Scoop readers have produced a few corker captions for the following picture - circulating widely on the Interent - of U.S. President George W. Bush apparently looking across the Korean DMZ.
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The captions follow:
Frank Waddingham - "Where's Iraq? ......... Someone has blown it away without me!"
Dabbble - "Glad we've got the Congressional support for our Arctic oil prospecting. Mighty chilly though."
Scott Creighton - "The blind leading the blind"?
Lyndsay Powell - "Dang it guys I still can't see a thing, are these binoculars really for night 'cos its pitch black out there....."
Rob Hawken - “Gee these
night vision goggles sure do work, it's as black as the
of one of pappy’s oil rigs.”
Bruce Hill -" That's Bushit! I can't see a damn thing!"
Bruce Hill - "That's funny, I thought these were regular field glasses, not night vision ones!"
Meanwhile the question on whether the photo is authentic or altered remains moot according to urban legends authority
- For more captions see … Scoop Feedback: Caption Contest For Dubya Photo