Steven Gray DVD Review: The Castle

The Castle (1997) (M)

Alright, if you have
never seen this film, rent it right now. One of the
funniest, most charming and subtle comedies ever made, this
is on my top ten of all time list, and I'm putting it
straight into the pool room.
The skill of the film is that at the start you are thinking, 'what a bunch of westie drongos', and by the end you love them all and would happily spend a lot more time in the company of the delightful Kerrigan family.
Featuring pitch perfect performances from the entire cast (who were mainly television actors), this was the first film from the 'Working Dog' comedy collective, that started on television with the brilliant satire 'Frontline' and followed this film up with the equally charming movie 'The Dish'.
Savagely critical of government arrogance and based on a true story, 'The Castle' is a film that can be watched again and again and never lose its appeal or charm.
It also has some of the most quotable dialogue of all time, which you still hear people quoting now, almost ten years after it came out. It is rare I give guarantees with film hire, but to not enjoy this film, you would have to be dead. Hire it right now.