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Cablegate: Southeast Turkey Press Summary for November 30, 2005

This record is a partial extract of the original cable. The full text of the original cable is not available.



E.O. 12958: N/A

This is the Southeastern Turkey press summary for November 30,
2005. Please note that Turkish press reports often contain
errors or exaggerations; AmConsulate Adana does not vouch for
the accuracy of the reports summarized here.


EVRENSEL / OZGUR GUNDEM: The daily reported that the arrest
of the military officers was welcomed by the public and
expectations were that the government would further unveil news
about the Semdinli incident following the arrest of the
officers. Separately, Ozgur Gundem reported that the people of
Semdinli reacted against the remarks of PM Erdogan, which
reportedly cast doubts about the credibility of Semdinli people
as witnesses for the Semdinli case since "Semdinli people were
under the threat of the PKK".

RADIKAL / ZAMAN: The prosecutor demanded the arrest of two
officers on grounds that the officers 'committed crimes against
the public, established an unlawful organization, and planned
action to kill people.' The judge of Van's Heavy Penalty Court,
however, arrested the officers on charges that they 'attempted
to destroy the state's unity and nation's solidarity', as well.
This development marks the first time that the judiciary has
been willing to bring action against military officers for being
involved in 'separatist activity.' The officers may reportedly
face life in prison under these charges.

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RADIKAL: In the ninth day of the diarrhea epidemic seen in
Malatya (see press summary 11/29), in which nearly 6000 people
contracted the disease, a doctor said on the condition of
anonymity that the municipality had been warned many times in
the last two months about the city's contaminated potable waters
because of an increased number of patients suffering from the
same symptoms. However, the municipality reportedly did not
heed the warnings and kept telling the public that the city
water was clean.

EKSPRES: Ekspres daily continues to report on an alleged
fraud scandal concerning the issuing of false construction
certificates in the Yuregir Municipality in Adana (see press
summary 11/29). Previous Mayor Ahmet Unal dismissed claims that
he was involved in such fraud. The daily reported rumors
circulating about a municipality official attempting to retrieve
the false certificates from the people.

RADIKAL / EVRENSEL: An investigation has been filed against
Selahattin Demirtas, Chairperson of the Diyarbakir Human Rights
Association, who allegedly made statements to Roj TV about
terrorist leader Abdullah Ocalan. The number of investigations
opened against Demirtas reportedly increased to 62.

EVRENSEL / OZGUR GUNDEM: A former CHP (Republican People's
Party) deputy will call for an action against Commander Faruk
Comert who the deputy blames for allegedly allowing F-16
aircraft to fly low over a funeral ceremony in Yuksekova.

OZGUR GUNDEM: Cavit Torun, Diyarbakir AKP deputy and
Parliamentary Human Rights Investigation Committee member, urged
authorities to shed light on alleged other people that Jandarma
Chief Sergeant Ali Kaya, who was recently arrested, has
connections with.

OZGUR GUNDEM: NGOs in Mersin demanded that counter-guerillas
and JIT (Jandarma Intelligence) be abolished so that more light
could be shed light on the Semdinli incident.

OZGUR GUNDEM: As a result of a confrontation between police
officers and alleged burglars, one of the reported burglars was
killed by a police officer in Reyhanli district of Hatay. 12
people were detained.

OZGUR GUNDEM: Joost Lagendijk, European Parliament (EP)
member and Co-Chairperson of the Joint EP-Turkish Parliamentary
Commission, reportedly said that the (Turkish) Army was
provoking people and aiming to draw PKK into committing
violence. According to Lagendijk, the Kurds should back the
(Turkish) government in its attempt to unveil the Semdinli

OZGUR GUNDEM: SES (Union of Health Workers) drew attention
to the insufficient services provided by hospitals in
Diyarbakir. The hospitals in Diyarbakir reportedly lack the
means to provide essential health care services to the people,
according to a report generated by SES.

RADIKAL: Deputy Security Director of Mersin dismissed claims
that the police gave gum and foot-balls to a group of children
as gifts when they confronted another group of nearly 200
children as they were allegedly chanting pro-PKK slogans (see
press summary 11/29). The deputy director said that the
terrorists were in the habit of using children and women to
support their actions.

DUNYA: Exports to Syria and Middle East will reportedly be
shipped faster after completion of the railway rebuilding work
between Islahiye of Turkey and Meydan-? Ekbez of Syria at the
end of November 2005. Hasan Koprulu, the Director of the sixth
region of TCDD (Turkish State Railways), said that the work,
which runs 40 kms along the Turkish-Syrian border, started on
the 15th of November. Pointing out that the directorate covers
eleven cities, and railway net stretching from Konya to Mardin
runs through several cities which are important in terms of
commerce and industry; Koprulu reports that they have been in a
period of "rebuilding" because the railway net used for long
years was old and below standards. He adds that they have been
rebuilding the net under international standards in which the 40
kms long work along the Turkish-Syrian border is covered as
well. Koprulu reports that trains, which can travel at 40 kmph
currently, will be able to travel at 95 kmph after completion of
the work; then, exports to Syria and Middle East will be able to
be shipped faster and safer.

2. HURRIYET (CUKUROVA): Defense Minister Vecdi Gonul, who
came to Gaziantep to attend a series of ground breaking and
opening ceremonies, paid a visit to the Organized Industrial
Zone in Gaziantep and facilities of a company called SANKO, as

3. SABAH (GUNEY): Antakya Chamber of Commerce in Hatay and
Gaziantep Chamber of Industry expressed a joint effort to solve
the common industrial problems the two provinces have.

4. SABAH (GUNEY) / BOLGE: The 2nd Cukurova Construction and
Building Materials Fair, which will be held in Adana between
March 23 and 27, 2006, will be organized by Start Fair; a
reported Adana company specialized in organizing fairs.

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