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Scoop Today - News From Festival City And More


Four-Nil to Team NZ - Scoop Prediction
Mozambique Floods - Tragedy Imminent
Chechen Rebels Still Holding Out
Wellington’s Festival Fringe Exposed
Winston Less Popular Than God
Scoop In The House: Question Time

Kid’s TV Ad Free?
Petrol Price Rises
Qualification Delayed
Samoan Quota Scheme
Broadcast Spectrum To Be Auctioned
Smarter Idiot Box

(For much much more..... see Scoop - http://www.scoop.co.nz/)

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FESTIVAL 2000: Active Takes Art To The Street
FESTIVAL 2000: Frogging Around With A Greek Comedy
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Four-Nil to Team NZ - Scoop Prediction

- Race four of the America's Cup has started with Team New Zealand leading Prada up to the first mark by 45 seconds. The Italians have seemingly made an early blunder and surrendered the favourable right-hand-side of the course. A Team New Zealand problem with a broken winch along with a slight wind-shift to the left has allowed Prada to gain some valuable time on the trip downwind to the second mark. But New Zealand’s strong defence meant they crossed mark two 39 seconds in front. On the third mark the gap widened significantly to over 1 minute. And widened to 1 minute 41 seconds by mark four. On the final leg they lag over 500 metres behind. See Scoop for a race report shortly...

Mozambique Floods - Tragedy Imminent

– Thousands of people are likely to die needlessly in flood ravaged Mozambique if equipment and aid is not donated to international rescue efforts. See... Mozambique Floods Need Accelerated Relief Efforts [1] . The latest flooding in Mozambique and Zimbabwe have left hundreds of thousands of people stranded in trees and on roof-tops as the rising waters threaten their lives. The deluge has also brought the Zimbabwe's fragile economy close to a standstill. For local eyewitness reports see... Scoop Link: African Floods - Local Perspective [2] both in the International wire.

[1] - http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/WO0003/S00002.htm
[2] - http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/WO0002/S00055.htm

Chechen Rebels Still Holding Out

- Russian forces say they have made further progress in their aim to completely clear rebel opposition in the province of Chechnya. The following transcript is taken from the official news agency of the Chechen rebels.. See... Kavkaz News: Intense Fighting In The Mountains [1] in the International wire.

[1] - http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/WO0002/S00063.htm

Wellington’s Festival Fringe Exposed

- Fringe Reviewer Lissa Mitchell visits RoTRaction , a sound performance with some ornery instruments from the back shed, and is stunned by the wild and colourful comic imagery in photographic exhibition C’est Impossible ...See... Reports From The Fringe [1] . Meanwhile Radio Active is broadcasting an arts show live from the street for Festival 2000. The following pictures show DJ Amanda from Active and flautist Michelle Scullian from Zamba Flam a Latin Fusion band. Photos Tori Buttle. See... Scoop Images: Active Takes Art To The Street [2] both in the Art & Culture wire.

[1] - http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/CU0003/S00003.htm
[2] - http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/CU0003/S00002.htm

Winston Less Popular Than God

- Party Leader Graham Capill was delighted to learn that the Christian Heritage Party out-performed NZ First in the first Colmar Brunton Poll of the year. See... Christian Party Welcomes First Post-Election Poll [1] in the Politics wire. No Graham, your number crunching is faulty, says an abortion law reform group . See... ALRANZ Welcomes CHP Slide in Support [2] in the Politics wire. Also see... Helen Most Popular, Jenny Has “Nice Personality” [3] in the Headlines wire.

[1] - http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/PO0003/S00001.htm
[2] - http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/PO0003/S00003.htm
[3] - http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/HL0002/S00139.htm

Scoop In The House: Question Time

- Today's questions concern: Economic Development Ministry- Job Forecasts - Biosecurity And Used Cars - Jodi Ihaka Personal Grievance - Biosecurity And Used Cars - Paikatore And Tariana Turia Conflict Of Interest - School Cert and NCEA - Health Announcements and more. See... SCP HOUSE: Questions Of The Day [1] in the Headlines wire.

[1] - http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/HL0003/S00001.htm


Kid’s TV Ad Free?

- Broadcasting Minister Marion Hobbs is considering banning advertisment’s scheduled around children’s television. Green MP Sue Kedgley has welcomed the Government's commitment to eliminate advertisements during children's TV shows, but does not believe that a voluntary ban would work. See... Voluntary ad ban for kids not enough - Kedgley [1] in the wire.

[1] - http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/PA0003/S00003.htm

Petrol Price Rises

- Petrol Prices rising again with Mobil and BP announcing they will up their prices for petrol and diesel by two cents a litre, the third lift in a month. New Zealand First has called on oil companies to publicly justify the recent round of petrol price increases. The price for petrol has increased by eight cents this year. See... Petrol Price Rises Must Be Transparent - NZFirst [1] in the Parliament wire.

[1] - http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/PA0003/S00004.htm

Qualification Delayed

- The timetable for implementing a new secondary school qualification, the National Certificate of Educational Achievement, is being extended for one year to ease its implementation says the Minister of Education. However not all teachers are happy about the delay in establishing the new system which would replace School Certificate. See... Extension to National Certificate time-table [1] in the Parliament wire. Manufacturers have come out in support of the decision. See... Some Common Sense At Last [2] in the Politics wire.

[1] - http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/PA0003/S00002.htm
[2] - http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/PO0003/S00002.htm

Samoan Quota Scheme

- Registrations for this year's Samoan Quota Scheme will open on 1 May 2000, the Minister of Immigration, Hon Lianne Dalziel, said today. See... Residency quota scheme opens for Samoan people [1] in the Parliament wire.

[1] - http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/PA0003/S00001.htm

Broadcast Spectrum To Be Auctioned

- The Acting Communications Minister Trevor Mallard will release details of the 2GHz Spectrum Auction tommorrow. See... 2GHz Spectrum Auction Details - Advisory [1] in the Parliament wire.

[1] - http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/PA0002/S00389.htm

Smarter Idiot Box

- Philips has set a new standard in TV technology with the launch today (March 1) of its new Matchline TV - the Philips RF100. The TV’s new technology eliminates the annoying strobe effect when objects move quickly on a screen. See... Philips Sets New Standard For TV Viewing [1] in the Business wire.

[1] - http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/BU0003/S00001.htm

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