The Medallion of the Apostolate of the New Evangelization
The Door to Heaven - Extracts
A teaching for Man,
about his
limits and reach.
Cochabamba —
Spanish Editions: 1996 and 1998
Edition 1.1 - July 1999
The Door to Heaven – Extract No. Brief Messages 2
Brief Messages -
The Lord
Beloved child, sweet daughter of Mine, to be saintly is to stretch out your hand to those who are in need and who do not feel able to tell you. Thank you for offering your help.
EDITOR’S NOTE: Through the rest of 2002, Scoop will be publishing a series of daily reflections on spiritual matters from Bolivian author Katya Rivas. Rivas, has received an official imprimatur from the Catholic Church for several books she says she was instructed to write by Jesus Christ, Mary and various Angels. Scoop’s extract, above, comes from Rivas’s book “The Door to Heaven”. In 1999 Katya Rivas was the subject of a top-rating documentary show hosted by Mike Willessee (see Scoop TV review - Jesus Christ Tells FOXNews He Wants To Hug World and Scoop Images ). More recently Rivas says she was instructed by Jesus to have her books translated and published on the internet with the intention of having the books distributed to as wide an audience as possible. Several of the books can now be read online at http://www.greatcrusade.org/, and more are coming soon.
COPYRIGHT NOTICE: “Copyright© 2000 by The Great Crusade of Love and Mercy. All rights reserved. This book is published in coordination with The Apostolate of the New Evangelization. Permission is granted to reproduce this book as a whole in its entirety with no changes or additions and as long as the reproduction and distribution is done solely on a non-profit basis. This document is available at no cost online and can be downloaded and printed from the following Web Sites: in English at: http://www.greatcrusade.org and Spanish at: http://www.grancruzada.org …Please copy and distribute this book”.