Parks Benefit By $10 Million In Development Levies
Auckland City Council
Auckland City Council’s Finance and Property Committee today confirmed the allocation to parks projects of $10 million worth of financial contributions from developers.
Committee chairperson Cr Kay McKelvie says the financial contributions are the result of levies on developments that put additional pressure on local and citywide facilities. Sixty per cent of levies collected in a ward are spent in that ward, with the balance going to citywide parks projects.
Today’s allocations were included in the current Annual Plan and have since been confirmed by community boards.
Significant allocations include $250,000 for the renewal of Rocket Park, the playground for special needs children in Mt Albert; $150,000 for a skatepark in the central city; $540,000 for lighting and path improvements to Myers Park; $7.2 million for buying new parks land; and $1 million for further development of the Shore Road reserve in Parnell.