Cablegate: Mexican Leaders Sign Security Accord Responding To
DE RUEHME #2669/01 2461750
R 021750Z SEP 08
E.O. 12958: N/A
1. Civil society organizations have organized a massive
demonstration on August 30 calling upon the government to
respond with greater urgency to rising levels of violent
crime. In response to the public clamor over the serious
security challenges Mexico faces, senior Mexican government
officials including President Calderon, the mayor of Mexico
City, the country's 31 state governors and various
congressmen, as well as senior members of the judiciary and
the military met on August 21 and unanimously adopted a
75-point package of security measures to be implemented over
the next 3 years. The package includes initiatives aimed at
purging police corruption, constructing several new
maximum-security prisons, and creating a database for mobile
phones that the government will use to track down criminals
using them. Although the summit has been described by some
critics as a re-packaging of old or in-progress measures, it
appears to have served the purpose of securing much-needed
support from governors and key community leaders for the
GOM's security strategy in the near term. End Summary.
Calderon and Ebrard Clash Over High-Profile Kidnapping/Murder
2. In the wake of the kidnapping and murder of 14-year-old
Fernando Marti, the son of prominent Mexican businessman
Alejandro Marti, President Calderon and Mexico City's mayor
Marcelo Ebrard initiated several security measures in early
August, including creating special police units to prevent
and investigate cases of kidnapping. In rolling out their
anti-kidnapping initiatives, Calderon and Ebrard clashed
publicly over which level of government bore responsibility
Mexico's crime problem. The President asserted that there was
inadequate intergovernmental collaboration, while the mayor
insisted that Mexico City authorities cooperated fully with
federal agencies. This argument, which grows out of
overarching political conflict between the two, in large
measure prompted civic groups to issue a public call for the
federal government, the legislature, the judiciary, and state
authorities to work together to address the country's
problems of rampant violence and criminal impunity.
Landmark Security Summit Agrees on 75 Measures to Combat Crime
3. Responding to the call, President Calderon hosted an
historic and unprecedented security summit on August 21st at
the National Palace. In attendance were senior GOM
officials, Mayor of Mexico City Marcelo Ebrard, Mexico's 31
state governors, senior congressmen and judicial officials,
as well as civil society and business leaders. Officials
approved a 75-point package of security measures entitled the
"national agreement for security, justice, and rule of law."
The 75-point agenda commits virtually every institution to
contribute to the war against crime via the pact, which will
be implemented over the next three years.
(See annex of this cable for full list of commitments and
Executive Branch Commitments
(Annex, 1-28)
4. Of the 75-point measures, 28 are the responsibility of
the executive branch. Many of these measures focus on
kidnapping reflecting the government's desire to stem the
sharp rise in abductions over recent years. National
authorities will develop a strategy to combat kidnappings
over the next six months, create special units within the
police and the Attorney General's office to investigate and
prosecute kidnappings, and complete within two years the
construction of two maximum-security prisons with areas
specifically designated for kidnappers to ensure that they
are not able to recruit inmates convicted of different
offences to their gangs.
5. Additional prominent measures include the following:
-- Create a national tracking system that would locate cell
phone users in real time in order to reduce cell phone
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-- Establish a reward and protection program for informants
whose tips lead to arrests.
-- Develop and implement a strategy to combat money
-- Give customs officials two years to reduce in the amount
of weapons and precursor chemicals entering the country.
6. Authorities stress the importance they attached to
monitoring compliance with the accord's particulars. The
agreement calls for participants to meet again in a month and
then two months after that to assess progress towards
implementation of specific provisions. Separately, the
agreement calls for creation of a civilian oversight body
similarly entrusted will responsibility for ensuring the
government is adhering to the agreement's terms. The promise
to form a citizen's watchdog group is well-received by public
security analysts, who believe it holds the potential to
exert sustained pressure upon authorities provided it is
availed access to hard numbers on crimes committed.
Legislative Branch Commitments
(Annex, 29-35)
7. (SBU) Congress pledged to pass new legislation in the
upcoming legislative session to fight kidnapping, in part by
eliminating bail and parole options for kidnappers, and crack
down on street sales of drugs. Presently, kidnapping is a
state crime. The new legislation could look at transferring
this authority to the federal government. While Mexican
security expert Jorge Chabat told poloff that the federal
government would likely oppose a transfer of jurisdiction
given the political ramifications involved in investigating
these types of cases, SSP Secretary Garcia Luna told U.S.
Senator Arlen Spector earlier this month he thought
kidnapping should be a federal crime.
Judicial Branch Commitments
(Annex, 36-45)
8. Provisions pertaining to the judicial branch include the
-- Make more statistics pertaining to the prosecution of
criminals available to the public.
-- Establish special courts to review requests for and issue
search warrants and wire tap orders.
-- Appoint special judges to more dangerous cases and grant
them commensurate salaries and protection.
Comment: Embassy legal experts laud the judicial commitments
in the accord, but think some of the time frames set for the
implementation of many of the measures are too ambitious. End
State and Municipal Government Commitments
(Annex, 46-61)
9. State governments committed to creating special
anti-kidnapping units and both state and local governments
agreed to conduct tests to weed out corrupt police. Both
state and municipal governments also promised to allocate
more resources in their budgets to improving security and law
enforcement institutions. Indicators of police performance
will also be developed at both levels of government to
conform to the methodology used by national indicators.
Comment: Although Mexico City PRD mayor Marcelo Ebrard
stepped up to Alejandro Marti's challenge of reducing crime
or resigning, he also claimed that implementing security
measures in the capital would require US$1.2bn worth of
funding next year alone. Michoacan PRD Governor Leonel Godoy
echoed this condition, stating that his state would require
more money if it is to achieve the objectives agreed upon at
the crime summit. End Comment.
Private Sector, Civil Society, Religious Groups, and the
Media (Annex 62-75)
10. Historically, Mexican citizens underreport crime to the
police out of concern the police will not effectively address
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their complaints or even worse revictimize them. The private
sector, civil society, religious groups, and the media agreed
to undertake campaigns encouraging citizens to report crime
to the police. Equally important, each pledged to promote a
culture of lawfulness and specific programs to monitor the
compliance of local and national authorities with their
11. (SBU) Some analysts called the summit "reactive,"
maintaining that the proposals represented a response to the
immediate problems but not a sufficiently thought through
plan for the future. Other observers noted that a number of
initiatives had been announced in prior incarnations of this
month's security summit. Indeed, some members of post's law
enforcement community pointed out that many of the measures
identified among the 75 points are already in place.
12. (SBU) Mexican security expert Jorge Chabat told poloff
that many of the recent developments" including the "March
Against Insecurity" organized by civil society this
weekend/August 30 '' were reminiscent of a similar series of
events during the Fox Administration. In June 2004, the NGO
Mexico United Against Crime organized a march in which over a
million Mexicans dressed in white and took to the streets of
Mexico City to protest the GOM's failure to address the
chronic problems of crime and violence. In response to the
demonstrations, Fox unveiled a 10-point plan that included
increased collaboration between federal ad state authorities,
anti-corruption measures for federal police, and further
increases in security spending. The increased violence and
crime over the past four years indicates that these measures
were not sufficient. On a more positive note, Chabat pointed
out that the new accord, although similar in many aspects, is
more narrowly focused on kidnapping and includes specific
measures, such as the creation of new prisons specifically
equipped for criminals convicted of kidnapping.
13. (SBU) Political analysts Sabino Bastidas and Juan
Paredes both saw more merit in civil society engaging on this
issue and placing pressure on the government than in the
government's response, at least in the form of the agreement
reached. The challenges facing Mexico on security were too
great to believe government could solve them alone. Civil
society needed to engage more fully not only in holding the
government more accountable but in more fully embracing a
culture of lawfulness in all facets of daily life.
14. (SBU) Much of the Mexico public is focused on police
corruption. However, for both Bastidas and Paredes, the
overriding issue when it comes to crime in Mexico is
impunity. Bastidas remarked that a recent crime survey
revealed that only 1.7 percent of complaints registered with
the police nationwide result in a conviction. With those
kinds of odds facing the authors of criminal activity, he was
hardly surprised Mexico was observing rising levels of crime
across the country. On a related score, both argued for the
government to take more serious measures to combat money
laundering - an item included the recent agreement. Calderon
has effectively taken out major cartel figures. However,
they believed too many &respectable" members of Mexico's
elite remained above reproach when in fact they were
implicated in laundering the funds that fuel the organized
crime plight Mexico faces.
15. (SBU) The public clamor over rising levels of violent
crime in Mexico, as evidenced by this weekend's march is
producing a widening debate over the best strategy to combat
organized crime. Last week's summit provided state officials
an opportunity to weigh in with the federal
government and express their own concerns. President
Calderon, for his part, effectively steered the debate to
secure support from federal and state officials for many
policies his government had already proposed or begun
implementing. Implementation of the strategy, however, will
be the key though, as will tackling the whole question of
16. Since Calderon took office in 2006 and began to deploy
federal forces around the country to combat drug cartels,
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many state governors have been quick to request assistance,
and just as quick to complain when the federal troops in
their states have not operated as they would like. While
Calderon appears to have the governors' support for now,
there is no reason to think that it will last if the security
situation continues to deteriorate. The strict deadlines
assigned to the various measures will put pressure on
Calderon to demonstrate results. This can be a good thing as
deadlines will hopefully generate strategies to meet them.
However, these deadlines and the overarching security
problems Mexico faces will be subject to politicization as
Mexico approaches mid-term elections next year. Even before
last week's summit, PRI leader
Manlio Fabio Beltrones had already begun to describe
Calderon's efforts to combat crime in Mexico as a failure
before the summit. No doubt, as Mexico struggles to turn the
page on the crime threat it faces and citizens grow impatient
with the time it is taking, we can expect the debate over
crime to take on significant political overtones.
Executive Branch Commitments:
1. Purge and strengthen security and law enforcement
-- Create a national evaluation and vetting model. (4 months)
-- Encourage the creation of certified state centers for
evaluation and vetting. (1 year)
-- Subject all law enforcement, migration institutions, and
prisons to evaluation and vetting. (1 year)
-- Establish a national police development system. (6 months)
SSP will improve its methods of recruitment, training,
promotion and retirement.
-- Establish a national development system for the attorney
general offices in the framework of the National Conference
of Attorneys.
PGR will improve its methods of recruitment, training,
promotion and retirement of prosecutors. (2 years; 1 year
for federal prosecutors at the Attorney General's office)
2. In order to strengthen and make security and law
enforcement systems more efficient, reassign more resources
in the 2009 budget toward these purposes. (in 2009 budget
3. Support states in combating crimes most harmful to
society. In particular, support the establishment of state
anti-kidnapping units.
In coordination with states, PGR and SPP will create a
national strategy against kidnapping. This strategy will
include courses, seminars, and workshops to build up and
maintain the units' capacity. (6 months)
In coordination with states, SSP and PGR will formulate a
national strategy against "narcomenudeo" that will sum up the
capacity and necessary cooperation of different government
entities within legislation to be determined by Congress. (6
The GOM will strengthen PGR's SIEDO with financial resources,
capacity training, expert witnesses, infrastructure, and
equipment. (18 months)
4. Create and issue a national strategy against money
laundering. (6 months)
5. Strengthen the institutional capacity of the federal
Attorney General's Office (PGR). (6 months)
PGR will establish a protocol for acting on, investigating,
and opening preliminary inquires and judicial procedures to
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improve the effectiveness for obtaining convictions and
6. Strengthen and consolidate aid networks for victims of
crime at the national level. (6 months)
7. Regulate the registration, establishment, and access to
databases of all telephones and mobile equipment, as well as
access to information of the physical location of cell phones
in real time in cases of equipment/phone numbers involved in
criminal activity. (6 months)
8. Guarantee nationwide coverage of a single emergency
telephone number (066) and a single number for anonymous tips
(089). (6 months)
9. With the participation of civil society, strengthen the
system of reporting corruption and poor performance among
civil servants. (3 months)
10. Harmonize coordination and institutional agreement on
public security in order to guarantee a sharing of
responsibility among the federal, state, and municipal
governments. (Will present the initiative in September 2008)
11. Update the collective weapons permits issued by SEDENA
to public security forces. (3 months)
12. Issue an identity document to all Mexican citizens. (3
13. Strengthen the federal penitentiary system. (2 years)
SSP will construct federal maximum security prisons ,
including special facilities for kidnappers.
14. Revise the "Socorro del Ley" (the terms of assistance
the federal government gives to states for housing federal
prisoners). (6 months)
In coordination with state officials, SSP will revise the
monetary amounts assigned to states for maintenance and costs
per federal prisoner in state prisons.
15. Strengthen and modernize the customs system. (6 months)
Hacienda will modernize all the customs systems of the
country with technology, better processing and infrastructure
to reduce contraband, in particular the traffic of arms and
precursor chemicals.
16. Present to Congress a reform package that strengthens
the federal government's capacities in security and law
enforcement. (Present before October 2008)
17. Consolidate a Sole System of Criminal Information to
guarantee the interconnection/exchange of information between
institutions and levels of government in combating crime.
(Part of Platform Mexico.) (1 year)
18. Create substantive information model within Platform
Mexico's Sole System of Criminal Information for registering,
following-up on, and combating kidnapping. (6 months)
19. Develop and expand the use of technology to exchange
information to combat crime. (1 year)
20. Create public campaigns to promote the culture of
lawfulness. (3 months)
21. Strengthen aid to those with addiction problems.
(December 31, 2008)
The Health Secretariat will expand the network of
rehabilitation centers, adding 300 centers with nationwide
22. Strengthen the program "Rescuing Public Spaces." (1 year)
The Secretariat of Social Development will recover at least
1,000 deteriorated/abandoned/unsafe urban areas in zones with
the highest criminal index.
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23. Strengthen the Safe School Program. (1 year)
The Secretariat of Public Education will include this program
in more than 13,500 schools and promote its implementation
with private schools.
24. Guarantee accountability in the use of resources for
public security programs. (1 year)
25. Implement public resources to Public Security Programs.
(6 months)
26. Promote the creation of a Body of Citizen Observers that
overseas and supervises the completion of government
commitments. (3 months)
SSP will create the Body of Citizen Observers which will
comprise representatives from distinct sectors of society and
include security and judicial experts.
27. Create indicators/statistics to measure of the
performance of police and law enforcement institutions with
the participation of citizen organizations. (2 months after
the creation of the Citizen Observatory)
28. Include in school curricula studies in the culture of
lawfulness and the promotion of civic values. (1 year)
Legislative Branch Commitments:
29. Process all outstanding and new security and justice
reform legislation submitted before October 1 (Sept -
December 2008 legislative session)
30. Establish harmonious jurisdictions to combat drug
dealing (narcomenudeo), as well as regulations that permit
their enforcement. (Sept - December 2008 legislative session)
31. Encourage a law of enforcing penal punishments and
provide rules to prevent the early release (and other
benefits) to prisoners convicted of violent crimes and
kidnappings. (Sept - December 2008 legislative session)
32. Promote a general kidnapping law. (Sept - December 2008
legislative session)
33. Ensure that the budget priorities strengthen public
security and law enforcement programs and actions. (Sept -
December 2008 legislative session)
34. Increased resources allocated to states and
municipalities for addressing security issues. (6 months)
35. The Chamber of Deputies will commit the Federal Chief
Auditor's Office to perform revisions and audits of the 32
states. (1 year)
Judicial Branch Commitments:
36. Make the performance and activities of the judicial
branch bodies and their prinicpals more transparent. (4
Performance indicators for the federal judicial branch will
be created so that the public will have access to various
types of information, including information on trials/cases,
crimes, duration of judicial procedures, archives,
biographical information on judges, and public opinion polls
on the judicial system.
37. Set up new federal courts (in areas where the workload is
higher). (14 months)
38. Establish special control courts with jurisdiction over
the entire country to review requests for and issue search
warrants and wire tap orders and review the constitutionality
of those requests. (4 months)
39. Ensure a speedy trial. (30 days)
Narcotrafficking and organized criminal cases will be
expedited and the accused will be sent directly to a maximum
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security facility during their trial. Judges and trials for
narcotrafficking and organized criminal cases will take place
in those maximum security prisons to reduce the risk of
prisoner escape during transfer.
40. Strengthen the autonomy, independence, and impartiality
of judges and magistrates. (Permanent process)
In coordination with state and federal authorities, the
Federal Judiciary Council will set up services of protection
to federal judges so that they are less subject to violence
and threats that could affect their decision - particularly
in cases where organized crime is involved.
41. Strengthen the system of selecting judges and
magistrates. (30 months)
42. Intensify the capacity and specialization of judges on
penal issues (through regular training). (Permanent)
43. Continue performance evaluations of judges specializing
in juvenile cases. (30 months)
44. Strengthen the system for monitoring criminals on parole
(through the installation of a biometric monitoring system
throughout Mexico). (6 months)
45. Standardize judicial information in order to have a
better coordination between authorities. (2 years)
In conjunction with Federal Judiciary Council, federal and
state authorities will create a National System of Judicial
Statistics that will collect, organize, and share information
with authorities and the public. This information will
include the stages of a trial, duration, crimes and
State Government Commitments:
46. Purge and strengthen security and law enforcement
-- Create and strengthen a certified center for evaluation
and confidence control (i.e. vetting) in their state. (1 year)
-- Evaluate and vet all state personnel in police, law
enforcement, and prison institutions. In states where there
is no certified vetting center in place, the federal
government will administer the necessary evaluations. (6
-- Attorney Generals and Public Security Secretaries will
refine the capacity and selection methods in police and law
enforcement institutions. (6 months)
-- Increase and label the allocation of resources toward the
operation and development of police and law enforcement
institutions. (1 year)
-- Replicate the national system of police development at the
state level and the use of evaluations and vetting in state
institutions. (1 year)
-- Replicate the federal scheme of vetting public ministries.
(1 year)
47. Reassign resources in state budgets toward improving the
efficiency of security and law enforcement systems. The use
of these resources will be accompanied by operational rules
or effective and transparent procedures. (Include in the 2009
budget of each state.)
48. Create, develop, and strengthen specialized vetted units
to combat kidnapping. (6 months)
49. Governors will submit to their respective legislative
assemblies a bill of a State Public Security Law,
consistent with the General Law of the National Public
Security System that the federal Congress will approve. (6
months after the approval of the General Law of the National
Public Security System)
50. Incorporate and implement the Sole System of Criminal
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Information within Platform Mexico. (1 year)
They also agree to improve the following databases: vehicle
registration, license issuances, police/ex-police,
prisoner/ex-convict, warden, prosecutors, and arms
51. Develop state programs that incorporate the social
component to the security strategy. (December 31, 2008)
In collaboration with the Social Development Secretariat,
state officials will devote more resources to the Rescuing
Public Spaces program. The objective of this program is to
rehabilitate public spaces located in urban zones with high
crime that are deteriorated, abandoned, or unsafe. In
collaboration with the Public Education Secretariat, state
officials will apply more resources toward the Safe Schools
Program. In collaboration with the Health Secretariat, state
official will apply more resources to the New Life Attention
Centers program, which is a rehabilitation center/program for
those suffering from addictions.
52. Establish evaluations and indicators/statistics (3
State officials will create evaluations and statistics on the
performance of police and law enforcement institutions. The
indicators will coincide with the mythology of those at the
national level and will include citizen participation.
53. Establish a public information system on programs,
actions, results, and the spending of public resources on
public security and law enforcement issues. Such an
information system will have a citizen oversight component.
Municipal Government Commitments:
54. Purge and strengthen security and law enforcement
institutions. (1 year)
In coordination with the Attorney General's office and Public
Security Secretariat of their state, as well as state and
national Evaluation and Vetting Centers, municipal
governments will develop the capacity and selection of
municipal police.
-- Evaluate and vet all personnel in the municipal police and
prisons. (1 year for municipalities participating in the
SUBSEMUN subsidy program; 2 years for other municipalities)
-- Condition municipal police jobs on evaluations and vetting
exams. (1 year)
-- With the support of the federal SSP and state government,
municipalities will establish a system to professionalize
police, creating a civil service career to regulate the
selection, income, training, evaluation, recognition,
certification, and retirement of police.
55. Interconnection to the systems and protocols of Platform
Mexico for registry, access, and analysis of substantive
information. (6 months for the 150 municipalities that
receive the SUBSEMUN subsidy; 2 years for all other
56. Develop and implement standardized protocols of police
procedures/operations. (1 year)
57. Update and standardize firearms licenses and the registry
of personnel into the database ("cardex") of Platform Mexico.
58. Update and adapt municipal rules to improve public
security conditions. (6 months)
59. Develop a municipal program that incorporates the social
component in the security strategy. (6 months)
Will create local social programs on security, education,
health, prevention and treatment of addictions to interact
with the federal government in the implementation of the
Clean Mexico (Limpiemos Mexico) program, the Rescuing Public
Spaces (Rescate de Espacios Publicos) program, the Secure
Schools (Escuelas Seguras) program, as well as the Prevention
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and Treatment of Addictions program.
60. Establish evaluation and follow up indicators. (6
Municipal officials will create evaluations and statistics on
the performance of police and law enforcement institutions.
The indicators will coincide with the mythology of those at
the national level and will include citizen participation.
61. Reassign resources in municipal budgets toward improving
the efficiency of security and law enforcement systems. The
use of these resources will be accompanied by operational
rules or effective and transparent procedures. (Include in
the 2009 budget of each municipality.)
Private Sector Commitments:
62. Promote a culture of lawfulness, the reporting of crimes,
and citizen participation among private sector employers,
unions, and workers (6 months)
63. Promote and facilitate the systematic reporting of any
crime or labor injustice. Provide employees with the tools
and phone numbers through which to lodge such complaints. (1
64. Adapt electronic registries of workers, suppliers and
clients to the norms of the National Population Registry to
prevent fraud and identity theft. (2 years)
The country's employers, with the support of their employees,
commit to fully coordinate their registries with the National
Cedula database.
65. Encourage a secure work environment. (1 year)
The country's employers, with the support of workers and the
authorities, commit to improving conditions in workplace and
common use areas.
Religious Associations Commitments:
66. Promote a culture of lawfulness, the practice of
reporting crimes, and citizen participation among members of
religious associations. (6 months)
67. Encourage the culture of lawfulness and security, the
practice of reporting crimes, the fight against addictions,
human rights, and transparency in outreach projects,
buildings, churches, and places of worship. (6 months)
Civil Society Commitments:
68. Promote a culture of lawfulness, the practice of
reporting crimes, and citizen participation among members of
civil society organizations. (6 months)
69. Develop and support local programs that incorporate a
social dimension into the security strategy. (6 months)
In line with the security strategy, civil society
organizations commit to introducing citizen programs into the
areas of education, health, and social development for the
purpose of assisting the federal government with the
implementation of "Limpiemos Mexico."
70. Participate in the creation and strengthening of
mechanisms to monitor and evaluate authorities to eliminate
corruption and increase efficiency and social recognition.
(1 year)
Civil society organizations commit to promoting the active
and autonomous participation of citizens in one hundred
percent of the requests for evaluation and monitoring of
government actions.
Media Commitments:
71. Increase content that encourages a culture of lawfulness.
The media will increase the broadcast of content and
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campaigns that praise the positive consequences of following
the law, accountability, and reporting crimes.
72. Increase content that encourages the prevention of and
attention to addictions.
The media commits to broadcasting content that exhorts the
importance of preventing the consumption of drugs and the
fundamental role parents play in the health of their
children. They are also committed to publicizing addiction
prevention and treatment centers with the purpose of
highlighting their social usefulness. Likewise, the media
will inform how the prevention of addiction affects the fight
against narcotrafficking by reducing demand. The media will
explain before public opinion the advantages of orchestrating
integral social-political and security programs, as well as
other successful actions undertaken by family organizations,
schools, and/or professionals.
73. Increase content that encourages a culture of security
and the practice of reporting crimes.
The media will emphasize the importance of co-responsibility
between society and government in the fight against organized
crime to sensitize the population to the fact that the
absence of participation only strengthens crime; the
importance of active participation by neighborhood
associations to the extent that they help to generate secure
practices and a practice of reporting crimes; highlight the
value of reporting a crime to the appropriate authority even
if it is done anonymously; broadcast successful cases of
citizens reporting crimes that have led to apprehensions and
sentencing; broadcast the institutional channels and phone
numbers of federal, state, and local authorities through
which the public reports crimes at the federal and community
74. Media outlets will define and publicize professional
performance standards for its informative coverage to prevent
the justification of crime, to promote respect for the
dignity of the victims, to avoid the broadcast of information
that puts victims' family members and close associates at
risk, and to establish criteria that defines the case in
which the publication of information can be undertaken
without attributing it to specific reporters to protect their
75. National, state, and local media will provide timely
coverage of the agreements resulting from the National Public
Security Council session by each of the signatories of the
National Security, Lawfulness, and Justice Agreement. It is
proposed that every outlet take into account the indicators
agreed to in the framework of the Council and follow the
agreements signed by the various authorities.
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