Auckland Residential Valuation Notices In Post
Auckland City Council - City Scene
New Notices of Valuation for the approximately 155,000 properties of Auckland City are in the post. The notices provide new Annual, Land and Capital Values to replace values last assessed in 1997.
Enclosed with the Notices of Valuation is a brochure that outlines the valuation process and explains the notice. After reading the brochure and their Notice, property owners should:
do nothing, if they are
satisfied that the information describing their property is
correct and that the assessments of values are accurate
phone the Auckland City Valuation help line on Ph 379
1347, if they have questions or wish to correct information
on the Notice
Complete and return an objection form, if
they wish to object to their valuations
Owners and
occupiers of a property have a statutory right to object to
all, or any, of the values provided. But objections must be
received by Auckland City by December 17 and must be in
writing, on the official objection form.
The objection form is available from Auckland City libraries and Service Centres. It can also be downloaded from the Auckland City web site or requested by phone on Ph 379 1347.
The objection process is a legal process, prescribed by the Rating Valuations Act 1998. The onus of proof is on the objector and supporting information, and possible sources of more information, should be sent with the objection form.
Owners and occupiers cannot object on
the grounds of any possible effects of the new values on
rates. Also, a successful objection on one value - Annual
Value, for example - may result in adjustments to the other
values, for example Capital Value.