Cablegate: Southeast Turkey Press Summary for December 14, 2005
This record is a partial extract of the original cable. The full text of the original cable is not available.
E.O. 12958: N/A
This is the Southeastern Turkey press summary for December 14,
2005. Please note that Turkish press reports often contain
errors or exaggerations; AmConsulate Adana does not vouch for
the accuracy of the reports summarized here.
RADIKAL / SABAH/ ZAMAN: Harun Ayik, the prosecutor who initiated
the investigation into the Semdinli case, reportedly conveyed
important assessments regarding the case to Turkish Parliament's
Human Rights Commission. According to the ballistics report,
the two bombs used in the bookstore bombing were the same type
of bombs found in the car of the officers held as defendants in
the case, Ayik told the Commission members. Ayik also verified
that sketches of the plans of the shopping center, where the
bookstore was located, were also found in the officers' car
along with an alleged 'death list.' According to Ayik, the
bombing in the Semdinli bookstore could have links with outside
forces. Ayik's assessments of the Semdinli Security Directorate
claiming that there was no discipline at the directorate and
that the directorate was insufficient in addressing judicial
matters were also included in the report.
HURRIYET: Serdar Arslanoglu, an employee of the TRT (Turkish
Radio and Television), who was chased by a man he allegedly
quarreled with for an unspecified reason in the middle of the
night, was beaten to death when he ran into the yard of a
residential building in Adana, and residents mistook him for a
HURRIYET / ZAMAN / CUMHURIYET: During a press announcement,
former Prime Minister Bulent Ecevit said that PKK terrorism was
encouraged by the U.S. with great speed. Ecevit reportedly
said, "The U.S. is apparently taking a serious stance against
Turkey via encouraging the activities which have been
detrimental to Turkey in northern Iraq." Ecevit further
commented on the case of Van Centennial University Rector Yucel
Askin, saying, "I did not observe any reactionary tendencies at
the university during my visit (on an unspecified date) there;
therefore I do not think he was arrested because of his fight
against these tendencies."
ZAMAN: The daily pointed out that Isa Esme, YOK (Higher
Education Board) Deputy Chairperson, after arriving in Van to
attend the trial of Yucel Askin, went to the military officers'
guesthouse for his lodging. Van Centennial University Vice
Rector and the wife of Yucel Askin were among the people who
welcomed Esme.
OZGUR GUNDEM: Sirnak's KESK (Confederation of Public
Employees Union) launched a campaign to urge the government to
build universities in the southeastern region. KESK sent a
petition to the Turkish Parliament to include the southeastern
provinces in the draft law which envisages building new
universities in Turkey.
OZGUR GUNDEM: Members of the Hakkari Democracy Platform
reacted to the recent arrest of Sebahattin Suvagci, the former
DEHAP (Democratic People's Party) Hakkari Provincial
Chairperson, for attending a program of pro-PKK ROJ TV and
making statements to it. Human Rights Association National
Chairperson Reyhan Yalcindag said that the arrest was unfair and
against the law.
OZGUR GUNDEM: Van Bar Association organized a seminar called
"Human Rights and Law." Fifty-seven attorneys working in Van,
Mus and Hakkari provinces attended the seminar.
OZGUR GUNDEM: Hasim Celebi, a DEHAP member, has recently
disappeared and nobody has seen him for one week. His family,
fearing that Celebi's life might be at risk, applied to the
Human Rights Association Chapter in Elazig.
EKSPRES / BOLGE / ZAMAN: Adana Chamber of Commerce
announced a decision envisaging the foundation of a university
in Adana.
RADIKAL: Deputy Governor of Eskisehir announced that all
kinds of demonstrations, public events, press announcements and
similar activities will be banned on December 19, the trial day
of Ugur and Ahmet Kaymaz, to maintain a secure and peaceful
environment during the trial.