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Cablegate: Results Report: Andean Parliamentarian

This record is a partial extract of the original cable. The full text of the original cable is not available.




E.O. 12958:
SUBJECT: Results Report: Andean Parliamentarian
Study Tour (October 16-23)

1. Summary: Participants reported that the trip
provided excellent insight into how democracy functions
in the US, the role of multilateral institutions and
impressions of Latin America. They were particularly
struck by the influence and independence of the Congress
and the US system of checks and balances. They also
were impressed by how much research goes into
formulating legislation and how, ultimately, national
interests overcome political partisanship, at least as
compared to Ecuadorian politics. They also found
meetings with the World Bank and other multilateral
institutions to be especially useful. End summary.

2. Date: October 16-23, 2005, first quarter, FY 06.

3. MPP Theme and Audience Reached: Strengthening

4. Justification and Objective: To expose open-minded
members of congress to the US, with a focus on
constituent outreach and political reform.

5. Description of Activity: One week study tour in
Washington, D.C. organized by the National Democratic
Institute through a grant from the Office of Citizen

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6. Result/Impact: Excellent. Highlights follow:

The Ecuadorian participants said they felt privileged to
have been chosen to participate in this study tour.
They learned a great deal about the US political system
and also found it extremely beneficial to talk to fellow
members of congress from other Andean nations. This
contact with foreign counterparts helped to highlight
the advantages Ecuador enjoys over its neighbors, most
importantly the lack of violent conflicts.

One visitor, Carlos Kure, remarked that the US Congress
has much more power than its Ecuadorian counterpart, and
noted the importance of the system of checks and
balances in ensuring better government. Another
participant, Diego Monsalve, was impressed by the level
of research done during the legislation drafting
process. He noted that, for example, in the US economic
experts help formulate economic policy whereas in
Ecuador, economic policy decisions are driven by
political motivations.

Omar Simon, who accompanied the members of congress as a
representative of local NGO Citizen Participation, noted
that the US has political influences, but that the
strength of its institutions overcomes political

The participants found meetings with multilateral
institutions such as the World Bank and IDB to be very
useful. They reported that the meeting at USAID was the
least productive, though Sandra Sandoval remarked that
it was interesting to learn how the US views Latin
America and to see that other Andean nations share some
of Ecuador's challenges. As a whole, the group found
the experience very useful both in understanding the US
and in shaping how they approach policy-making in

7. Media Coverage: N/A.

8. Non-USG Support: N/A.

9. Quality of Support: Excellent. The visitors said the
program was very well organized.


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