Cablegate: Southeast Turkey Press Summary for October 3, 2005
This record is a partial extract of the original cable. The full text of the original cable is not available.
E.O. 12958: N/A
This is the Southeastern Turkey press summary for October 3,
2005. Please note that Turkish press reports often contain
errors or exaggerations; AmConsulate Adana does not vouch for
the accuracy of the reports summarized here.
ZAMAN: Ministry of Interior reportedly issued a "top
secret" circular that cautioned governors' offices, university
administrations and security directorates against terrorist
organizations' attempts to stir up ideological conflicts among
people, especially through exploiting "Turkish-Kurdish and
Alawi-Sunni" differences.
ZAMAN / CUMHURIYET: Zaman cites an article that the French
daily Le Monde published. According to the article, the PKK
fears that jailed PKK leader Abdullah Ocalan started cooperating
with the "deeper state" in Turkey. Cumhuriyet daily further
cites that Nizamettin Tas, a senior leader of the PKK, who
severed his ties with the organization, allegedly met with CIA
officials in 2003 about disarmament of the PKK. Le Monde drew
attention to the U.S.'s newly established ties with a group that
dissociated itself from the PKK.
SABAH: A soldier was wounded when alleged PKK terrorists
carried out an attack with rockets and hand grenades at the
Jandarma Command in Van's Muradiye district.
SABAH / HURRIYET / OZGUR GUNDEM: An 80-person group chanting
slogans and demonstrating in support of Abdullah Ocalan
reportedly clashed with police in Istanbul yesterday and threw
Molotov cocktails at the police. During the incident, a
19-year-old person died and two people were wounded.
CUMHURIYET: Osman Baydemir reacted to the Governor's Office
decision that postponed a public meeting, which was supposed to
be held in Diyarbakir on October 3rd. The meeting was titled
"Democratic Solution to the Kurdish Problem, Yes to the EU."
According to Baydemir, it was neither the end of the world that
the meeting was postponed, nor would it turn into doomsday
should the meeting be held.
OZGUR GUNDEM: During the cocktail party of the 4th Middle
East Industrial Fair, a speech made by the Diyarbakir Governor
Efkan Ala in Turkish was translated into Kurdish. Iraq's
Planning and Development Minister Bahram Salih attended the
cocktail as well.
CUMHURIYET / OZGUR GUNDEM: Members of a "Platform for
Non-Governmental Organizations" issued a call for solidarity in
Siirt, Mardin and Diyarbakir under its "Hand-in hand for Turkey"
project launched to create a civil common cause against the
recent developments that attack the solidarity of Turkey.
OZGUR GUNDEM: Three of the seven people detained on charges
of killing a police officer and wounding another officer in an
attack on a police car in Sanliurfa (see press summary 09/19)
have been arrested.
OZGUR GUNDEM: Founding members of DTH will convene on
October 4 in Ankara to decide whether the movement will shake
hands with Celal Dogan, former Gaziantep mayor, in the path to
form a new party. Reportedly, Celal Dogan did not welcome the
idea of describing the new party as an "alliance" or "merging of
powers." Dogan is reportedly dismissing the idea of a party
establishing its roots in ethnic nationalism.
OZGUR GUNDEM: Mecer Kule, the U.S. Consul in Mosul, and an
accompanying delegation paid a "surprise" visit to the Maxmur
camp of Kurdish refugees from Turkey. The U.S. officials
reportedly told the members of the camp that Turkey wanted the
refugees to return to Turkey. The members of the camp
reportedly said that, for Kurds to return to Turkey, it was
essential that the U.S. contribute to the democratic and
peaceful resolution of the Kurdish problem.
1. ZAMAN: Adana's 3rd Cukurova Industry and Commerce
Fair ended.