Sail World Cruising Newsletter: 16 December 2010
Greening it in the next decade

The ocean, a sailor's last freedom, is in danger from many directions - over-fishing, bleaching coral, acidification - and I have never forgotten the day I saw an island, which had been reconfirmed on the chart only 12 months before, vanished into a mere slurry as the current passed over where it had once been.
So as we approach the second decade of the 21st Century it's good news for sailors as well as the rest of the world that progress, albeit modest, was made at the Cancun climate change summit. It was equally symbolic that the largest solar yacht in the world visited the conference. While the Turanor has not proven that solar ships are practical any day soon, the fact that the craft has crossed the Atlantic in 2010 is a sign that we can find alternative energy sources if we pay careful attention.
While the east coast of America was experiencing rough waters this week, over in Australia Oprah Winfrey was going sailing in the sunshine on Sydney Harbour, and up in the UK RNLI volunteers were again preparing to miss Christmas dinner if necessary to save the foolhardy or the unlucky.
There's a tragic story of a collision between a fishing boat and a sailing boat in Malta, and the equally tragic news that a Canadian cruising sailor was killed by mistake by a nervous robber who had boarded his boat with three others to rob them.
As the world gets more crowded the conservationists and the yachties are likely to have heated conversations about anchoring rights, and this week it's happening in south-west England.
In practical news, the product of the week is a valuable one for extended cruising – the vacuum seal packager; Des Ryan brings you eight great tips for the next time you renew your yacht insurance; and the featured boat is the Dufour 405.
Largest ever solar yacht crosses Atlantic, visits climate conference
Sail-World Cruising Round-up,
Everything begins with a dream, and the dream to build
the world's largest solar yacht and circumnavigate the earth
with her is on its way to becoming true. Launched last April
in Kiel in Germany, the 85 tonne catamaran Türanor left
Monaco in September and has just crossed the Atlantic Ocean,
claiming a record for the fastest crossing powered purely by
the sun.... [more]
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Sydney takes
Oprah sailing
Sail-World Cruising roundup,
else would sailing-mad Sydneysiders do to show visiting talk
show star Oprah Winfrey the sights? Why take her sailing of
course!... [more]
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sailors: rough seas warning and safety tips
Coast Guard,
The U.S. Coast Guard is urging mariners to
exercise extreme caution due to high winds and dangerous
waters currently affecting the west coast of Florida, with
large swells and breaking waves of 10-15 feet or larger
expected through Tuesday. See the five tips for boating
safety... [more]
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volunteers ready to miss Christmas to save
Pamela Saunders,
Regardless of gale force
winds, rough seas, icy conditions or turkey-laden plates,
the UK's Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI)
volunteer crews will be ready to leave family and
festivities behind to rescue those in danger in the seas
around Britain this Christmas.... [more]
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Yacht runs
down and kills fisherman - the story can now be told
Ariadne Massa, Times of Malta/Sail-World Cruising,
A tragic story of yachting misadventure that might, in
other circumstances, happen to any of us, can now be told.
In Malta in July yacht Sorcery ran into a frejgatina, a
Maltese fishing boat. Fisherman Gatt Baldacchino, 81,
drowned. After the collision, the yacht owners became
separated from their yacht in the confusion of an attempted
rescue and almost lost their own lives from drowning... [more]
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Product of the
Week: Freshield vacuum seal packager
This week's product will prove to be a great
luxury when sailing for more than just a few nights. Deep
freezers are heavy on power, and the vacuum seal packager is
just the answer to conserve your provisions or keep rust out
of spare parts.... [more]
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South Pacific
yachts - still time to cruise to Tasmania this summer
Nancy Knudsen,
Yachts currently in the South
Pacific and south of the cyclone belt still have time join a
rendezvous rally along the Australian coastline to Tasmania
at the sweetest time of the year. The Cruising Yacht Club of
Australia is rendezvous cruising to Tasmania. The cruising
plan is to enjoy the beauty of the stops along the way, and
then choose an easy weather window to cross Bass Strait...
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Eight Top Tips
on Yacht Insurance
Des Ryan,
into the sunset will be a happier experience if you have
insured well. Insuring your new yacht is not much different
from buying car insurance, and the same common sense
principles apply. However, there are a few notable
exceptions, so here are some issues to consider:... [more]
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Boat Review:
The Dufour 405
John Kerr, Canadian Yachting
If winning the European boat of the
year in the Family Cruising category in 2010 was not enough,
the pent up demand for the Dufour 405 must have been a nice
surprise.... [more]
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Mistake leads
pirates to kill cruising sailor
Sail-World Cruising
The daughter of a Canadian sailor who was shot
and killed off the coast of Honduras last week tells how the
pirates mistakenly thought her father was threatening them.
Myda Egrmajer, daughter of Milan Egrmajer, an electrical
engineer from Ottawa, told local reporters the details of
what happened on their boat on what was to be a three month
holiday.... [more]
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Yachting vs
conservationists in southwest England
Sail-World Cruising,
Anchoring as you will, that
preciously guarded freedom of the cruising fraternity, could
be under threat more and more as yachting organisations
clash with conservation groups. The UK's Royal Yachting
Association has entered the fray by announcing this week
that it will not support the establishment of a Marine
Conservation Zone (MCZ) in a bay in Dorset if it involves a
restriction on anchoring.... [more]
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Tiny protozoa
may hold key to world water safety
Woods Hole
Oceanographic Institution,
Right now, it looks a little
like one of those plastic containers you might fill with
gasoline when your car has run dry. But Scott Gallager is
not headed to the nearest Mobil station.... [more]
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Book of the
Week: Sea Dreams Sailing the Western Mediterranean
Keith Earngey,
This beautifully photographed book
has a fascinating story that captures the essence of the
Mediterranean lifestyle and its remarkable history. Most
people who have travelled in Europe will, at some stage,
have fallen in love with the Mediterranean. However, the
voyage of Sea Dreams opens up a world that most of us can
only dream of and almost every page has a photograph that
tells a story... [more]
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coordinates rescue of yacht after fishing boat
Fred Caygill/Sail-World
The danger of fishing boats to yachts was
underlined last week when a cruising yacht was dismasted and
holed in the Atlantic Ocean some 400 miles west of Cape
Verde by a collision with a fishing boat.... [more]
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Boat of the
Year Awards: Catalina 355 takes the prize
based yachting magazine Cruising World announced today the
winners of its 18th annual Boat of the Year awards. Topping
this year's list of winners for the most anticipated awards
in the American sailboat industry were the Catalina 355 and
the Discovery 50. The Catalina 355 won the Domestic Boat of
the Year award, and the Discovery 50 was named Import Boat
of the Year.... [more]
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