The Medallion of the Apostolate of the New Evangelization
The Door to Heaven - Extracts
A teaching for Man,
about his
limits and reach.
Cochabamba —
Spanish Editions: 1996 and 1998
Edition 1.1 - July 1999
The Door to Heaven – Extract No. DH-90
Do Not Be ungrateful Before So Much
Beloved one, let us work a bit more on your preparation for Christmas Eve. Thank you for your weeping... Tears of compassion shed while contemplating My unutterable sufferings in the work of redemption, will dissolve your pride and cure you of your unfounded self-pity. It is that love grateful for My Passion and for the sufferings I bore for you, that becomes the capacity to share My Love and My pain for all men.
Thus, when a heart joins My Heart in the passages of My earthly life, it becomes My compassionate and active disciple from the depth of its soul. Remember that zeal for souls can only arise from amazement. Remember the passage in Matthew when he speaks of Levi, the publican: as soon as I invited him to follow Me, he prepared a great banquet full of sinners and publicans. Consider this, Levi did not think that he was better than the other sinners and since he was invited by Me, I would surely not reject any of the others. He wanted the others to share the joy of knowing Me.
Now, meditate. My goodness made Me wait for you and save your life when you had fallen into misfortune; My compassion enlightened you and invited you to forgiveness; it gave you repentance, the desire to love Me and now you are in My Grace... Pray for wisdom and strength so as not to be ungrateful before so much Grace. Reflect deeply on My Love for you...
EDITOR’S NOTE: Through the rest of 2002, Scoop will be publishing a series of daily reflections on spiritual matters from Bolivian author Katya Rivas. Rivas, has received an official imprimatur from the Catholic Church for several books she says she was instructed to write by Jesus Christ, Mary and various Angels. Scoop’s extract, above, comes from Rivas’s book “The Door to Heaven”. In 1999 Katya Rivas was the subject of a top-rating documentary show hosted by Mike Willessee (see Scoop TV review - Jesus Christ Tells FOXNews He Wants To Hug World and Scoop Images ). More recently Rivas says she was instructed by Jesus to have her books translated and published on the internet with the intention of having the books distributed to as wide an audience as possible. Several of the books can now be read online at http://www.greatcrusade.org/, and more are coming soon.
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