Local Boards unite to tackle 'legal highs'
Media Release
6 August 2013
Local Boards unite to tackle 'legal highs'
Local Boards across Auckland are uniting in calling for Auckland Council to urgently put in place a Local Approved Products Policy to further tackle the sale of so called 'legal highs'.
Under the Psychoactive Substances Act which was recently passed, councils have been given the powers to put in place policies which can restrict the sale of any products approved under the Act from around sensitive sites.
The Manurewa Local Board has led the call for action, asking Auckland Council to urgently put in place a policy to ban the sale of these drugs within a 1km radius of all Schools, Early Childhood Education Centers, Kindergartens Places of Worship and all Community Facilities and Halls.
Other Local Boards have been quick to follow with five local boards across Auckland now supporting the policy.
"We will use every legal means under the new legislation to drive these substances out of our communities." Says Manurewa Local Board Chair Angela Dalton.
"This is about protecting our communities from the propagation and availability of harmful substances within our community. Ultimately, we want these drugs banned, however in the meantime we will use all legal means to restrict the sale of these substances." Says Ms Dalton.
Manurewa Local Board Member Simeon Brown has called for a public meeting to discuss the urgent need for this policy and to inform the public of the work being done to further tackle these substances.
"Ultimately, we all want these drugs banned, and we will continue to advocate for that outcome, however in the meantime we must take action to use every legal means to restrict the sale of these substances." Says Mr Brown.
"I welcome support from across Auckland as we continue to take action against 'legal highs'. I am organising a public meeting so that we can gather more momentum behind the urgent call for this policy to be implemented so that we can be one step ahead of the 'legal high' industry which is already in the process of having new drugs approved to be sold."
“I would also like to remind the public that if they come across any psychoactive substances which are not approved, being sold in our community, that they should contact the police. It is also an offence to have these substances in your possession.” Says Mr Brown.
The public meeting will be held in the Manurewa Library Meeting room on the 14th of August at 1pm. 7 Hill Road, Manurewa. All are welcome.