Tanzanian Farmers to Receive UN Aid
New York, Oct 28 2009 11:10AM
A new United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (http://www.fao.org/) scheme will help Tanzanian farmers expand their access to markets and ultimately bolster their food security.
The nearly $3 million
project, funded by Germany, aims to help the African
nation's agricultural sector shift from subsistence to
commercial farming.
Most of Tanzania's farmers are
traditional smallholders and will receive technical
assistance in farm management and marketing and will be
encouraged to join producers' groups. They will also be
trained in business management and marketing.
According to FAO, if greater priority is given to good practices in both production and marketing, decision-makers at all levels in Tanzania will be better able to ensure that agriculture will respond to consumers and not just individual household's demands.
Please see the following link for more information: (http://www.fao.org/news/story/en/item/36774/icode/).