Cablegate: Undof Commander Reports Limited Resources
This record is a partial extract of the original cable. The full text of the original cable is not available.
E.O. 12958: N/A
1. (SBU) SUMMARY: Major-General Bala Nanda Sharma of Nepal,
United Nations Disengagement Observor Force (UNDOF)
Commander, told the Ambassador December 12 that UNDOF has "no
money, no manpower, and no resources" with which to employ
new technologies or to expand its mission. Sharma reported
that the Canadians want to withdraw their 185 troops and
financial support immediately, which may result in the
Mission losing $1 million and 25 local employees. He said it
is possible that if the Japanese withdraw from Iraq, they may
contribute more soldiers or resources to UNDOF. Sharma also
reported that UNDOF observers witnessed but did not report
Hizballah's November 20 attack against Israel. "We are
charged," he explained, "with reporting on fire between
Israel and Syria, not fire between Lebanon and Israel."
Sharma also said that he was displeased with the suggestion
that UNDOF's area of responsibility could serve as a venue
for UN Independent Investigator Detlev Mehlis to interrogate
Syrian suspects. END SUMMARY.
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2. (SBU) When asked if the UNDOF Mission has expanded, or
recently employed new technology, Sharma scoffed, "We have no
money, no manpower, and no resources." He said UNDOF has no
military staff aide (or, in Sharma's words, a "yemi") for its
headquarters. Sharma said he has had to borrow an aide from
UNTSO. When asked whether he has reported this state of
affairs to the UN, Sharma replied, "In New York they don't
want to hear anything that will irritate them." He said it
has been acknowledged at the UN that he needs an aide, but
the position has not been created. As to the future of
UNDOF, Sharma said he expects the six-month mandate to be
renewed. Until the border dispute is solved, he said he
believes the situation will not improve any time soon.
3. (SBU) Sharma said the Canadians want to withdraw their
185 troops and financial support immediately, and Indian
soldiers will replace them. The Canadians have contributed
$1 million to the Mission, and employee 25 local civilians,
all of which UNDOF may soon lose following the Canadians'
departure. The Japanese have 30 soldiers assigned to UNDOF,
which Sharma said last year resulted in UNDOF receiving 200
visitors from Japan, including officials, journalists and
others. Based on this demonstrated interest, Sharma said, it
is possible that if the Japanese withdraw from Iraq they may
contribute more soldiers or resources to UNDOF.
4. (SBU) Sharma also said that he was displeased with the
suggestion that UNDOF's area of responsibility could serve as
a venue for UN Independent Investigator Detlev Mehlis to
interrogate Syrian suspects. He learned about this
possibility only through news reports, and complained that no
one consulted him about the matter.
5. (SBU) Sharma reported that UNDOF observers witnessed
Hizballah's November 20 attack against Israel. When
Hizballah fires weapons, Sharma said, their munitions often
land in areas observed by UNDOF. "We are charged, though,
with reporting on fire between Israel and Syria, not fire
between Lebanon and Israel." Sharma added that he believes
"the Syrians don't want people to stop paying attention to
the border, and so they use Hizballah to keep attention
focused there." When asked whether he reports on such
matters, Sharma responded, "I do not have a political
mandate. It's strictly a military mandate. I don't even
have a political advisor."
6. (SBU) UNIFIL, by contrast, does have a political advisor,
Sharma said. He reported that UNDOF currently enjoys very
good relations with both UNTSO and UNIFIL, and often
communicates and exchanges notes, "to try to ensure that New
York gets the full picture." Sharma reported that UNDOF,
UNIFIL, and UNTSO will hold a meeting January 24 in UNTSO
Chief of Mission Alvara De Soto's office in Jerusalem.
Sharma said that during a recent border tour provided to him
by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), the IDF pointed out
where UNIFIL was stationed during Hizballah's attack in order
to argue that UNIFIL must have witnessed the events of
November 20. Sharma said he told the IDF that UNIFIL does
not have a mandate to stop Hizballah from firing.
7. (SBU) Sharma said that although Sheba Farms falls within
the area of responsibility of UNDOF, it is not clearly
demarcated. The Ambassador asked whether Sharma believes the
Government of Israel (GOI) has strategic reasons for holding
on to Sheba Farms and whether, if Lebanon takes control of
Sheba Farms, the IDF position can be flanked? Sharma
replied, "Yes and no. Mt. Herman has more tactical
significance. After Sheba Farms there will be the seven
villages. Which ones? No one knows. In any case the
Israelis say it does not matter what they do, the Syrians
will always find another pretext to launch attacks." (Note:
The seven villages became part of mandatory Palestine in
1923, when France and the U.K. drew borders between Syria,
Lebanon and Palestine. End note.)
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