Smith dismays teachers with national Decision
Education Minister Nick Smith dismayed about 400 representatives when he announced that compulsory national testing will go ahead as a pilot in his speech to the 116th annual meeting of NZEI Te Riu Roa today.
The minister has been told repeatedly by parents, teachers and principals that compulsory national testing of primary students would not be in the best educational interests of children. National testing overseas has proved unpopular, expensive and of no value in raising school achievement.
“Teachers already use a variety of assessment methods as part of their teaching methods and choose those that best suit individual children. Parents need to know how they can help their own children progress,” said NZEI national president Darrell Ward. “Machine-marked pen and paper tests results won’t provide this vital information.”
On the positive side, the minister also announced that assessment resource banks will be further developed and the National Education Monitoring Project strengthened.
Dr Smith also confirmed that the national advisory service, experienced as a lifeline by many schools, will be made contestable except for the rural service.
After months of principal after principal explaining to the minister the value to schools of having the centralised service the announcement was viewed as destructive.
The decision, if implemented, would mean $21.5 million devolved directly to schools or about $600 per teacher to be used to hire advisory services. “That’s hardly enough to cover basic costs for a week,” Darrell Ward said. Also, there would be no guarantee that appropriate services would be provided where they are needed.
Representatives also found the minister’s “S.P.I.C.E. for Education” speech deficient in that he made no reference to the early childhood and support staff sectors, and gave lame responses to questions about pay parity for kindergarten teachers and professional recognition for support staff.
Myths about national testing
NZEI Te Riu Roa is not opposed to student assessment or the making available of more information to parents. What it is opposed to is simplistic, narrowly-based testing which may be used indiscriminately in the media to rank "good" and "bad" schools. A number of myths have grown up around national testing:
Parents are
clamouring for compulsory national testing information.
Parents want and have a right to know how their children
are progressing at school. There is already dependable high
quality information about student achievement from the time
they start school. Boards have policies to monitor student
progress and achievement. This information comes from
several sources, eg, NEMP, ARBs, school entry assessment.
Compulsory national tests focus only on aspects of numeracy
and literacy. They do not cover the breadth of a child's
learning nor now well the child has progressed measured
against his or her own achievement in every area.
Compulsory national testing will show if school
programmes are effective
No. National testing does not
test how well a school performs. It cannot measure how much
children have learnt since they started. Currently, school
certificate results are used by the media to illustrate
'good schools'. Yet they do not show which children are
truly making the most progress. So teachers could be
pressured to teach to the test. National testing could have
a negative impact on school programmes and individual
students' learning opportunities.
Compulsory national
tests will tell parents if their child's school is a good
No. Schools cannot be compared in this simplistic
way. Children come from different backgrounds and
experiences. Their needs are different. The Education Review
Office reviews school performance every three years. ERO
produces a report made available to parents.
Teachers are opposed to compulsory national tests for
children because teachers are not professionally
Teachers are opposed because the tests are not
educationally sound. Overseas experience shows that tests do
not improve learning. They are counter-productive. They
hamper schools from providing broad and rich learning
opportunities. Instead of education programmes being better
informed by tests, there is evidence to the contrary.
overseas experience shows that parents want compulsory
national testing.
There has been international
opposition to this form of assessment from both teachers and
parents. In Scotland, England, and Victoria, Australia, for
example, parents refused to send their children to school to
sit national tests. In New South Wales, legislation had to
be passed to protect schools from inappropriate comparisons.
Parents and teachers didn't want tests there and they do not
want them in New Zealand. We already have good information.
We simply need to use it to talk with parents.
currently assess children a lot but the information is of
little use.
Teachers in every school are constantly
collecting and marking work which is used for assessment.
They use a variety of assessment methods as part of their
teaching programmes. These assessments are not used to
compare children. Teachers use this information to develop
learning programmes and to keep a record on progress and
achievement of each child. Teachers choose the assessment
that best suits the needs of children. For example, in a
class where many children speak English as a second
language, written tests are unlikely to be used for
assessing numeracy. Written tests usually require reading in
English and are unlikely to give a true picture of a child's
Ten more reasons why we oppose national testing.
1. Continuous assessment is more effective than a
'moment in time' test.
2. Testing takes up teaching time
and won't improve learning.
3. Test results can be used
to label individual children.
4. Tests are often written
to favour one group of students.
5. Test results are
often given more importance than more accurate forms of
6. Test results can be interpreted unfairly.
7. National testing does not test how well a school
8. Huge sums of money and learning would be
diverted to testing on an annual basis.
9. Testing is
unnecessary to achieve higher learning standards.
Testing is stressful for