Conference Focuses On EMental Health Implementation In The Post-Covid Era
Covid-19 has contributed to a dramatic increase in already high-levels of mental ill-health and addiction rates throughout the world. And as a result, mental health (therapy) apps and digital tools are being developed at an unprecedented rate to contend with demand.
But these new technologies are in their infancy - which solutions are safe and effective? And how can these be implemented into our health system?
The upcoming eMental Health International Congress, streaming publicly, 10th- 12th November NZDT (GMT+13) is an opportunity for global leaders in the sector to share their learnings of what has worked in their countries to help shape the future of eMental Health.
The agenda features an impressive line-up of global experts from the likes of Harvard Medical School, the World Economic Forum, Mental Health Commission of Canada, National Mental Health Commission of Australia and Mental Health Innovations UK in addition to significant presentations and announcements by the senior government officials on Strategy, Policy and Standards.
Prof. Anil Thapliyal, Executive Director at eMental Health International Collaborative (eMHIC) says this year’s Congress theme “Exploring the New Era of Accreditation and Activation” comes at a crucial time for the health sector throughout the world.
“Access to timely mental health care, information and treatment at a time and place of a patient’s choosing will continue to be the biggest public health challenge.
“The way we communicate, engage with each other and access services has come a long way in just under a decade, but Covid has shown us just how important it is to get it right.
“Whether it’s in urban or rural areas, someone out there right now from is wanting to access mental health support services - but there are so many barriers, including Covid restrictions, financial constraints, disability, transportation, and stigma to name a few.
“While the scale of challenges in front of us may seem quite overwhelming, there is also an opportunity for us to collectively shape the future together by ensuring we provide a suite of eMental Health options to people precisely where they are.
“This Congress provides the trusted platform to connect, collaborate, be inspired and make the difference,” Prof. Thapliyal said.
This year’s Congress will see a number of important announcements including the launch of a Position Statement on Ethics and Law in eMental Health by eMHIC’s Global Leadership Council.
Alongside these presentations, the eMental Health International Collaborative (eMHIC) will also be acknowledging one recipient from each member country to receive a country-specific Innovation Leadership Award in eMental Health.
The award is given either to an organization or person/s who’ve made an exceptional contribution to the eMental Health domain by demonstrating noteworthy leadership in having implemented eMental Health solutions at scale.
Awards will be presented to distinguished winners from the US, the UK, Sweden, Australia, Canada and New Zealand who have made an exceptional contribution to the eMental Health domain by demonstrating noteworthy leadership in having implemented eMental Health solutions at scale.
In addition, two exceptional leaders will be bestowed Special Lifetime Achievement International Awards this year. Awards will be given for Leadership Excellence For Enabling eMental Health Domain Development Globally and Leadership Excellence For Fostering Collaboration Globally.
The Congress is a once-a-year opportunity organized by eMental Health International Collaborative (eMHIC) to collaborate across borders with global thought leaders dedicated to eMental Health promotion, prevention, screening, self-help, self-management, treatment and social support.
Featured Speakers Include:
- Cameron Fox, Health Technologies Lead, World Economic Forum
- Charles Curie, Principal and Founder, The Curie Group, LLC
- Philip Grady, Deputy Director-General for Mental Health and Addiction, NZ
- Sapna Mahajan, Director, Genomics in Society, Genome Canada
- Alexander Dalton, Public Speaker, Mental Health Advocate and LGBTQ+ Rights Activist, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
- Gregor Henderson, Director of Mental Health, Public Health England
- Nicholas Watters, Director of Access, Mental Health Commission of Canada
- James Murray, Vice President, Woebot Health, Business Development and Enterprise Partnerships
- Liz Ashall-Payne, Founder and CEO, ORCHA (Organisation for the Review of Care and Health Applications)
- Yuri Quintana, Ph.D, Chief of the Division of Clinical Informatics, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Assistant Professor of Medicine at the Harvard Medical School
Tickets can be purchased from
About eMHIC:
eMental Health International Collaborative is an international charity comprising of global leaders and subject matter experts from Sweden, England, Scotland, Ireland, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, APEC countries and World Economic Forum.
eMHIC’s mission is to facilitate collaboration and knowledge sharing on all topics related to eMental health and addiction, to support and improve mental health and addiction outcomes for all populations. eMHIC is an independent, impartial organisation and believes that progress happens by bringing together people from all walks of life who have the drive and the influence to make positive change.
The Current eMHIC Board Chair is Ms Christine Morgan. Ms Morgan is the CEO of the National Mental Health Commission of Australia and National Suicide Prevention Adviser to Rt Hon Scott Morrison, Prime Minister of Australia.
Global Leadership Council (GLC) at eMHIC
Global Leadership Council members are the subject matter experts chairing or co-chairing eMHIC’s Special Interest Groups. eMHIC’s Global Leadership Council engages the foremost international thought leaders in areas such as lived experience, evidence generation, workforce, strategy, policy and standards and industry to help shape eMental Health domain development at global, national, regional and local levels.
See the website for more information: