(IMPORTANT NOTE TO MY SCOOP SUBSCRIBERS... Gremlins which had been inhabiting the subscription engine have been banished and My Scoop users should now be able to change options again. Apologies for any inconvenience caused during the period of Gremlin occupation.)
- Sludge Report: Kiwi Advice To The World
- Latest overseas news from Scoop-Auckland's
Selwyn Manning
- Aucklanders Called To Their
Streets Again
- A Muslim Writes To Osama
- A Compendium Of Chomsky
- Opinion: An
Open Letter To Nightline
- George W’s Big Ask -
Finding Someone Else Who Wants To Bomb
- David
Miller: Bombing - The Answer Or Another
- US Media Watch – Theologians Unite For
- IMPORTANT NOTE TO MY SCOOP SUBSCRIBERS (REPEATED)... Gremlins which had been inhabiting the subscription engine have been banished and My Scoop users should now be able to change options again. Apologies for any inconvenience caused during the period of Gremlin occupation. -
Sludge Report: Kiwi Advice To The
….in this edition we feature two email messages - anonymous pleas for peace - apparently sent from New Zealand to the world in general and consumption in the USA in particular. Take it away Bob Harvey… See... Sludge Report #109 – Bomb Them With Butter [1]
[1] - http://www.scoop.co.nz/mason/stories/HL0109/S00181.htm
overseas news from Scoop-Auckland's Selwyn Manning
- Islam warns of anti-terrorism offensive: As battles rage between Taliban and opposition forces, Islamic countries warn of major retaliation if the United States military initiates an anti-terrorism offensive upon Afghanistan. See... Islam warns of retaliation... [1] New Zealand SAS Await Call - As British SAS and United States special military units become operative in and around Afghanistan, Scoop reports New Zealand forces are awaiting a call to duty. See... NZ's SAS Await Call... [2] Also, US Forces Positioning Throughout The Globe - United States military forces are positioning in strategic zones around the world so that when US President George W Bush decides on action the military is in a position to “carry those things out”.-US Forces Positioning Throughout The Globe... [3] And, Middle East Peace Talks Called Off By Israel - Israel and Palestinian peace-talks have again been called of by right-wing Israeli prime minister, Ariel Sharon. Sharon cited continued violence against Israelis by Palestinians as the reason for calling the talks off once again. See... Sharon Calls Off Peace-talks - Again... [4]
- http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/HL0109/S00189.htm
- http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/HL0109/S00186.htm
- http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/HL0109/S00187.htm
- http://www.scoop.co.nz/mason/stories/HL0109/S00182.htm
Aucklanders Called To Their Streets Again
- A rally, march and vigil to show New Zealand's opposition to the United States government's preparation for war against Afghanistan has been organised for Sat 29 September starting at 4pm in QE2 square, Auckland. See... Scoop BIG Image: Auckland S29 Peace Protest Poster [1] and the convening press release.. Auckland March To Stop The US War! – Sept 29th [2] . See also... Scoop Images: Rally For Peace [3]
[1] - http://www.scoop.co.nz/mason/stories/HL0109/S00198.htm
- http://www.scoop.co.nz/mason/stories/PO0109/S00089.htm
- http://www.scoop.co.nz/mason/stories/HL0109/S00165.htm
A Muslim Writes To Osama
- “Gradually we are beginning to see the "Islam" and "Jihad" propagated by you. Your 'hosts', just today, claimed that you are 'missing.' Then out of nowhere a letter shows up where you, like any traitor to the Muslim people, ask people of Pakistan to stand up against their government.” Writes Shahid Mahmud. See... Dear Mr. Laden, [1]
[1] - http://www.scoop.co.nz/mason/stories/HL0109/S00199.htm
A Compendium Of Chomsky
- summary: Composite interview with Noam Chomsky compiled from various phone and other interviews, including with the Greek, Spanish and French Press, concerning the events of September 11, 2001. See... Noam Chomsky Composite Interview 22 Sep 2001 [1]
[1] - http://www.scoop.co.nz/mason/stories/HL0109/S00197.htm
An Open Letter To Nightline
- “Dear Nightline, It is commendable that you seek to explore the causes of the hatred against us. Please do your best to turn this into a history lesson. I implore you to avoid trivialities. Nobody wants to destroy America because it produces porn, or because it does not cover its women. Much less because it supposedly promotes individual liberties. See... Opinion: Why Is America Hated In The Middle East? [1]
[1] - http://www.scoop.co.nz/mason/stories/HL0109/S00196.htm
W’s Big Ask - Finding Someone Else Who Wants To Bomb
- “The kind of alliance needed to fight the global war against invisible enemies that the US plans, needs close and sustained cooperation from several key players. Can the US build and sustain such an alliance?” Writes Dr. Muqtedar Khan. See... Opinion: Can Bush Build His Global Coalition? [1] . See also... Sludge Report #108 - War and Delusion [2]
[1] -
- http://www.scoop.co.nz/mason/stories/HL0109/S00175.htm
David Miller: Bombing - The Answer Or Another
It is not surprising that there have been calls for retaliation within the United States following the terrorist strikes on New York and Washington. It was inevitable that as shock gave way to anger there would be many people who wished to see ... See... David Miller: Will Bombing Solve the Problem? [1]
[1] - http://www.scoop.co.nz/mason/stories/HL0109/S00193.htm
US Media Watch – Theologians Unite For Peace
- "This is a short window of time to raise a voice to our political leaders and say 'Let us not become like those who have done this to us. Let us respond in a different kind of way.'" Between The Lines reports from D.C. See... Religious Leaders Call For Faith-based Response [1]
[1] - http://www.scoop.co.nz/mason/stories/HL0109/S00192.htm