Cablegate: Colombia's Efforts Towards Enhancing Security Of
This record is a partial extract of the original cable. The full text of the original cable is not available.
E.O. 12958: N/A
SUBJECT: Colombia's efforts towards enhancing security of
radioactive materials
Summary: Officials from the National Nuclear Security
Administration's (NNSA) Office of Defense Nuclear
Nonproliferation visited Colombia to evaluate its
radioactive security program. NNSA was pleased with the
security upgrades made at the Ingeominas repository and
formulated a construction plan to make the facility a
centralized repository for all disused and orphaned
radioactive waste in Colombia. Although NNSA applauded the
GOC's progress, it noted locations where radioactive
materials needed to be better secured. End Summary.
Ingeominas Storage Facility Security Upgrade
1. The NNSA and the Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME)
previously agreed to allocate USD 36,000 towards enhancing
the radioactive material repository at the Colombian
Institute of Geology and Mining (Ingeominas). The goal of
the partnership is to improve Colombia's radioactive
material security by providing enhanced protection of
Ingeominas's facilities. In the first phase of the project,
the NNSA awarded USD 18,000 to Ingeominas for the purchase
of cameras and lights to improve surveillance and improved
locks to better secure the radioactive material. The NNSA
will award the remaining USD 18,000 under phase two of the
project when the MME provides a final report detailing
Ingeominas's security upgrades.
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Plan to Increase Ingeominas's Storage Capacity
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2. Officials from the NNSA discussed with the GOC their
plan to fund a project to enhance Ingeominas's radioactive
storage capacity. The repository will be upgraded with
additional space and enhanced security features, allowing
Ingeominas to become the central repository facility for all
disused and orphaned radioactive waste in Colombia. The
total cost of the project will range from USD 250,000 to USD
600,000 and will be funded by the NNSA in installments.
Construction materials will be paid for in advance, while
labor costs will be paid at the completion of each phase.
NNSA officials estimate that actual construction could begin
as early as April 1, 2006. The NNSA has previously funded
five or six similar projects worldwide.
3. NNSA officials stressed to the MME that construction on
the Ingeominas site should begin as soon as possible. The
NNSA expects a reduction in its 2006 fiscal budget and will
most likely continue funding those projects whose leadership
has proven to be responsive and proactive.
Insecure Radioactive Material
4. The NNSA identified five sites in Colombia containing
disused, orphaned, or abandoned radioactive material that is
improperly secured. Liability concerns will preclude the
NNSA from providing resources for the physical
transportation of the radioactive material. However, it
offered to fund the bulk of the transfer costs, including
packing, unpacking, loading, and unloading. Although the
MME stated there is currently no room to store the material
at Ingeomina's facilities, as presently configured, the NNSA
stressed the importance of securing this potentially
dangerous material. The MME assured the NNSA it would look
into how best to secure the material.