Cablegate: Turkish Textile Sector Renews Call For
This record is a partial extract of the original cable. The full text of the original cable is not available.
E.O. 12958: N/A
This message was coordinated with Embassy Ankara. Sensitive
but unclassified -- not for internet distribution.
1. (SBU) Summary: In meetings with General Scowcroft's
visiting American Turkish Council Delegation (ATC), Turkish
textile representatives renewed their call for a preferential
trade agreement to enable application of lower U.S. customs
duties to Turkish textile exports to the U.S. The industry
has moved away from a Qualified Industrial Zone (QIZ)
approach, pushing instead a model where Turkish manufacturers
would use U.S. inputs and then re-export the finished product
back to the United States. At an October 18 IKTIB-sponsored
dinner in Istanbul, Trade Minister Tuzmen also pushed for
exploration of new approaches with the U.S. to encourage
increased bilateral trade, suggesting a "free trade
agreement" as one possibility. End Summary.
2. (SBU) Customs Concessions: In their meetings with General
Scowcroft's delegation October 18, as in earlier sessions
with Consulate and Embassy officers, Turkish textile industry
representatives reiterated the need for either a free trade
or a preferential trade agreement with the United States to
counteract the "unfair" competition they see coming from
China and other low-wage textile producing countries. Rusen
Cetin, a senior executive at the Istanbul Textile and Apparel
Exporters' Association (IKTIB), estimates that his business
alone has lost USD 8 million this year as a result of the new
global textile trade rules, which have led to dramatic
increases in Chinese textile exports to the U.S. and
decreases for many Turkish producers. IKTIB officials have
pushed for a model where they would utilize U.S. inputs
(perhaps 15-20 percent of final value-added), do final
assembly here in Turkey, and then re-export the finished
product to the United States. Istanbul Textile and Apparel
Association (IKTIB) President Suleyman Orakcioglu told
Econoff that the association has consulted extensively with
U.S. industry on this proposal, and that the U.S. side is
3. (U) Customs Burden: In public remarks to the ATC
delegation on October 18 at an IKTIB-hosted dinner in its
honor, Orakcioglu noted that Turkey pays USD 255 million in
customs duties on its USD 5.5 billion in exports to the U.S..
(Note: both U.S. and Turkish trade figures show an export
level of USD 4.8-4.9 billion. End Note.) USD 235 million of
that total, he said, is levied on textiles and apparel, given
prevailing rates of up to 33 percent. He compared that rate
to Turkey's own customs duties of 11 percent, and argued that
without trade concessions Turkey's textile industry "will be
finished." If the European Union and Mexico can reach
agreement on lowering customs rates, he concluded, there
shouldn't be a problem for the U.S. and Turkey to do likewise.
4. (U) Free Trade: In a speech to the same IKTIB dinner,
Trade Minister Kursad Tuzmen reiterated the difficulties that
Turkish exports face as a result of the 600 percent increase
in Chinese exports to the U.S. "There are many things that
can be done with the U.S. from the perspective of trade," he
said, adding that "even a free trade agreement" is possible.
(Note: The minister frequently makes such statements, despite
knowing that such an agreement is inconsistant with Turkey's
customs union with the EU. End Note.)
5. (SBU) Comment: We continue to stress in our contacts with
industry the need for it to look beyond preferential or free
trade agreements and to focus instead on moving up the
production chain to higher value-added products where Turkish
industry can find its niche. As IKTIB's continued agitation
for a preferential agreement reflects, however, that effort
has had little success. We are not in a position to assess
the extent to which IKTIB's statements accurately reflect the
status of its discussion with U.S. industry, but forward them
to alert Washington agencies to an issue that may well emerge
in next month's TIFA consultations. For their part, Trade
officials in Ankara continue to note that the Turkey-EU
Customs Union precludes the "dream" of a U.S.-Turkey FTA.
End Comment.