AOTNZ names top regional arts touring awards for 2018
RATA – AOTNZ names top regional arts touring awards for 2018
Each year come February to November, artists travel around New Zealand in the distinctive Arts On Tour van, bringing talent to out of the way places. The artists love this opportunity to explore little known venues around the country, from Northland to Invercargill (and sometimes Stewart Island).
We asked the artists touring during 2018 to give their pick of the venues they visited.
Their choices:

Best overall venue (Top Gig) - Oamaru Opera House
- For
hospitality, technical assistance, promotional and social
media support, general vibe
(Hospitality) Award - Onewhero Performing Arts
Best Theatre Venue – Oamaru Opera House
Best Music Venue – The Old Dairy Factory Norsewood
Best Individual Community Presenter – Jade Gillies of Gillies Creative, Invercargill
offers congratulations to the winning venues, and to Jade,
and thanks all our venues for their continued support.