Cablegate: Exbs: Turkey Advisors Monthly Report- (November
This record is a partial extract of the original cable. The full text of the original cable is not available.
E.O. 12958: N/A
REF: 2004 STATE 146478
1. Summary: EXBS Advisor continued to shepard forward
several of the EXBS projects that are underway in Turkey
despite the lack of a ratified NP Cooperation Agreement,
including the Internal Control Program (ICP), Commodity
Identification Training (CIT), Product Identification Tool
(PIT) and Second Line of Defense (SLD). EXBS Advisor also
reviewed Turkey's participation in PSI activities and
discussed ways to continue to foster Turkey's engagement in
this initiative. Finally, EXBS Advisor continued track the
ratification of the NP Cooperation Agreement.
2. Completed Actions for the Reporting Period
A. Site Assessment and Meetings During Recent
Reporting Period
1) November 1- EXBS Advisor met with Serhan Yigit,
MFA Arms Control and Disarmament Second Secretary to discuss
various non-proliferation issues. Yigit informed EXBS
Advisor that the planning for the Turkish led PSI exercise is
moving along quickly. Yigit reiterated the desire for U.S.
input into which countries Turkey should invite to
participate in this exercise. EXBS Advisor informed Yigit
that there should be a focus on countries which actively
participate in Regional PSI activities and have openly
supported PSI. EXBS Advisor also re-inforced the ideas
discussed during the U/S Joseph visit about including
countries from central Asia. EXBS Advisor provided a list of
countries that have EXBS programs as a starting point for
consideration as invitees to the exercise as observers. EXBS
Advisor inquired into the status of the NP Agreement and was
informed that no change to the status of the Agreement.
Yigit stated that this lack of action was mainly do to
Parliament's preoccupation with the EU Accession process.
2) November 23 - EXBS Advisor met with Guven Begec,
MFA Arms Control and Disarmament First Secretary to discuss
various non-proliferation issues and deliver appropriate
talking points. Begec informed EXBS Advisor that the NP
Cooperation Agreement is currently before the Foreign Affairs
Committee in parliament and hopefully will move to the full
parliament soon. EXBS Advisor reiterated the importance of
getting the Agreement ratified so that work could move
forward in many areas including the Second Line of Defense
and other cooperative activities between Turkish and United
States Customs. EXBS Advisor proposed a change in the
selection process for the local contractor for both the
Internal Control Program and Product Identification Tool,
this new process will focus on smaller companies that may be
more interested in working quickly on the project. Begec
agreed that this could be a good way to get these projects
moving quickly but suggested that this proposal be worked out
with Foreign Trade and Customs for final approval. Begec
stated that Turkey had sent a 6-person delegation to the
Regional Operational Experts Working Group meeting in
Hamburg, where Turkey did a comprehensive presentation on
their exercise, Anatolian Deer. Finally, Begec informed EXBS
Advisor that TAEK has proposed the end of January for the
meeting to between the heads of the Turkish, Iraqi and
Jordanian Atomic Energy Authorities. The purpose of the
meeting is to build the cooperation between the three
countries to improve the nuclear safety program in Iraq.
3) November 25 - EXBS Advisor met with Turkish
Atomic Energy Authority (TAEK) Nuclear Safety Department Head
Aysun Yucel. EXBS Advisor and Yucel reviewed the current
status of the CIT milestones and upcoming events. Yucel
stated that preparations between TAEK, Customs and
Undersecretariat of Foreign Trade have been completed for the
upcoming DOE End Use/End User workshop in December. Also the
CIT Core Technical Group will be prepared to meet following
the workshop to establish new milestones for the project and
prepare for upcoming CIT Train the Trainer course. Finally,
Yucel confirmed that TAEK has proposed the end of January to
MFA as the time from for the meeting between the heads of the
Turkish, Iraqi and Jordanian Atomic Energy Authorities.
4) November 28 - EXBS Advisor and Pol/Mil Off met
with Department Head for Customs Enforcement Ender Gurleyik
to review Customs activities and EXBS program work. Gurleyik
informed EXBS Advisor about recent Customs activities
including recent seizures of drugs and counterfeit items.
Gurleyik also reviewed recent high level information
exchanges that occurred with Germany and the British Customs
Authority, these exchanges include the sharing of
information, training and best practices concerning
operations within Customs areas. Additionally, Gurleyik
updated EXBS Advisor on the status of improvements to the
Customs gates throughout Turkey.
5) November 30- EXBS Advisor accompanied Econ
Counselor and EconOff during a meeting with Head Turkish
Ministry of Finance Anti-Money Laundering Authority, Genc
Osman Yarasli. The United States policy towards companies
that support proliferation and the actions that the United
States is taking towards these entities were discussed.
B. Training Conducted During Reporting Period: None
C. Equipment Delivered During Reporting Period: None
D. Imminent Training or Equipment Status Update: None
E. Significant Developments in Export Controls,
Nonproliferation, or Related Border Security: None
3. Future Activities
A. December 5- 9 - DOE INECP to present End Use/End
User workshop to GOT officials.
B. January (tent)- DOE INECP to conduct CIT Train the
Trainer course in Ankara.
C. February (tent)- DOE SLD to visit Turkey to
complete SLD Implementation Agreement and begin scheduling of
installation of new SLD equipment.
4. Red Flag Issues: None
5. Contact Information for EXBS Adviser ) Kevin Lyon,
phone (90)(312) 455-5555 ext 2525, fax (90)(312) 468-4775,