ACTION ALERT! Write to Mother Jones Magazine
ACTION ALERT! Write to Mother Jones Magazine
Some of you may have already caught the terribly-written article by Joshua Hammer, the bureau chief for Newsweek in Jerusalem, published in Mother Jones Magazine about the death of Rachel Corrie and the International Solidarity Movement. The article is ridden with inaccuracies, half-truths, and misrepresentations that seem to be the result of poor journalism, including the reliance on right-wing websites for information, and plagiarism.
Please take a few minutes to write to Mother Jones Magazine, expressing your disappointment with such poor standards of journalism for such a reputable magazine. Ask that they retract the article and give the ISM to present itself and the circumstances surrounding Rachel's death accurately. If you have not yet read the article, you can do so at:
For talking points and to read a detailed response by Phan Nguyen of ISM Olympia, WA, Rachel's friend and support while she was in Rafah, please refer to:
Please be sure to include your name, address, and telephone number in your letters. Please send them as soon as possible. Send to Backtalk, Mother Jones, 731 Market Street, Suite 600, San Francisco, CA 94103; fax to (415) 665-6696; or email to;