Moon Duo Announce Two NZ Shows in November
Moon Duo Announce Two NZ Shows in November
New Zealand Transit 2015
As night ascends... fall through the psych side of the Moon Duo in solar transit to southern realms. Ripley and Sanae return to New Zealand this November as a trio with John Jeffrey now firmly on drums.
"Moon Duo sound like they're divining what it means to rock, and roll, in the 21st century."
The highest apex of psychedelia, be it art, music, drugs or literature, is to induce a prolonged consciousness shift that affects the consumer far beyond the time they were privy to the act. Moon Duo’s third full-length LP, Shadow of the Sun, was written entirely during one of these evolving phases — a rare and uneasy rest period, devoid of the constant adrenaline of performing live and the stimulation of traveling through endless moving landscapes. This offered Moon Duo a new space to reflect on all of these previous experiences and cradle them while cultivating the album in the unfamiliar environment of a new dwelling; a dark Portland basement. It was from this stir-crazy fire that Shadow of the Sun was forged.
Evolving the sound of their first two full-length records, Mazes (2011) and Circles (2012), Moon Duo — Ripley Johnson and Sanae Yamada — have developed their ideas with the help of their newly acquired steam engine, Canadian drummer John Jeffrey (present on the band’s last release, Live in Ravenna). The unchartered rhythms and tones present on this record are reflective of Moon Duo’s strive for equilibrium in this aforementioned new environment.
Wednesday 25th November Wellington at SAN FRAN plus special guests
presented by under the radar & shoot the freak
Thursday 26th November Auckland at WHAMMY plus special guests
presented by under the radar & 95bfm
tickets available from
new album SHADOW OF THE SUN out now on Sacred Bones through FLYING OUT.