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IN THIS EDITION: What about the Congo? – Mohamed Atta and US/German Exchange Students - Baghdad – Electricity – Prostitutes – Road Map to Peace – “Statistics” and Politicians – Guyana – Irael/Palestine – NZ Constitution…


What about the Congo

Hey pooperSCOOPers,

What about it? Are your writers so obsessed with defiling the Great Satan they, and you, have decided to ignore the obscenity of that civil war? I know, the USA isn't remotely implicated and so it isn't newsworthy.

Come on you bunch of half-ass social engineers, your prejudges are showing again. (Sorry for my politically incorrect language)

Richard Bouvier


Re: Mohamed Atta Worked for Elite U.S. - German Government Exchange Program

Background article: http://www.scoop.co.nz/mason/stories/HL0305/S00092.htm

Dear Mr. Hopsicker,

I was recent forwarded your article "Mohamed Atta Worked for Elite U.S. - German Government Exchange Program" by a friend of mine. This friend and I and both participated in the Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange Program in 1995-1996. I must admit, however, that we must have missed the orientation class on how to vaporize our host nation of Germany.

Though I was originally intrigued to find an article headed with the logo of the Carl Duisberg Society, I was terribly disappointed to find the entire piece a pointless exercise of conspiracy theory run amok. Through my time within the Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange, I feel I can certainly vouch for the program and CDS/CDG to be exactly what the program officers claim - a cultural exchange program committed to strengthen global cooperation and understanding amongst individuals, businesses, organizations, and communities.

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I have no idea what Mohamed Atta was doing while involved with the organization or under what circumstances he was admitted. I think it is clear that you have no idea either. While is it very saddening that a former member of this fine organization went on years later to commit such a reprehensible act as occurred on 9/11/01, in no way does this reflect any culpability back on CDS. Contrarily, the mission of this organization is to promote intercultural exchange to prevent exactly this kind of tragedy. Though you seem to be aghast by the idea of it in your article, this mission of cross-cultural exchange does actually apply to other nations outside the U.S. and Germany, as well.

For you to insinuate that CDS was bankrolling the nefarious plottings of Mohamed Atta is absolutely shameful. Perhaps the reason the Chicago Tribune made no mention of Atta's former relationship with CDS is that it had nothing to do with his criminal activities. A responsible journalist would not make such a reckless implication without evidence.

Your besmirchment of President Clinton, Henry Kissinger, and other benefactors of the CDS was equally detestable. However, I must acknowledge that the circle of individuals and groups that you've drawn into your cover-up theory represent quite a broad cross-section of the political spectrum.

I take great pride in my association with the Carl Duisberg Society/Carl Duisberg Gesellschaft and the Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange Program and I find your characterization of the CDS/CDG extremely distasteful. This was not journalism. This was a smearing of an honorable organization in an effort to fabricate some phony conspiracy story. Many Americans strongly disagree with recent actions by their government, but this was just poor excuse for some America-bashing and you sullied the reputation of a thoroughly decent independent organization to do it.

I have long supported the liberal ideals that Scoop often champions in their reporting and I'm terribly disappointed that the editors would choose to allow such irresponsible writing to appear on their website. Scoop has forever lost a certain amount credibility in my eyes because of it.

-Michael Feran


Writer Daniel Hopsicker Replies

Read your own letter: "I have no idea what Mohamed Atta was doing while involved with the organization or under what circumstances he was admitted." neither does the rest of the world. and if i had a relative among the 3000 dead, i'd tear your throat out before i'd let you keep me from finding out why.


Out of the loop

Scoopers: You really are totally out of touch. Why not report on some of the positive events happening in Bagdhad for a change? For example:

Sterling Doughty - US Citizen in Exile - Adliswil, Switzerland


Comment on Electricity Crisis by Mr. Baldwin

In his article, "The Electricity ‘Crisis’", Tony Baldwin states that engineers do not understand economists and vice-versa. I would add that neither completely understands economics. Would life not be wonderful if the engineers could do away with friction, waste, and the limitations of materials when building wind turbines just as the economists overlook acid rain, lung disease, and environmental degradation when they figure up the costs of coal? The great thing about economics and accounting is that when things are difficult to quantify they are simply omitted.

Paul Knopp - Lincoln, NE USA


Opinion: The Guaranteed Failure Of The Road Map

Very good research and analyzing ! please forward to writer.

The Guaranteed Failure Of The Road Map - By Tanya Reinhart Yediot Aharonot, May 14, 2003

Angie Badett - Germany


“Statistics” “Research” “Evidence” And Politicians

When bureaucrats, academics, politicians, and self-serving lobbyists enthusiastically quote "statistics", "research", and "evidence" to back up their latest ideological hobby horse, I am often dismayed that they don't seem to have the same enthusiasm in making this information available to the public.

What is even more disappointing is the public's unwillingness to even question the "experts" oral or written assurances of the validity of their research.

We have the Ministries of Health, Education, & Youth Affairs assuring us that suicide intervention programmes that mention suicide are "not helpful" - prove it; the sex industry advocating that Prostitution Law Reform "has worked overseas" - prove it; the Family Court assuring us that they are "not biased towards fathers" - prove it.

It's interesting to note that these same sort of "experts", backed by supposed "empirical evidence", erannuation fund, and numerous health service restructures, to name just a few.

Wisdom is proved right, by what results from it" has never rung so true as it does in New Zealand right now. Might it be time for us voters to start exercising some wisdom for ourselves, come the next election?

Steve Taylor - Auckland


Prostitution Debate

Re the prostitution debate. The rightful place for sexual intercourse in a decent society is between husband and wife in a marriage relationship.

It is a fact that Prostitution is unhealthy in more ways than one. It is a fact that prostitution appeals to weak willed men. It is a fact that it degrades women.

It is a fact that a brothel in a country is a sign of a sick country. It is a fact that condoms even when used correctly are unreliable. It is a fact that condoms do not stop some sexually transmitted diseases. The facts of the wrongness could go on and on.

Because it is wrong in so many ways, Government should not pass laws that make something that is wrong, legally right. There are too many wrongs in our law now, don't add to the list !

Allistair Meikle – Gore NZ


A Call To Prostitutes in New Zealand

Would you like to have a roof over your head, safety and a wage for wholesome, caring work in your community? That is a wage for work with your clothes on? Are you ready for a change in lifestyle? Sign up for training 0800 FBC 123 or look at our website Family- Building-Centres.org We build Families not Brothels.

Annebeth Riles Broad – Havlock NZ


Re: Prostitution in NZ

In Regard to the process involved in the'çonscience' vote for or against the Prostition Reform Bill, which appears in general to have become a 'party-block or party-stance vote' rather than an individual M.P. conscience vote.

This bill, and its processes, has received significant 'air play'. When I first submitted a submission I introduced the concept of being able to prosecute both purchaser and the vendor. I had it verbally noted that "most often prostition is 'rental rape'! Once the door is closed and the money changes hands can anyone please find me a prostitute who really wants to be subject to what her client may & will demand, inspite of the dollars changing hands." Every member of the Select Committee in Auckland became very quiet. I repeated the statement, and then left it with them as my parting thought assigned to their "own consciences".

Con (with) science...there seems to be little science from many of our M.P's(or compassion)towards prostitutes who so often open themselves up to 'rental rape'? M'P's, are they applying the process we used to call and define as a 'con (with)science vote!?'My, how the world & our language useage is changing...

Ian Mc Innes, Sunnyhills Chaplaincy


Guyana: Great Progress For Peace

http://www.rehabnz.co.nz/pages/values-gayana.html [A 30% decrease in crime!]

Through much of 2001, civil unrest and political turmoil plagued Guyana; a small country nestled between Brazil, Venezuela and Surinam in South America. Mr. Ram Jagdat, a long-time supporter of The Way to Happiness Foundation and a native of Guyana, formed up a team and they succeeded in getting a copy of The Way to Happiness® booklet to every household in the entire country, including the President and key officials throughout the country. Since the distribution took place a great many changes have occurred in Guyana, including:

A very recent communiqué signed by President Bharrat Jagdeo and Leader of the Opposition, Mr. Robert Corbin, an important step in the ongoing peace process.

A 30% decrease in crime!

To view any of over 300 Successes and Endorsements including selections from many Government Officials. http://www.rehabnz.co.nz/pages/values-education.html#success

Kevin Owen - Rotorua


Constitution for NZ

Would also like to express my support for a written Constitution for NZ. When this was attempted last year, we did not get enough signatures due to lack of publicity.

P. Watson – NZ


Mazen/Sharon Sat. 17.5.3.

Sir, Sharon's meeting with Arafat's deputy for over 40 years and a prominent Holocaust Denier; Abu Mazen, who has done absolutely nothing to destroy the infrastructure of Arab terror, (check Palestinian terrorist action in May alone!) is a joke. To agree to meet with someone who calls for the murder of Jews living in Judea, Samaria and Gaza, both soldiers and civilians, is incomprehensible; and Mazen has the nod from Pres. Bush?

Peter Parr – Christchurch NZ


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