Scoop Images: From the Philly IMC

Protestors in China Town demonstrate against the death penalty
Following are photos from what is perhaps the most sophisticated political protest site existing to-date, The Philadelphia Independent Media Center ( According to the site it was formed to “...provide an alternative to the inevitably and unavoidably biased corporate media coverage of the [Republican Party} convention.”
The website uses the internet to provide a more democratic publishing model than traditional media, anyone can post a news article, editorial, photograph, or audio/video clip on the site.
The following are images of protestors who blocked streets, had run ins with the police, some of whom were mounted, in their aim to alert Republican delegates to issues of social misjustices. Central issues were increasing police brutality and the death penalty.

Nothing like a bit of passive resistance to block the traffic

The horse whisperer – I don’t think so... – a protestor avoids being trampled on by mounted police

Get up, sit down, sit down for your rights...

Police strke out at a protestor, and give him a kicking.