Scoop Images: Auckland Peace March Take Two
Photos and story by Chloe Heffernan
Aotearoa Indymedia -

Two weeks after the last peace march (See… Scoop Images: March Against US War And Peace Vigil) Aucklanders took to the streets on Saturday again to protest against the US and British military strikes against Afghanistan.
Lots of new faces showed up to this action as the peace movement broadens out including religious groups, women's groups, the Princes Street branch of the Labour Party and many members of the Auckland Muslim Community.

Members of the Muslim community led the march with chants in Arabic which was joined by around 600 people.

Two children from an Afghan family held placards saying "What's the difference between you and Osama?" and "Don't kill my mum: I need her " as their mother is still in Afghanistan.

Green MP Keith Locke spoke at the rally before the march and participated in full. Locke was very critical of the government's decision to support the so-called "war on terrorism" by sending SAS troops.

People signed a giant banner against the war and a petition was also passed around. The March took in the US and British Consulate then proceeded up Queen Street to Albert Park where people sat in the sun to listen to further speakers.

Matt McCarten, President of the Alliance, talked "straight" about the "fight within the party" over the actions of the Alliance caucus supporting the Labour Party's stance. He said the Alliance party branches are clear in their condemnation of the war and see it as an imperialist act. Apparently the party executive are to meet tomorrow to have an "interesting discussion" as to whether their support for the government is in line with Alliance policy requiring UN endorsement. Maybe a change in stance is in the works?

Maire Leadbeater
Placard (2)
Relaxing In Albert