Mangawhai Village Area Cordon Remains In Place, Some Homes Remain Without Power
A localised tornado affecting the Mangawhai Village area has caused damage to a significant number of homes in the early hours of this morning (Sunday 26 January). The area most impacted is around the village area, namely Old Waipu Road and Moir Street, where a number of powerlines and large trees have come down. Hazards remain active.
Kaipara District Council has stood up an Emergency Operations Centre and been working closely with FENZ, Northpower, Police and other agencies to coordinate efforts.

A cordon has been in place around the most affected areas since this morning. Kaipara Civil Defence Emergency Management Local Controller John Burt is reminding those in the cordoned area to stay put for the moment.
“We don’t know the exact number of buildings damaged at the moment but it’s looking like around fifty or so houses.”
“The Northpower team have already completed a huge amount of work this morning to reliven the power in the village area. Many people now have power back on, but there are still areas that do not, specifically Moir Street and Old Waipu Road and there are still active hazards. Please treat all lines as live. We’re asking those within the cordoned area to stay put until told otherwise, and those outside the cordon to stay away for now so that our emergency services teams can complete their work as fast as possible.”
A number of local and regional contractors are working with council to clear trees.
Auckland Council has sent some of their building team to support the Kaipara District Council building inspectors to carry out assessments on properties. Mr Burt said FENZ is carrying out a drone survey over the affected area which will help with damage assessment.
The Mangawhai council office at Unit 6, The Hub is open from 2pm and available for anyone within the cordon wanting more information or welfare assistance.
Alternatively people can call 0800 727 059 / 09 439 7059. The welfare team will support people with anything they need.
For those who remain without power, toilets can be flushed using a bucket of water sourced from your water tanks. Keep the door closed as much as possible on refrigerators and freezers, and consider eating food that can spoil easily first – such as bread and meat, first, and eating canned food last.