Te Whakatōhea prepares for 150th Commemorations
Te Whakatōhea prepares for 150th Commemorations
Te Whakatōhea, along with over 12 other iwi and dignitaries, representatives of the Kiingitanga, Ministers of Parliament, representatives of the House of the Governor General and Mayor of Ōpōtiki John Forbes have all confirmed their attendance as tributes and memorials will flow to those who lost their lives in one of the few cavalry charges in the New Zealand wars.
“We are extremely humbled that many distinguished guests, iwi and members of Parliament are coming. The day is to honour and remember those not just in our iwi but other iwi who joined in the struggle to fight for our lands” says Roger Rakuraku, Chairperson of Te Tarata organising committee.
The commemorations will begin on Sunday 4th October at 4am at Kioreroa (Pākōwhai), Memorial Park then at Ōrongoiti, (Pile Rd) with karakia by Ministers of the Ringatū Church to unveil the pou carvings and significant memorials.
The first pōhiri for the Kiingitanga, the motu and general public will take place at 10am at Ōhui, also known as the Waioweka Domain on the corner of Terere Pā Road. At 12pm, Ministers of Parliament and representatives of the government will be welcomed on in a mass pōhiri and haka with the participation of over 300 haka performers from all across the region.
To conclude, everyone is welcome for a kai hākari at Ōpeke marae, Waioweka.
More information here website http://www.tetarata.com