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Cablegate: Post's Nominees As Oas Democracy Practitioners


DE RUEHME #6972/01 3492316
R 152316Z DEC 06




E.O. 12958: N/A


1. Per reftel, post would like to nominate the following
persons for selection as "OAS Democracy Practitioners."

2. Name: Jose WOLDENBERG Karakowsky

Bio: Woldenberg, 54, holds a Bachelor's degree in sociology,
a Master's degree in Latin American studies, and a Doctorate
in political science, all from the National Autonomous
University of Mexico (UNAM), where he now teaches political
science. A leading political analyst and public
intellectual, he is the publisher of a monthly journal of
politics and literary and cultural criticism called Nexos,
and is the author of several books, as well as the producer
of a series of documentary television programs on Mexico's
democratic transition. He is most famous, however, for his
highly successful tenure as head of Mexico's Federal
Electoral Institute (IFE).

Justification: Woldenberg is considered Mexico's foremost
expert on electoral reform and an absolutely seminal figure
in Mexico's democratic transition. As IFE's head during the
run-up to the historic 2000 presidential election, Woldenberg
implemented major reforms to the electoral process and
machinery that enabled Mexico to conduct what was widely
considered to be the first truly transparent and fair federal
election in the country's history. The reforms he
implemented led to IFE's emergence as one of the most
respected electoral organizations in the Americas, and one of
the most trusted of all GOM agencies. Although he began his
career on the political left and has since migrated to the
center, he is universally respected across the political
spectrum and also enjoys an international reputation. We
believe there are few people in the hemisphere who could
advise on issues relating to electoral reform and
transparency with as much credibility and technical expertise
as Jose Woldenberg.

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Contact info: Telephone: from the U.S. (52) 55-5553-1374
or 5211-5886

3. Name: Jesus MESTA Delgado

Bio: Mesta has worked in the private sector as well as in
municipal, state and federal government positions. He was
the Undersecretary for Public Administration in the
Secretariat of Public Administration, a cabinet-level agency

created by former President Vicente Fox. Previously, he
served as Finance Secretary for the State of Chihuahua
(1996-98) and has also served in the Chihuahua municipal
government. In the private sector, Mesta held key managerial
positions in a large industrial enterprise. He has an
undergraduate degree in public accounting from the Monterrey
Institute of Technology and Higher Studies (ITESM) and a
graduate degree in business administration from the
Pan-American Institute for Business Administration (IPADE).

Justification: Mesta was one of the leading federal officials
overseeing the adoption and implementation of reforms
introduced under President Fox's good governance agenda. The
goal of this agenda was to apply successful performance
management strategies and international best practices to
government administration, with the goal of achieving: cost
savings; higher quality government services; digital
government services; regulatory reform; and transparency.
His experience -- and success -- in this area would make him
a valuable advisor on government reform and transparency.

Contact info: Telephone: from the U.S. (52) 55-1295-7445

4. Name: David COLMENARES Paramo

Bio: Colmenares was until recently the Director of the Office
of Coordination with Federative Entities (states) within the
Secretariat of Finance; previously he served as the Secretary

of Finance of the State of Oaxaca (1986-92). He was the
national coordinator of an organization for government
finance officers and is a past president of Mexico's national
association for economists. He was also Director for
Administration and Finance of the parastatal LICONSA, which
distributes subsidized milk to the poor. He has taught
finance and public administration at UNAM, has written
numerous op-ed pieces, and has participated in conferences in
Mexico and abroad.

Justification: Mexico's fiscal system is built on clearly
defined areas of responsibility and competence among all
levels of government, with the national government
responsible for collection and redistribution of tax and
petroleum revenues. As head of the GOM office responsible
for promoting and managing fiscal federalism, Colmenares
brought a strong practical understanding of state needs to
this forum. He promoted increased transparency and
accountability for government resources throughout his
tenure. He would be an outstanding advisor/consultant on
issues of fiscal federalism and reform.

Contact info: Telephone: from the U.S. (52) 55-3955-6686

5. Name: Enrique OCHOA Reza

Bio: Ochoa received a bachelor's degree in economics from
the Autonomous Technological Institute of Mexico (ITAM); a
degree in law from UNAM; and a master's degree in political
science and political philosophy from Columbia University,
where he is also a doctoral candidate in political science.
He is currently a law professor at UNAM, specializing in
constitutional law. He is also contributing writer for the
leading newspaper Reforma, and Foreign Affairs magazine in
Spanish, among other publications.

Justification: Mr. Ochoa is a founder of the National
Network of Oral Trials and Due Process, which includes 66
Mexican organizations, and in May 2006 he was the principal
organizer for an international forum on oral trials. In late
2006, he worked on the drafting an initiative for the Mexican
Congress to implement oral trials at the national level. He
has also served on an IFE District Electoral Council; he was
an advisor at the Secretariat of Energy; and he is a member
of Mexico Pr ctica, a group that promotes justice reform. He
would be an outstanding advisor on judicial reform,
particularly on the introduction of oral trials in legal
systems previously based on written proceedings.

Contact info: Telephone from the U.S.: (52) 55-3187-0543.

6. Name: Juan Carlos MURILLO

Bio: Murillo headed the Office of Government Innovation in
the Fox administration. He previously was the Executive
Advisor in the Government Development Office of the State of
Guanajuato, where he coordinated projects intended to improve
the quality of government services. He has a Bachelor's
degree in industrial and systems engineering and a Masters in
administration and finance, both from ITESM. He has taught
classes at ITESM in political economy, statistics and
international finance. He has participated in numerous
conferences in Mexico and abroad on public sector reform and
administration, total quality management, and organizational

Justification: As head of the Office of Government Innovation
within the Office of the Presidency, Murillo played a key
role in turning policy goals and concepts into concrete
practices and institutions. Under his leadership, many parts
of the GOM have been strengthened. This has strengthened
Mexican democracy by helping to promote a culture of
transparency, accountability and citizen involvement.
Murillo is highly qualified to advise on issues of government
reform, accountability and citizen participation.

Contact Info: Telephone: from the U.S. (52) 55-5202-7459

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