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Scoop Today - Just Politics

GreenPeace And Sandra Lee Combine Forces To Fight Whaling
Anderton Comes Out Anti-Pot
Scoop World: Goff On The Two Koreas
What Our Ministers Are Up To This Week
Trout Import Ban
More Health Reforms Detail Unveiled
Schools Online
Tobacco Tax Targets
Abortion Pill Introduction Welcomed
Scoop Business: Insider Trader To Be Sued
Agency Communication A Factor in Death
Annual Uni Squeeze Ends
ACT On Home Invasion & Susan Burdett
A Shot In The Arm For Drug Addiction Treatment
Poisonous Candles Banned
Auckland & Regional Development
Refugees Given A Booster

Scoop Business: Economic Growth Slows Sharply
Scoop Analysis: US Linguist Explains Why Dover Type Stories Are So Compelling


GreenPeace And Sandra Lee Combine Forces To Fight Whaling

- Conservation Minister Sandra Lee says a 104,000 signature petition in support of whale sanctuaries presented to her today by Greenpeace was, “a welcome boost to the New Zealand campaign for a South Pacific whale sanctuary". See... Greenpeace petition "welcome boost" [1] in the Parliament wire

[1] - http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/PA0006/S00565.htm

Anderton Comes Out Anti-Pot

– Jim Anderton has come down strongly against the legalisation of marijuana laws in a recent speech. See... Jim Anderton - Reform of marijuana laws [1] in the Parliament wire. Meanwhile the Libertarianz have a different view. See... Hemp Freedom Will Get People Working - Libz [2] in the Politics wire. Christian Heritage have also expressed their views on the subject this morning. See… Politicians Must Not Legalise Cannabis [3] in the Politics wire.

[1] - http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/PA0006/S00550.htm
[2] - http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/PO0006/S00102.htm
[3] - http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/PO0006/S00104.htm

Scoop World: Goff On The Two Koreas

- “The Korean war commemorations in Seoul have given the international community the opportunity to demonstrate their support for continued peace and cooperation between North and South Korea,” Foreign Minister Phil Goff said today from Seoul. See... Goff Welcomes Korean Dialogue [1] in the Parliament wire. Meanwhile United NZ's Peter Dunne is angling for Parliamentary recognition for Korean veterans. See… Recognition Of New Zealand's Korean War Effort [2] . See also George Hawkins on Korea... Korean War, 50 Years Later [3] .

[1] - http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/PA0006/S00545.htm
[2] - http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/PA0006/S00564.htm
[3] - http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/PA0006/S00523.htm

What Our Ministers Are Up To This Week

See… Matt Robson Media Diary [1] , Jim Sutton's week - Media Diary [2] , Trevor Mallard - Media Diary to 2 July 2000 [3] , Diary Dr Cullen – 26 June to 2 July [4] , all in the Parliament wire.

[1] - http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/PA0006/S00563.htm
[2] - http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/PA0006/S00560.htm
[3] - http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/PA0006/S00557.htm
[4] - http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/PA0006/S00552.htm

Trout Import Ban

- An Order prohibiting trout imports has been extended to April 7, 2001, the Minister for the Environment, Marian Hobbs, announced today. See... Trout Import Ban Extended [1] in the Parliament wire.

[1] - http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/PA0006/S00562.htm

More Health Reforms Detail Unveiled

- Health Minister Annette King today released three more Cabinet papers on a range of issues relating to how District Health Boards will operate, saying she was pleased with progress toward the 2001 start-up date. See... Health Cabinet Papers Released [1] in the Parliament wire.

[1] - http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/PA0006/S00561.htm

Schools Online

- This year's Budget doubled the spending to support the key inititives within the Information and Communications Technology strategy in schools, Education Minister Trevor Mallard said today. See... Budget Boost for ICT In Schools [1] . Meanwhile Associate Education Minister Parekura Horomia said the development of an Online Learning Centre was a real breakthrough for teaching in te reo Maori. See... Minister thrilled at Maori language web presence [2] . This more three ministers Minister's got a first hand look at the Online Learning Centre. See... Ministers 'back to school' [3] , all in the Parliament wire.

[1] - http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/PA0006/S00554.htm
[2] - http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/PA0006/S00555.htm
[3] - http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/PA0006/S00556.htm

Tobacco Tax Targets

- With each hike in tobacco prices there is a corresponding rise in dairy and petrol station robberies. “Coincidence?”; asks Joy Faulkner, “I don't think so.” And what is the Minister of Police's weak-kneed response? See... See... Dairy Owners Tobacco Tax Targets [1] in the Politics wire.

[1] - http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/PO0006/S00103.htm

Abortion Pill Introduction Welcomed

- “It is good that RU-486, or medical abortion, is being introduced into this country after a decade of use overseas.” So says pro-choice lobby group - the Abortion Law Reform Association of New Zealand. See... ALRANZ On RU-486 And Medical Abortion [1] in the General wire.

[1] - http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/GE0006/S00059.htm

Scoop Business: Insider Trader To Be Sued

- ACT MP Stephen Franks welcomed the High Court grant of leave to proceed with the insider trading action against Fletcher Challenge ex-chairman Kerry Hoggard. Mr. Franks is involved in legal action against the former chair. See... Franks Welcomes High Court Ruling [1] in the Parliament wire.

[1] - http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/PA0006/S00542.htm

Agency Communication A Factor in Death

- An independent review into the care of Ben Chandra-Hills found no breaches of professional or ethical behaviour, but says gaps in services and poor inter-agency communication affected the quality of his care. See... Govt addresses issues in Ben Chandra-Hills report [1] in the Parliament wire. Also see the background information to the report. See... Findings Of The Review Of Ben Chandra-Hills [2] in the General wire.

[1] - http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/PA0006/S00541.htm
[2] - http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/GE0006/S00058.htm

Annual Uni Squeeze Ends

- The Government has put a stop to National's annual tertiary funding cuts which fuelled the large fees increases of the 1990s, Steve Maharey told polytechnic student union representatives in Taupo this evening. See... Government delivering on tertiary promises [1] . Also see... Tertiary Education and the 2000 Budget [2] in the Parliament wire.

[1] - http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/PA0006/S00540.htm
[2] - http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/PA0006/S00539.htm

ACT On Home Invasion & Susan Burdett

- ACT Justice spokesman Stephen Franks says common sense New Zealanders will despair at the twisted values of our criminal justice system shown by Justice William’s complaint that Teina Pora has been caught by the home invasion law. The convicted murderer is appealing his stiff sentence as his crime was committed before the invasion legislation became law. See... Judges In The Wrong Quandary [1] in the Parliament wire.

[1] - http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/PA0006/S00546.htm

A Shot In The Arm For Drug Addiction Treatment

- Prime Minister Helen Clark said today that the government has increased funding for alcohol, drug, and other addiction treatment and prevention programmes by $24.4 million over four years in the budget. See... $24.4 million funding boost - addiction treatment [1] in the Parliament wire.

[1] - http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/PA0006/S00547.htm

Poisonous Candles Banned

- Consumer Affairs Minister Phillida Bunkle today announced a ban on candles containing lead in their wicks. See... Poisonous Candles Banned [1] in the Parliament wire.

[1] - http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/PA0006/S00544.htm

Auckland & Regional Development

- On Friday Prime Minister, Helen Clarke and Government Ministers met with Auckland’s regional leaders to discuss development and other issues for the region. One of the problems discussed was public transport infrastructure which included harsh criticism of transport provider Transrail. For Auckland Mayor Christine Fletcher’s speech on the issue see... Auckland Mayoral Forum - Chris Fletcher Address [1] in the Parliament wire. For what Auckland councils want from the Government see... Auckland Councils Advocate For Economic Growth [2] . Also see their criticism of Transrail... Tranz Rail demand railway robbery [3] all in the Auckland wire. For the ACT party’s take on Auckland transport see…Traffic Chaos Proves Need For Action [4] in the Parliament wire.

[1] - http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/AK0006/S00016.htm
[2] - http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/AK0006/S00017.htm
[3] - http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/AK0006/S00015.htm
[4] - http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/PA0006/S00543.htm

Refugees Given A Booster

- The Minister of Immigration, Lianne Dalziel, said that for the first time ever, the Government is to put money into housing refugee status claimants. See... Government offers housing for asylum seekers [1] . Also see... Support for asylum seekers [2] and... More money to clear backlog of refugee claimants [3] all in the Parliament wire.

[1] - http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/PA0006/S00526.htm
[2] - http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/PA0006/S00525.htm
[3] - http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/PA0006/S00527.htm


The Mistreatment Of James Whakaruru

- The Government has carefully considered the Commissioner for Children's report into the April 1999 death of James Whakaruru and has already taken action in line with a number of its recommendations, Social Services and Employment Minister Steve Maharey. See... Acting on Commissioner's report – Maharey [1] . Also see Minister Of Corrections Matt Robson’s reaction. See... Minister welcome Children's Commissioner's report [2] and... Response to Commissioner for Children report [3] all in the Parliament wire.

[1] - http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/PA0006/S00551.htm
[2] - http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/PA0006/S00549.htm
[3] - http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/PA0006/S00548.htm

Scoop Business: Economic Growth Slows Sharply

- Economic activity increased in the March quarter by 0.8 per cent, said Acting Government Statistician Dianne Macaskill when releasing the latest Gross Domestic Product (GDP) figures. This follows a 2.3 per cent rise in the December 1999 quarter and a 2.6 per cent rise in the September 1999 quarter. See... Economy grows 0.8 per cent in March quarter [1] in the Business wire. REACTION: Michael Cullen - Export growth figures encouraging - Cullen [2] . Deutsche Bank - NZ:Q1/2000 Commentary [3] .

[1] - http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/BU0006/S00159.htm
[2] - http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/PA0006/S00559.htm
[3] - http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/BU0006/S00165.htm

Scoop Analysis: US Linguist Explains Why Dover Type Stories Are So Compelling

- Berkeley - Why do some stories, like the O.J. Simpson trial, the Thomas/Hill hearings or the Clinton/Lewinsky sex scandal, run on for months and even years, while other, ostensibly more important stories hardly get noticed by the news media? See... Why Gender/Race Relations Stories Run On And On [1] in the International wire.

[1] - http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/WO0006/S00141.htm

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