Cablegate: Indonesia Esth Highlights - July 2006
DE RUEHJA #0047/01 2220328
R 100328Z AUG 06
E.O. 12958: N/A
1. Summary: On July 17, Governor of DKI Jakarta Sutiyoso
warned Jakarta residents to conserve water due to a severe
groundwater shortage. The Alliance for Public Care (ALIP)
publicly criticized a World Wildlife Fund (WWF) plan to
relocate Javan rhinos to the Halimun Mountains in West Java.
The Regional Coordinator for Natural Resources Conservation
(BKSDA) of Rambut, Untung Jawa, and Bokor Islands Iswandi
announced on July 15 that hunting and severe sea pollution
is threatening remaining shell turtle (Eretmochelys
imbricate) populations. On July 12, Head of Jakarta
Sanitation Office Rama Boedi reported that a recent law
(Number 67/2005) requiring greater coordination between the
government and state-owned companies is delaying
construction of three Intermediate Treatment Facilities.
Continuing timber requirements for Aceh reconstruction are
placing pressure on Aceh forests especially in Leuser
National Park in Aceh province, Sumatra. A multinational
team of experts collaborated on earthquake research while on
an offshore research earthquake center vessel in Sumatra and
Aceh from July 7- August 3, 2006. The U.S. National
Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
participated in a coastal capacity management training
workshop with the Indonesian Ministry of Marine Affairs
(MMAF) in July. The workshop marked the first collaboration
between NOAA and MMAF since the Indonesian MMAF program was
graduated from support provided by USAID to direct country-
to-country collaboration. Indonesian students placed second
among 86 competing countries in the 36th International
Physics Olympiad hosted by Singapore on July 8-16. End
Jakarta Faces Annual Water Shortage in Dry Season
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2. On July 17, Governor of DKI Jakarta Sutiyoso warned
Jakarta residents of the need to conserve water due to
projections that the city will face severe groundwater
shortages in the coming months. Jakarta officials expect
nine areas, namely Matraman, Pulogadung, Duren Sawit, Pasar
Rebo and Kampung Makasar, Kebayoran Lama, Tebet, Pasar
Minggu and Jagakarsa to be particularly affected. The City
Mining Office reports that 41 percent of the city's
population rely on groundwater for their daily supply, with
the rest of the population using the city's drinking water
supply. In order to meet demand for groundwater and avoid a
water crisis during the dry season, the Jakarta city
administration plans to build additional catchment wells.
However, the city estimates that it will need at least two
million water catchment wells to meet demand, a number that
far exceeds the city's current 13,579 wells.
Residents Oppose Relocation Plan of Javan Rhinos
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3. On July 8, the non-profit group Alliance for Public Care
(ALIP) criticized the WWF plan to relocate severely
endangered Javan rhinos from coastal Ujung Kulon National
Park to the Halimun Mountains in West Java. ALIP's
coordinator Suhada noted that the plan was, "premature and
could be disastrous." Suhada questioned the suitability of
the higher altitude Halimun Mountains for a rhino habitat
and noted that more research by the WWF was needed. There
are only 60 remaining Javan rhinos in Ujung Kulon National
Park, where numerous other species compete with the rhino
population for food. Environmentalists conceived the
relocation plan in the 1980s in recognition of the low-lying
penninsular park's scare food supply, proximity to the
seismically active Sunda Strait and active Krakatoa volcano,
and vulnerability to tsunamis. Any of these factors could
quickly wipe out entire rhino population. After studying
numerous options, the WWF continues to assert that the
current relocation plan is the best strategy for safety of
the rhino population and potentially increasing its numbers.
The WWF has had not yet specified the date of the proposed
relocation. GOI officials at the Directorate General of
Forest Protection and Nature Conservation of Ministry of
Forestry must concur before such plan can move forward.
Jakarta Environmental Degradation Threatens Turtle Life
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4. Regional Coordinator Natural Resources Conservation
(BKSDA) of Rambut, Untung Jawa, and Bokor Islands Iswandi on
July 15 announced that hunting and severe sea pollution are
threatening the native shell turtle (Eretmochelys imbricate)
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populations. Only 2000-3000 of this protected species
remain. Tourist activities in the Thousand Islands, and raw
sewage and industrial waste from Jakarta are increasing
pollution and threatening the island ecosystem. Iswandi
admitted that the enforcement of Law No. 5 of 1990, with
penalties of ten years in jail and a fine of Rp. 200 million
(USD 22,000), is ineffective. BKSDA monitors illegal turtle
hunting activities, promotes turtle nesting grounds, and
assists in the release of young turtles to the sea.
Presidential Regulation Hampers
Jakarta Waste Treatment Project
5. On July 12, the Head of Jakarta Sanitation Office Rama
Boedi reported that his office faces significant
difficulties building three Intermediate Treatment
Facilities, located in Pulo Gebang (East Jakarta), Duri
Kosambi (West Jakarta) and Ragunan (South Jakarta). In
addition to high costs, (the construction program is
estimated to cost USD 300 million) the project is facing
delays due to a Presidential Regulation No. 67/2005, which
requires the plan go through a new tender process. City
administration officials signed a Memorandum of
Understanding (MOU) with the investors before the regulation
was issued and had planned to start construction in the
beginning of 2006. Rama reported that city officials will
seek special exemption from the National Development
Planning Board Agency (BAPPENAS), Department of Public Works
so that the waste treatment facilities project can be
expedited. Note: Jakarta produces 6,000 tons per day but is
unable to handle more than 50 percent of existing volume.
The remainder flows untreated into Jakarta bay. End Note.
Aceh Reconstruction Raises
Concerns about Leuser Ecosystem
6. On March 22, the Ministry of Forestry issued forest
concession permits (HPH) to five companies to fulfill timber
demand for Aceh reconstruction. The concessions allow for
clearing of at least 500,000 cubic meters of forest
annually. Claims by the Agency for Reconstruction and
Rehabilitation of Aceh (BRR) and the Ministry of Forestry
that timber from these concessions will fulfill the demand
for reconstruction seems flawed. The cost of making these
concessions operational, (establishing road networks, etc)
appears to be prohibitive. Even if a concessionaire decides
to invest in exploiting a HPH, by the time it becomes
operational the bulk of timber needs for reconstruction will
have been met through other means. This aside, the HPH areas
could still be under threat from illegal loggers. Although
the concession permits are not for land specifically within
the Leuser ecosystem, the permitted areas border the area,
putting pressure on the protected zone. The International
Leuser Foundation (YLI) data showed that around 613,000
hectares or a quarter of the total of Leuser region (2.6
million hectares) has experienced severe environmental
degradation since 1980. On July 17, National Coordinator of
Greenomics Indonesia Vanda Mutia Dewi announced that
ratification of the new Law of Aceh Government by the
Indonesian Parliament (DPR) should provide protection to the
Leuser Ecosystem from exploitation. The Law (Article 150,
paragraph 2) bans the issuance of HPH permits in the Leuser
Sumatra-Andaman Great Earthquake Research (SAGER)
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7. Professor Singh, the team coordinator from the Sumatra -
Andaman Great Earthquake Research (SAGER) announced on July
7 that the "Institute de Physique du Globe de Paris" (IPGP)
was collaborating with the Indonesian Institute of Sciences
(LIPI) to operate an offshore earthquake research project in
Sumatra and Aceh from July 7-August 3, 2006. Twenty-six
scientists from four countries (France, the United Kingdom,
India and Indonesia) participated in this five-week research
project using the French research vessel Marion Defresne.
LIPI, Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), Department of
Energy and Mineral Resources, and Department of Marine
Affairs and Fisheries sent Indonesian research
U.S. and Indonesia collaborate
on Coastal Capacity Initiatives
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8. The U.S. National Oceanographic and Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA) and the Florida Sea Grant Program
participated in a coastal capacity management training
workshop with the Indonesian Ministry of Marine Affairs
(MMAF) in July. The workshop was developed to transfer
knowledge and techniques for managing coastal capacity to
local Indonesian communities. The workshop marked the first
collaboration between NOAA and MMAF since the Indonesian
MMAF program was graduated from support provided by USAID to
direct country-to-country collaboration.
Indonesia Students Shine in Physics Olympiad 2006
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9. Indonesian students placed second among 86 competing
countries in the 36th International Physics Olympiad hosted
by Singapore on July 8-16. The five participating
Indonesian students won four gold and Absolute Winner
medals, trailing the Chinese team which won five. The
Indonesian Physics Olympiad Team (TOFI) trained the
Indonesian participants to prepare for the competition.
TOFI's next task is to prepare for the International Physics
Olympiad in China 2007.