STORY OF THE WEEK: Week Ending 19th
Foreshore & Seabed Act

Titiwhai Harawira Leads Maori Party Picket Of PM's Electorate Office.
Foreshore & Seabed Act
Becomes Law - “The government will uphold equally the
rights of access to the foreshore and seabed and the right
to lawful, peaceful protest by those who wish to express
opposition to the new legislation,” says Acting Prime
Minister Michael Cullen. See... Rights must be respected – Cullen
- Maori Party - Turia: Third Reading Of Foreshore And Seabed Bill
Greens - Shameful foreshore legislation enshrines racism
Govt. - Certainty restored to foreshore and seabed
National - Brash: Foreshore and Seabed Bill Third Reading
Labour Party - Maori
customary rights enshrined in law
United Future - Foreshore Act passage a sad event for New Zealand
The Foreshore & Seabed's Last And Sorry Act - It should not be surprising that it has ended like this: that the government’s inept response to last year’s Court of Appeal decision on the foreshore and seabed should have ended with the ramming through under urgency of one of the most controversial ... See... Foreshore & Seabed Act: Sad End to Sorry Spectacle

Foreshore & Seabed Protest At Parliament Today
Titiwhai Harawira Leads
Maori Party Picket Of PM’s Office - A Northern faction
of the Maori Party, led by Titiwhai Harawira is picketing
Prime Minister Helen Clark’s electorate office in protest
against the Government’s foreshore and seabed bill. Earlier
this morning an axe was embedded in the Prime Minister’s
electorate office window frame... See... Images: Maori Party Pickets PM’s Electorate
Axe Attack Smashes
PM’s Electorate Office Window - A criminal investigation
into an axe attack on Prime Minister Helen Clark’s electoral
office in Mt Albert was initiated shortly after 6.30 this
morning. See... Axe attack sparks investigation
Scoop - Scoop Images: Foreshore & Seabed Protest At Parlt.
- Scoop - Images: Maori Party Pickets PM’s Electorate Office
Foreshore & Seabed Bill Passed 2nd Reading
Wednesday Morning - The Government's Foreshore and
Seabed Bill passed its second reading this morning 65-55
with assistance from New Zealand First. More news will
follow this afternoon.
- Govt -
Interests of whanau, hapu and iwi to be protected
Govt - Changes to Seabed Bill protect Maori interests
Govt. - Improvements to the Foreshore and Seabed Bill
Maori Party - Maori Party Appalled At Foreshore And Seabed
- Maori Party Speech - Turia Speech Foreshore and Seabed Bill 2nd Reading
- Nats - Labour spin starts to unravel on seabed
- United
Future - UF moves for 75% majority to protect foreshore
- NZ
First - Support Foreshore And Seabed Legislation
National - Public shut out again from foreshore issue
Haste To Fix The Seabed & Foreshore Plays Kiwis For Suckers - Brownlee - "The Labour Government is playing New Zealanders for suckers with its cheap and nasty quick-fix law to settle the seabed and foreshore issue," says National Party Maori Affairs spokesman Gerry Brownlee. See... Labour plays Kiwis for suckers on seabed law and Labour gets out the chequebook