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Election Main Page : Campaign Diary : Poll Watch
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As has become a tradition is again holding its election Sweepstake.
You the reader get to pick the numbers of seats for each party and whoever gets the closest answer will win something nice.
For the avoidance of doubt the Scoop reader winner will be determined on the basis of the election night figures. The judges have determined that to wait for electoral petitions, special votes and recounts would be a touch tedious.
At this stage the something nice consists of a book & a slap up meal voucher, plus the ego boost that comes from knowing you are better than anyone else at reading the mood of the nation. (We will let the winner decide whether Scoop gets to tell the nation how clever they are after the winner is announced.)
The format for answers is provided in an example below. Please either send to with "Sweepstake" In the subject line. Or if you prefer send it to us via the SCOOP FEEDBACK FORM []
Labour 47
National 44
First 10
Greens 9
Maori 4
Progressive 2
TOTAL 121 (1 seat overhang)
PLEASE NOTE: YOU NEED TO TELL US SEAT NUMBERS... NOT PERCENTAGES OF THE VOTE & it will pay to double check your addition. For those who don't already know there are 120 seats in Parliament barring an overhang caused by a party getting more seats than it does Party Vote. If you want to include extra predictions like who will win which seats then feel free to do so and the judges will take those into account in the event we have more than one winning entry.