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KosovaPress - The KLA And The Path To Peace (2)

The KosovaPress reports that follow in transcript record the KLA's view of events of the past five days as Serbian forces finally withdrew from the Republic of Kosovo. (Parrt 2 of 2 - see previous story)

Yesterday the KLA agreed with K-For commanders to commence disarmament.

KosovaPress reported from inside Kosovo throughout the period of air-strikes and was almost the only source of news from inside Kosovo during the period.

KosovaPress is a Kosovar Albanian press agency and is alligned to the KLA.


Interview with Mr.Rrustem Ibraj, the representative for the Democratic League of Kosova in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut from 1991-1998

New York, June 19, (Kosovapress)

Mr.Rrustem, even you were the member of LDK you were the first one who supported the KLA and the Provisional Government of Kosova. Why ?

It is true that as other Kosovars I had respect and great love for all those boys and girls who had courage to confront with the Serb criminals. The KLA soldiers for me are the breavest heroes of the new time. But, concerning the politic matter I have fully supported KLA starting after the massacre of Raçak, in the January of this year, when the Serb regime dared to tansgress the agreement of the October. In that moment I thought that the time for the Albanians as a united and whole nation has come to respond Serbia in war. I asked this from the persons with whom I was working for ten years.

Meanwhile, I accepted the Provisional Government of Kosova from the first day it was announced for two major reasons:

First: Because it's sources came from the depth spirit of war and that in this moment KLA is that who has the greatest merits to decide for one Provisional Government until next free elections, because the Provisional Government is a result of an intern agreement of the Kosovar members in Rambouillet.

The agreement of Rambouillet represent today as well the basement of solving the Kosova crise. NATO started strikes against Serbia because this agreement was not respected by the side of Serbs. I am afraid that by not respecting those demands from the side of kosovars, there will be grave consequences for in different ways. So, with the Kosovar leaders not being united in this moment is something unacceptable. At last the martyrs who died for the freedom of Kosova and the Albanian civilians who have been massacred does not merit such unresponsibility that our leaders are showing for Kosova not managing to find a way for unision.That is why their sincere union has the same importance as the presence of NATO for the return of Kosovar refugees.

What importance has had your attitude in the League of LDK, in which you have contributed so much?

Too bad. The great part of our leadership does not have this meaning as it usually happens with the Albanian organisation, where the disagreements are unevitable. But i do not hate anyone when is a mater of Kosova. Everyone who worked for Kosova knows him very well. Also it is well known that we believed and worked hard for peaceful movement, which earned a great respect and help independence of Kosova. But massacres of Albanian people in Likoshan , Çirez, Prekaz, ..., last year and massacres in Raçak and Rogovë at the beginning of this year , forced us to change the track.We are forced to war against our will. Serbia tried to ruine the Kosova once and for ever , and International Community was not ready to stop this when was the time. It means that we will live the gravest period that could live one nation wining the freedom fighting. Nevertheless difficulties , Albanian leaders should declare this period. Until now there was not even one statement released by Albanian delegation of Rambouille (I beg a pardon to Mr. Agani for whom I have great respect). Here we are fronting the problem. It is natural that people give personal statements which are interpreted in different ways.

What should be the role of Albanians living in USA at this period when there are problems in Kosova?

The same duty that had always. To support the security , development and a full independence of Kosova trough the most democratic structures. Albanian Community had and must have a great role in earning the international support , but without an synchronisation with our leadership in Kosova we can not do much.

The best organisation of Albanians living in USA should be a matter of every Government Albania , Kosova and all Albanians where ever he is.

American troops entrance in Kosova started a new phase increasing our hope for welfare and prosperity for all Albanians living in the West. Albanian-American Community continuously showed their readiness to help in constructive ways and valued their presence in this important region. I believe this community.

12 massacred dead bodies found in the Drenoc-Rahovec road

Rahovec, June 19, (Kosovapress)

On June 17, in the Drenoc-Rahovec road, near the place called Remnik, 12 massacred dead bodies were found. 6 of this dead bodies are identified while the 6 others between whom is a dead body of a woman, could have not been identified yet. According to our sources the following dead bodies were identified:

Sadri Fazli Krasniqi (aged 24) from Senoci

Fadil Brahim Krasniqi (aged 23) from Senoci

Ukë Sadik Krasniqi (aged 32) from Postoseli

Reshat Zeka (aged 19) from Potoqani i Ulët

Adem Morina (aged 18) from Vajaka dhe

Lavdim Bytyqi (aged 19) from Brestoci.

These dead bodies were buried on June 17, while the other 6 bodies are to be identified.

American Superiors of KFOR Forces met with the members of the KLA Karadaku Operational Zone

Kamenicë, June 19, (Kosovapress)

The KLA 172 "Isa Kastrati" Brigade accompanied by the KFOR American Forces entered the center of the city. They were heartily welcomed by the citizens. The KLA commander, Ahmet Isufi called "Rexha", the superior of Kamenica Operational Zone, Emin Krasniqi and the superior of the Brigade, Lulëzim Leci greeted the people who were present there.

It was reported that today Colonel Anderson, who leads the American Forces based in the city of Ferizaj, and the superior of the KFOR American Zone visited the Headquarter of the Karadakut OZ.

The KLA superiors met the IRC and IMC representatives led by Xhonson as well. Today, the commander of the Karadakut OZ, Ahmet Isufi, met the commander of the American Forces, general Kradok.

The KLA military police together with American Forces guaratee peace and stability for all citizens in this region.

According to our sources, the KLA fighter Milazim Hoxha was injured from Serb snajperists near the Nail Factory in Gjilan.

The persons who were thought as disappeared identified

Pejë, June 19, (Kosovapress)

Persons about whom was thought that they were disappeared are the following inhabitants of the village of Trubuhovc:

Nexhat Ramë Mahmutaj,

Ahmet Binak Mahmutaj,

Fahredin Sylë Mahmutaj,

Bedri Binak Mahmutaj,

Bedrije Niman Mahmutaj,

Halil Niman Mahmutaj,

Ervin Niman Mahmutaj,

Merita Hamit Asllanaj,

Bjetë Hamit Asllanaj,

Ardita Hamit Asllanaj and

Brahim Lushi.

According to the information that we posses, in the village of Shaptej the following persons were disappeared:

Hasan Lushi from Raushiqi and Mahmut Idriz Mahmutaj from Trubuhovci.

In the village of Nabërgjan it has been reported that the following 7 killed people were found:

Jusuf Rexhep Dreshaj (aged 49)

Haxhi Dëvishi (aged 65)

Metë Nimani (aged 75) guest

Selman Ibrahim Ibërdemaj from Nabërgjani (aged 85)

Ukë Ademi (aged 65) from Rugova

This victims were found near the school of Nabergjani while the wife of Ramë Berisha (aged 50) from Nabërgjani was found killed in her house.

We also have information that on May 28, the members of the KLA military police of the 133 Brigade fell in a Serb ambush in the village of Prigod and that before 5 days were found the dead bodies of Hajrush Elezajt from Radafci and Feriz Blakajt from Vrella. With Those KLA member was also the commander of the military police of the 133 Brigade Naser Shatri, about whom we do not know anything.

On June 16, the KLA soldiers arrested 3 Serbs to ask them about the crimes that they committed but while passing through Vrella road, armed Serb civilians fired on their car and killed the KLA superior Tasim Elezaj from Radafci.

The superior Tasim Elezaj was buried yesterday with high military honors.

Armed Serb civilians injured two KLA members

Pejë, June 19, (Kosovapress)

On June 16, in the Pejë-Rozhaj road, the Serb civilians injured the KLA soldiers Veton Elshani from the village of Ozdrimi of Peja and Ukë Krasniqi from Leshani, who were patrolling in that direction.

The KFOR forces transported them with helicopter in the Prishtina military hospital and their life is rescued.

Skopje: The American Secretary of Defence and NATO's Commander in Kosova

Skopje, June 19, (Kosovapress)

William Cohen, the American Secretary of Defence together with the General Commander of NATO, General Wesley Clark went to Kosova today.Before going there, Cohen said to the journalists that with the deployment of the KFOR forces in Kosova the democracy was achieved and Milosevic could not managed to do the same ethnic cleansing as he did in Bosnia.

Cohen and Clark went to the city of Gjilan first to visit a contingent of 2000 American forces that is positioned there now. After this they plan to visit Ferizaj and Kaçaniku where they are going to see mass graves.The American Secretary of Defence and General Clark after leaving Kosova will go to Skopje and then will leave Macedonia with special plane.

James Rubin the spokesman of the American State Department and Mr.Rosin special envoy for the south eastern Europe affairs are staying in Skopje at the time the President Clinton is expected to visit Macedonia on June 22.


In a trap of the Serb forces a soldier of KLA was killed

Kamenicë, June 19, (Kosovapress)

Yesterday, about 4.00 in the morning in Strezovc of Kamenica one KLA unit was trapped by Serb forces while they were patrolling the territory. In this confrontation Basri Canolli (aged 21) from Marevc was killed. This soldier was one of the distinguished fighters from the 133rd Brigade.

The Serb police bombed the KLA post in Peja

Pejë, June 19, (Kosovapress)

Serb police continue their actions in the city of Peja even now where there are located the peacekeeping forces of KFOR.

The day before yesterday, the KLA soldiers from the zone of Peja were attacked by Serb forces in the district of Kapeshnica.

All of a sudden there was a bomb explosion in Kapeshnica that came from an unknown car who run away immediately, but fortunately there were no casualties in people.

The commander of the Operational Zone in Dukagjin informed the Italian officers on this event and for the regular patrolling of the KLA military police in Peja as well.

The strange indifference of the Italian Soldiers in Peja

Pejë, June 18, (Kosovapress)

In the city of Peja now is hardly to find someone who speaks Albanian. In Peja, now transformed in ruins of the buildings, dominates the foreign languages and the Serb language.

Albanian is spoken only in Peja Catholic Church and occasionally by any albanian citizen as one who we could met in Qarshinë e Pejës district. He was observing the destroyed and burned houses by the Serb forces. .

This citizen told us that the burnings of the Albanian houses took place yesterday at 13.00 as well. Those who witnessed this event were only the foreign journalists but there was no Italian Soldier,which are controlling this zone. This citizen asserted that the Italian Soldiers not only show their indifference when they see Albanian houses burn but they are co-operating with the Serb local power in Peja. The other few citizens of Peja testimony the same thing about the Italian Soldiers. According to them the Italians have done nothing in preventing Serb police,who although now are dressed as civilians, continue to destroy the Kosovar's property.

This strange Italian indifference were able to notice also the foreign journalists while Serb burned some albanian houses in Gjurakovc, 18 Km far from Peja.

According to our sources, yesterday, at 11.00 the foreign journalists have informed a column of the KFOR Italian Soldiers about the burning of the houses which was still going on but they instead of going there, were returned in the city of Peja.

It has been reported for Kosovapress that the Albanian people who have remained in the city of Peja have not received any assistance yet. Only the Albanian Catholic Church in Peja is helping this citizens giving them food and other elementary things. They have been giving to this people the medical attendance and 17 sick persons have been treating in that church.

The G-8 Summit started, Clinton: all the goals discussed

Helsiniki, Köln, June 18, (Kosovapress)

Today in Köln of Germany the G-8 Summit has started with the reason to discuss on establishing an economic world plan for the most industrially developed countries such as: the USA, Germany, Great Britain, France, Japan, Canada and Russia.

Naturally one of the themes that will be discussed in this summit is the Kosova crises. This time this problem will be discussed in the highest level of the country presidents. They will stress the economic development, region stability and the prevention of the destabilise danger.

But there is a problem about this because of the Russian attitude and the entrance of the 200 Russian troops in Kosova without reaching any agreement with NATO. While the Russian side insists in their own sector, the Americans refuse it. According to the Russian Minister the agreement concerning the command of the KFOR forces about the use of the Prishtina airport is achieved.

American president Bill Clinton who arrived yesterday in Köln, in Germany, said before the Summit begun its work that the problems of the separation of the tasks of the Intentional Forces "are explained" in the American-Russian talks in Helsinki. Commenting the Russian demand for having their own sector, Clinton said that can not be achieved any kind of the decision that would prevent the return of the refugees and that there will be an agreement within the day.

American President Clinton and the Russian President Yeltsin will meet in Sunday to discuss about this problem. It is expected that President Yeltsin will arrive on the Summit on Saturday.

While today the meeting between the Defence and Foreign Minister will be held at 18 00, after the Talks in Helsinki concerning the integration of the Russian troops in the KFOR International Force.

Briefs on Yesterday's meeting between Thaçi, Majko and Xhaferi

Tetovë, June 17, (Kosovapress)
Yesterday, the Albanian Prime Minister, Pandeli Majko, met the Prime Minister of the Provisional Government of Kosova, Hashim Thaçi, in the Prefect Office of Tetova. Later on, the prime Ministers Majko and Thaçi met the leaders of the Albanian Political Parties that operate in Macedonia. They were welcomed by the Tetova prefect dr. Murtezan Ismaili, who congratulated them for the great victory of Albanians in Kosova. .

The Prime Minister of the Provisional Government of Kosova, Hashim Thaçi, said that this meeting was not one accidental meeting, but it is a business meeting. He continued saying that "We met here with the Albanian Prime Minister, Pandeli Majko, my co-operator Arbën Xhaferin and with other Albanian intellectuals with the hope that the next meeting will be arranged in Prishtina, which is not only my dream but it is the dream of the all Albanians."

"Milosevic, " said prime minister Majko, " attempted to cause a chaos and to put there all Albanian faction but this chaos we succeeded to turn into a positive energy. The further plan of the Albanian Government is to co-operate with all Albanians whenever they are. We have stressed this in Shkup as well."

" Today I have received the most happiest news for Albanians: The Prime Minister Thaçi is going to go in Prishtina" declared at the end of his speech the Albanian Prime Minister Majko.

In this meeting have spoken also the leader of the Albanian Democratic Party, Arbën Xhaferi and the other representatives of the Albanian Political Parties in Macedonia.

Still no news for the fate of almost 1000 civilian hostages

Gjakovë, June 18, (Kosovapress)

The civilians of Gjakova are everyday facing new evidences for crimes committed to innocent ethnic Albanian people by Serb police and military forces during the war.The KLA soldiers have found the dead carbonised bodies of Kosovars in the city of Gjakova and in the nearest villages of Korenica and Mejë two mass graves have been uncovered as well.

In the meantime there are still no information about the fate of almost 1000 civilians taken hostages by Serb police days ago. That was the motive of thousands of civilians to gather in Gjakova in protest for the freedom of their members.

The citizens of this city for the first time received the emergency aids, a gift from the "Caritas" humanitarian organisation.

American corporation will help in rebuilding Kosova

Washington DC, June 17, (Kosovapress)

Dino Asanaj, the representative of the Provisional Government of Kosova in USA met the director of American Bank and other American businessmen,who are showing a particular interes for the rebuild of Kosova.

In an exclusive interview given to Kosovapress in USA, Dino Asanaj said: "The discussions have been concrete. We discussed the possibilities of co-operating and co-ordinating the rebuild of infrastructure, buildings, monetary and financial system, the system of digging and working out of the minerals, having always in mind the important problem such is cleaning the territory from the war chemicals and the maintenance of the environment."

The informative package represented in the Conference for the reconstruction of the Balkans by the Government of Kosova's delegation containing studies and opinions of the specialists, was welcomed by the great number of the businessmen participators who wanted to contact the representatives of the Government of Kosova to discuss the eventual engagement of American businessmen in Kosova.

100 Million dollars aid for Kosova promised by Taiwan

Washington D.C, June 17, (Kosovapress)

Making a speech in the Conference for the Reconstruction of the Balkans, Steven Chen, the Ambassador of Taiwan promised to help in rebuilding Kosova destroyed by Serb forces, engaging a sum of 100 million dollars a year for the future of Kosova.

The representative Asanaj was informed by the Ambassador of Taiwan that this humanitarian help will be only one part of the three years plan, that sooner will be specified by Taiwan's authorities in operating together with Kosovars.

The Catholic Community in USA is worried for the destruction of the Albanian Cultural Monuments in Kosova

Washington D.C, June 17, (Kosovapress)

"The Catholic Church and it's Community in America regrets and is particularly worried for the greedy destructions of the churches and other Albanian cultural institutions in Kosova", declared Thomas Patrick Melady, the former American Ambassador in Vatican during his friendly meeting with the Representative of the Government of Kosova in USA, Dino Asanaj.

Mr. Asanaj informed Mr. Melady for the destructions of the Albanian culture by Serb forces and assured him that Kosovars were cautious in saving the monasteries and relics of the Serbian culture in Kosova.

Melady informed the Government of Kosova that the Catholic Community in America has gained millions of dollars aid for helping the refugees and the expelled within Kosova to return their homes. The Catholic Church in New York will also help in assuring University's stipendy in different Western Europe countries to help the qualificative education for the Kosovar youth.

The Government of Kosova seeks help for the school system in Kosova

New York, June 17, (Kosovapress)

The representatives of the Provisional Government in Kosova in USA are engaged in a seeking help campaign for the school system in Kosova.

Dino Asanaj in an interview for Kosovapress said : "It is our wish for Kosovar pupils not to lose the 1998-1999 school year, as the beginning of the 1999-2000 is so close we should not let loosing our time."

Leadership of Kosova's Government in USA is preparing a project of aid that will contain gift funds given from different American funds".

An extraordinary interest for the Prime Minister of Kosova

Washington D.C, June 17, (Kosovapress)

Participators of the Conference for the reconstruction of the Balkans expressed that medias, diplomatic communities and American businessmen have shown an extra ordinary interest in meeting the Prime Minister of Kosova who was waited to be guest of honour in this conference.

Many of the personalities who were present in the conference expressed their will in meeting the new leader of Kosova who will still remain far away from the diplomats and businessmen of the higher ranks.

Mr.Asanaj said in one of his press conference that "the interest for Thaçi is related to his politic personality and the future projects for the Provisional Government of Kosova ".

American and European personalities continue to be interested to establish in the future effective co-operation with the Provisional Government of Kosova.

Five men killed on April 12 were buried in Vermicë yesterday

Malishevë, June 18, (Kosovapress)

Yesterday, in the graves of the village of Vermicë in the Malisheva municipality, 5 men who were killed on April 12, by the Serb forces in the Negroci mountain in Gllogovci region were buried. The names of the dead bodies are the followings : .Enver Zymer Gashi (aged 36), teacher from Vërmica, , Milaim Zymer Gashi (aged 30), teacher from Vërmica, Salih Bajram Maliqaj (aged 30), teacher from Kijeva, Bekim Hetem Gashi (aged 17), pupil from Vernica and Bajram Rrustem Gashi (aged 23), member of KLA from Vermica.

Robin Cook visits Kosova in the following week

London, June 18, (Kosovapress)

According to the World News Agency, The British Foreign Minister, Robin Cook is going to visit Kosova in the following week. We do not have further information about the aim of this visit and whom he intends to meet.

UNHCR apppeals for donation and for the return of refugees

Shkup, June 17, (Kosovapress)

During the last few days, from Macedonia to Kosova, 6.500 refugees which were located in the Albanian families in Macedonia were returned in Kosova, while a small number went in Kosova from the refugee camps..

The spokesman of the UNHCR in Shkup,declared today that throughout the last 24 hours 3.300 Kosovars were returned in Kosova through the post border in Blaca while the day before, 1.800 Kosovars have passed the border.

In this press conference the spokesman of UNHCR said that today 20 trucks filled with food entered Kosova. They were destined to the displaced people inside Kosova, in Prizreni and Ferizaj region. He added that this kind of help many others in that region are expected.

The spokesman stressed also the fact that there is a lack of finance for the return of the refugees and that they need 270 million dollars so he appealed one more time for donation.

Throughout the post border in Blaca 2.000 Kosovars which were deported in Macedonia returned by themselves inside Kosova. In this place are created the large column of transports for the return of the refugees but there are also NATO's convoys that are heading toward Kosova.

Today the number of the refugees that left Macedonia arrives in 80. They were from the Presheva and Bujanovci region. Meanwhile in the post border of Jalinca, there were more than 2.000 Kosovars that entered Kosova.

Mrs. Stors, also the spokesperson of UNHCR-s, declared that they are concerned for this individual return of the Kosovars who take with themselves their children too. "Although we are currently repeating that it is very dangerous to be back in Kosova they are going there." She also mentioned that the International Red Cross is in way to Kosova to help the violently deported inside Kosova.

A long column of Serbs that leave Ferizaj

Ferizaj, June 18, (Kosovapress)

Yesterday, at 13.45, a long column of Serb civilians have passed through the Ferizaj-Prishtinë headway. Serb, who were fleeing following their wish because nobody forced them, were running before the international television cameras saying that they are afraid of KLA and Albanians. They took their goods with themselves.

Schools are the Serb targets now

Gllogoc, June 18, (Kosovapress)

As a Serb targets in the municipality of Gllogovc are especially the Kosovar's schools. According to our sources inside Kosova Serb forces have burned or destroyed the primary schools in the villages of Tërpezë, Arllat, Nekoc, Shalë, Sankoc, Kizharekë, Baicë, Krojmir, Mirenë, Risinoc and the primary and the secondary school in Komoran.


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