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Cablegate: Damascus Media Reaction: Israeli Operation in Lebanon


DE RUEHDM #3491/01 2000446
O 190446Z JUL 06





E.O. 12958: N/A
SUBJECT: Damascus Media Reaction: Israeli Operation in Lebanon
1. Summary: Syrian papers reported that President Asad received
a message from Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad expressing
support for Syria in the face of any threat or attack. The

message was conveyed by Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr
Mottaki when President Asad received Mottaki and an accompanying
delegation on Monday. Talks during the meeting dealt with the
continuing Israeli aggression against Lebanon, regional and
international positions on the Israeli war against Lebanon and
Palestine, and means of backing the Lebanese and Palestinian
peoples. Both sides stressed the necessity of continuing
consultations between the two countries regarding outstanding
Papers also reported a statement by Information Minister Mohsen
Bilal that "Syria vowed a "harsh and direct" response if it is
attacked by Israel. "Any aggression against Syria will have a
firm and direct response, not limited in time or means."
Papers also reported that the regional Leadership of the Al-Baath
Party reviewed the latest political and military developments in
the region in light of the continuing Israeli operation in
Lebanon, means that should be taken to confront it, and possible
developments, asking the government to outline suitable plans and
take procedures to confront all possibilities. The Regional
Leadership renewed support for the resistance in confronting the
Israeli aggression, stressing the legitimate right of the
resistance to use all means to liberate its lands and restore
usurped rights.
Papers also reported that the Syrian Ministry of Health on Monday
sent a new shipment of aid for the Lebanese people, including 6
tons of emergency medical and nutritional materials. Meanwhile,
the Lebanese Ministry of Social Affairs said that Syria continued
offering its human support to the Lebanese people in the face of
the Israeli terrorist offensive against the country, in
cooperation with the Lebanese-Syrian Higher Council in solidarity
with the Lebanese people. For its part, the Lebanese National
News Agency reported that the Syrian Ministry of Social Affairs
has installed centers at the borders to receive Lebanese refugees
and take them to Damascus and offer them needed help.
End of summary.

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2. Selected Headlines:

"A message to President Asad from Iranian President Ahmadinejad:
Iran supports Syria in facing any threat or aggression. Iranian
FM Motakki: Israeli aggression on Lebanon and Gaza is
premeditated" (Government-owned Al-Thawra, 7/19)

"The Regional Command of the Al-Baath Party stresses support for
Lebanese resistance, praises positions of the Arab people, and
reviews political and military developments in light of the
Israeli aggression on Lebanon and means of confronting all
possibilities" (Government-owned Tishreen, 7/18)

"The Syrian people voices support of the national resistance in
angry demonstrations" (Government-owned Al-Ba'th, 7/18)

"Haifa is under shelling again. A million Israeli settlers go to
shelters. The UN Security Council fails to adopt a resolution.
Warnings against a regional war. French Prime Minister calls for
humanitarian truce, calls on Israel to exercise self-restraint"
(Government-owned Al-Thawra, 7/18)

"Information Minister Bilal: 'Any Israeli aggression against
Syria will be met with a firm and direct response with no
limits.' The Central Command of the Ba'ath Party Progressive
Front hails the steadfastness of the resistance: The Israeli
aggression is a model of state terrorism" (Government-owned Al-
Thawra, 7/17)

"Another day of Israeli massacres in Lebanon before the world
community's eyes. Hizbollah SecGen Nasrallah: We are doing well
and Israel is heading toward defeat. Hizbollah shells Haifa with
missiles. Scores of Israelis killed and injured. Speaker of the
Lebanese Parliament Berri: 'The UN is a partner in the Marwahin
Massacre.' Lebanese Amal Movement joins Hizbollah in the battle
against Israel. The enemy uses internationally prohibited
weapons" (Government-owned Al-Thawra, 7/17)

delegation on Monday. Talks during the meeting dealt with the
continuing Israeli aggression against Lebanon, regional and
international positions on the Israeli war against Lebanon and
Palestine, and means of backing the Lebanese and Palestinian
peoples. Both sides stressed the necessity of continuing
consultations between the two countries regarding outstanding
Papers also reported a statement by Information Minister Mohsen
Bilal that "Syria vowed a "harsh and direct" response if it is
attacked by Israel. "Any aggression against Syria will have a
firm and direct response, not limited in time or means."
Papers also reported that the regional Leadership of the Al-Baath
Party reviewed the latest political and military developments in
the region in light of the continuing Israeli operation in
Lebanon, means that should be taken to confront it, and possible
developments, asking the government to outline suitable plans and
take procedures to confront all possibilities. The Regional
Leadership renewed support for the resistance in confronting the
Israeli aggression, stressing the legitimate right of the
resistance to use all means to liberate its lands and restore
usurped rights.
Papers also reported that the Syrian Ministry of Health on Monday
sent a new shipment of aid for the Lebanese people, including 6
tons of emergency medical and nutritional materials. Meanwhile,
the Lebanese Ministry of Social Affairs said that Syria continued
offering its human support to the Lebanese people in the face of
the Israeli terrorist offensive against the country, in
cooperation with the Lebanese-Syrian Higher Council in solidarity
with the Lebanese people. For its part, the Lebanese National
News Agency reported that the Syrian Ministry of Social Affairs
has installed centers at the borders to receive Lebanese refugees
and take them to Damascus and offer them needed help.
End of summary.

"Syrian aid to the Lebanese people continues. Syrian facilitation
for arrivals from Lebanon through al-Arida crossing-point"
(Government-owned Tishreen, 7/18)

3. Editorial Block Quotes:


"The Real Objectives of the Aggression"


Muhammad Khair al-Jamali, a columnist in government-owned Al-
Thawra, commented (7/17): "Israel is telling a flagrant lie when
it says that it has launched its open war on Lebanon, with a
systematic methodology that surpasses Nazi methods, to remove the
threat of the Lebanese resistance, or to bring back its two
captive soldiers who are held by Hizbollah. For what does the
bombing of civilians have to do with ensuring the security of
Israel? What does this savage devastation of all these vital
facilities have to do with bringing back the two captured
soldiers? And what does the terrorizing of peaceful residents
have to do with bringing back the two soldiers?

"This aggressive madness seeks revenge from Lebanon and its
resistance for the defeat they inflicted on Israel and its army
when they forced it to withdraw from southern Lebanon six years
ago.... Another aim is to eliminate Lebanon as a role model for
resistance which has corrected the equation of the conflict in
the Arabs' favor and proved for the first time in the history of
the conflict that it is possible to achieve liberation through
patient, steadfast, and stubborn resistance.

"The third aim is to isolate the resistance by mobilizing the
domestic Lebanese front against it and robbing it of popular
support, which is the key to its strength, to its steadfastness,
and to its ability to achieve a balance of fear and deterrence.

delegation on Monday. Talks during the meeting dealt with the
continuing Israeli aggression against Lebanon, regional and
international positions on the Israeli war against Lebanon and
Palestine, and means of backing the Lebanese and Palestinian
peoples. Both sides stressed the necessity of continuing
consultations between the two countries regarding outstanding
Papers also reported a statement by Information Minister Mohsen
Bilal that "Syria vowed a "harsh and direct" response if it is
attacked by Israel. "Any aggression against Syria will have a
firm and direct response, not limited in time or means."
Papers also reported that the regional Leadership of the Al-Baath
Party reviewed the latest political and military developments in
the region in light of the continuing Israeli operation in
Lebanon, means that should be taken to confront it, and possible
developments, asking the government to outline suitable plans and
take procedures to confront all possibilities. The Regional
Leadership renewed support for the resistance in confronting the
Israeli aggression, stressing the legitimate right of the
resistance to use all means to liberate its lands and restore
usurped rights.
Papers also reported that the Syrian Ministry of Health on Monday
sent a new shipment of aid for the Lebanese people, including 6
tons of emergency medical and nutritional materials. Meanwhile,
the Lebanese Ministry of Social Affairs said that Syria continued
offering its human support to the Lebanese people in the face of
the Israeli terrorist offensive against the country, in
cooperation with the Lebanese-Syrian Higher Council in solidarity
with the Lebanese people. For its part, the Lebanese National
News Agency reported that the Syrian Ministry of Social Affairs
has installed centers at the borders to receive Lebanese refugees
and take them to Damascus and offer them needed help.
End of summary.

"The fourth aim is to serve notice to Arabs that the toll of the
approach based on resistance to the Zionist-US enterprise in the
region is huge devastation that is similar to the devastation
Israel is now causing in Lebanon. The administration of the
neoconservatives has been carrying out such devastation in Iraq.

"It is shameful to see some Arabs weakening and caving in to the
aggression and its terrorist tools by blaming the resistance for
these hostilities, overlooking the fact that the real cause of
all this lies in Israel's arrogance, in its expansionist
aggressive policy, in its determination to perpetuate its
occupation of Arab territories, in its incessant threats against
the Arabs, in its attempt to silence each and every resisting
voice, and before all else, in the flagrant US bias in favor of
Israel, which has been seen by successive Israeli governments as
encouragement for aggression against the Arabs, carried out
whenever they so wish."


"From Qana to Marwahin"


Omar Jaftali, an editorialist in government-owned Tishreen
commented (7/17): "Any observer of regional developments is bound
to call into question the roles and responsibilities of the
United Nations and the Security Council....

"Has this international organization, which is supposed to be the
guarantor of world security and peace, turned into an umbrella
for protecting Israel?

"This question is prompted by the nature of the Israeli
aggression and international complicity in this terrorist
criminal aggression, which has been pouring its wrath on Lebanese
towns, villages, and cities since the Qana massacre of 1996 up to
the Marwahin massacre and the massacres being perpetrated in

delegation on Monday. Talks during the meeting dealt with the
continuing Israeli aggression against Lebanon, regional and
international positions on the Israeli war against Lebanon and
Palestine, and means of backing the Lebanese and Palestinian
peoples. Both sides stressed the necessity of continuing
consultations between the two countries regarding outstanding
Papers also reported a statement by Information Minister Mohsen
Bilal that "Syria vowed a "harsh and direct" response if it is
attacked by Israel. "Any aggression against Syria will have a
firm and direct response, not limited in time or means."
Papers also reported that the regional Leadership of the Al-Baath
Party reviewed the latest political and military developments in
the region in light of the continuing Israeli operation in
Lebanon, means that should be taken to confront it, and possible
developments, asking the government to outline suitable plans and
take procedures to confront all possibilities. The Regional
Leadership renewed support for the resistance in confronting the
Israeli aggression, stressing the legitimate right of the
resistance to use all means to liberate its lands and restore
usurped rights.
Papers also reported that the Syrian Ministry of Health on Monday
sent a new shipment of aid for the Lebanese people, including 6
tons of emergency medical and nutritional materials. Meanwhile,
the Lebanese Ministry of Social Affairs said that Syria continued
offering its human support to the Lebanese people in the face of
the Israeli terrorist offensive against the country, in
cooperation with the Lebanese-Syrian Higher Council in solidarity
with the Lebanese people. For its part, the Lebanese National
News Agency reported that the Syrian Ministry of Social Affairs
has installed centers at the borders to receive Lebanese refugees
and take them to Damascus and offer them needed help.
End of summary.

Beirut's southern suburbs....

"While the world is talking about the two captive Israeli
soldiers, and saying that Israel has the right to defend itself,
nobody cares about the rights and sovereignty of the Lebanese.

"In the past few days, having received a warning to leave their
village, the residents of Marwahin sought shelter with the UN
monitors [UNIFIL personnel]. What was their fate? They were
kicked out, and then they met an aerial bombardment that killed
them, dispersing body parts and shedding more blood of innocent
people. Is it not shameful and disgraceful for the United
Nations' role to reach this level of complicity with Israel? And
what is the lesson that the Arab nation is supposed to learn from


"Different War and Burning Battleships"


Michel Khayyat, an op-ed writer in government-owned Al-Ba'th,
wrote (7/17): "While the surprise of the [1973] October
liberation war, which broke the long arm of the Zionist-Israeli
enemy and brought down its warplanes by the hundreds, was known
as SAM [surface-to-air missiles], which were competently used by
the Arab fighters of Syria and Egypt, the new surprise for this
arrogant, stubborn, and mentally retarded enemy was the torching
of the battleship off the Beirut coast--the battleship that
terrorized unarmed civilians, particularly in sisterly

"Israeli battleships poured their lava on southern Lebanon during
Operation Grapes of Wrath in 1996.... Israeli battleships,
sophisticated warplanes, artillery, and surface-to-surface
missiles, which Israel has used massively, have failed to achieve
any victory unless the criminal invaders, who came to Palestine

delegation on Monday. Talks during the meeting dealt with the
continuing Israeli aggression against Lebanon, regional and
international positions on the Israeli war against Lebanon and
Palestine, and means of backing the Lebanese and Palestinian
peoples. Both sides stressed the necessity of continuing
consultations between the two countries regarding outstanding
Papers also reported a statement by Information Minister Mohsen
Bilal that "Syria vowed a "harsh and direct" response if it is
attacked by Israel. "Any aggression against Syria will have a
firm and direct response, not limited in time or means."
Papers also reported that the regional Leadership of the Al-Baath
Party reviewed the latest political and military developments in
the region in light of the continuing Israeli operation in
Lebanon, means that should be taken to confront it, and possible
developments, asking the government to outline suitable plans and
take procedures to confront all possibilities. The Regional
Leadership renewed support for the resistance in confronting the
Israeli aggression, stressing the legitimate right of the
resistance to use all means to liberate its lands and restore
usurped rights.
Papers also reported that the Syrian Ministry of Health on Monday
sent a new shipment of aid for the Lebanese people, including 6
tons of emergency medical and nutritional materials. Meanwhile,
the Lebanese Ministry of Social Affairs said that Syria continued
offering its human support to the Lebanese people in the face of
the Israeli terrorist offensive against the country, in
cooperation with the Lebanese-Syrian Higher Council in solidarity
with the Lebanese people. For its part, the Lebanese National
News Agency reported that the Syrian Ministry of Social Affairs
has installed centers at the borders to receive Lebanese refugees
and take them to Damascus and offer them needed help.
End of summary.

to set up a Zionist entity there, think that their destruction of
homes, their torching of farms, the damage they cause to bridges,
and their elimination of innocent civilians is victory.... As a
matter of fact this only hastened their abysmal defeat at the
hands of the heroic Lebanese resistance in May 2000 thanks to
great Syrian support....

"And here is the heroic Lebanese resistance torching the
battleship and causing it to sink. The Israelis thought that
their battleships and other combat ships were unsinkable. That is
why they deployed them off the Lebanese coast as if they were on
a picnic. Well, this is no longer the case. Have the Israelis
realized that their war with the resistance is no longer a
picnic, that their battleships will be set ablaze, that their
planes will be shot down, that their soldiers will be captured,
and that they and their cities will meet the same fate as has
been meted out against Arab homes and cities in Lebanon and


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