the airport
to downtown Auckland hotels is approximately NZD55-NZD65.
A commercial shuttle service is also offered at the
Auckland airport.
66. Travelers can exchange currency at the airport upon
arrival and ATM machines are readily available throughout
New Zealand. Check cashing privileges at the Embassy are
limited to traveler's checks only up to USD 300.00 daily.
Personal checks will not be accepted.
7. Biosecurity Fines:
The Government of New Zealand instituted fines for non-
declared biosecurity hazards on travelers entering New
Zealand with undeclared plant, animal or food material.
Travelers found carrying these undeclared items will be
immediately fined NZD200.00 (USD150.00). Biosecurity is
a serious issue in New Zealand and fines will be
administered immediately and without warnings.
8. Security Information:
a. All U.S. citizen personnel serving under the Chief of
Mission authority in a temporary status of 30 days or
more must complete appropriate overseas personal security
training prior to travel (04 State 66580). Employees who
have completed the Security Overseas Seminar course at
the Foreign Service Institute (FSI) after June 1, 2000,
meet this requirement. All other TDY personnel must
either (1) complete the approved seminar at FSI entitled
"Serving Abroad for Families & Employees" (SAFE), or (2)
have their agency certify to the Department of State's
Bureau of Diplomatic Security that the employee has
undergone equivalent security training. The contact for
this training is Assistant Director for Training at (703)
205-2617. Country clearance will not be granted for any
traveler with planned TDY in excess of 30 days if this
information is not stated/certified. POC for additional
information is RSO Wellington.
b. The U.S. Mission in New Zealand currently rates the
threat from transnational and indigenous terrorism as
low. There are no terrorist groups or support groups
believed to be operating in New Zealand at this time. In
light of the worldwide security alert all visitors should
heighten their security awareness and report any unusual
incidents to the Regional Security Officer.
c. Anonymous telephonic threats and obscure threat mail
have occasionally targeted U.S. diplomatic missions in
New Zealand. In response to U.S. policies and actions,
various groups in New Zealand have demonstrated
occasionally at the Embassy in Wellington and at the
Consulate in Auckland. These demonstrations are usually
small and are peacefully conducted. During these
demonstrations, the host country police and protective