Migiro: UN Efforts Can Reach Anti-Poverty Goals
New York, Nov 3 2009 4:10PM
Greater coordination among United Nations agencies is crucial to helping countries, including those in the Arab region, slash poverty, hunger, illiteracy and a host of other scourges, Deputy Secretary-General Asha-Rose Migiro told a meeting in Beirut today.
Ms. Migiro was (http://www.un.org/apps/dsg/dsgstats.asp?nid=190)
addressing the opening of the Regional Coordination
Mechanism (RCM) meeting, which is designed to ensure that
the various UN departments, agencies and other components in
the region work more effectively together.
“We all
appreciate that the objective of the RCM is mainly to
achieve policy coherence and create synergy at the regional
and sub-regional levels to improve the impact of our
work,” she told the gathering in the Lebanese capital
which was convened by the UN Economic and Social Commission
for Western Asia (http://www.escwa.un.org/).
for the sake of coordination itself, but to help facilitate
real results for our clients – the governments and peoples
of our Member States.”
She noted that coordination
and collaboration within and among UN agencies is
“central” to efforts to achieve the global anti-poverty
targets with a 2015 deadline, known as the Millennium
Development Goals (http://www.un.org/millenniumgoals/)),
as well as other objectives, and stressed the importance of
their combined strength.
“Each of you, as separate
agencies, programmes and funds, have decades of experience
in this region – experience that spans a wide variety of
issues,” she said.
“What unites us is our
commitment to the right of all children, women and men to
live full and dignified lives, with the opportunity and
freedom to realize their full potential.”
Migiro underscored the urgency of enhancing the level of
coordination among UN bodies in the region, noting that the
target date for achieving the MDGs is just a few years away.
“With just over five years left in the MDG period, we must
do everything possible to ensure that the Goals are met,
across this region, and within each country.”
added that Western Asia demonstrates that “great progress
can be made when good policies are matched with adequate
resources,” noting that child and maternal mortality are
low across the region, and extreme poverty is limited.
Still, more can be done, she said, pointing out that
more children need to be enrolled in school, good jobs
should be available to more people, and greater efforts are
needed to address hunger.
In addition, she noted that
the Arab region can play a vital role in identifying success
stories and pointing out challenges, ahead of the high-level
General Assembly meeting on the MDGs slated to be held in
September 2010.
“We hope this will enable us to
catalyze effective action to replicate and scale-up existing
successes… to fill gaps in our progress toward the
Goals... and to make good on the MDGs’ promise for all of
the world’s people,” said the Deputy Secretary-General,
who will travel to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, this week for a
similar regional coordination meeting convened by the
Economic Commission for Africa (http://www.uneca.org/).