Top 30 Weekend Ratings September 24-25
Dates: 24-25 September 2005
1: Keith Locke To Run Down Epsom Main Street Naked
The Newmarket Business Association is paving the way to make it very easy for Green MP Keith Locke to deliver on his promise to run naked through the streets of Epsom if ACT MP Rodney Hide was victorious in Epsom on election night.
2: Supercomputer Weather: Rita's Landfall Forecast
Hurricane Rita, downgraded presently to a Category 4 Hurricane – but forecast to intensify over the coming 12 hours, remains on track to plough directly into the most densely populated stretch of the Texas coast in roughly 30 hours time (click ...
3: Paul Buchanan: Failures Of Communication
Paul Buchanan writes that the despondent pilot that threatened to crash into the Auckland Skytower provided authorities with an excellent live action drill in emergency preparedness and threat assessment. The Skytower was evacuated with little complication ...
4: Special Report (Satire): Hurricane RITA watch
Gulf of Mexico-- As category 5 Hurricane Rita threatened Houston, Galveston, Corpus Christie and other Gulf Coast cities on Thursday, President Bush announced that his administration is prepared for the aftermath of Katrina.
5: Scoop Satellite Image: NZ's Big Snow
The following image is sourced from NASA's Modis Satellite . It shows New Zealand as seen from space shortly after the big snowfall of two days ago.
6: SkyTV Revolution “My Sky” Launch Date Confirmed
SKY Television today unveiled “MY SKY”, the personal video recorder (PVR), to be launched on 5 December 2005, which will forever change the way New Zealanders watch television.
7: UK "Undercover Soldiers" Driving Booby Trapped Car
The following Reuters report raises some disturbing questions. Why were undercover British soldiers wearing traditional Arab headscarves firing at Iraqi police? The incident took place just prior to a major religious event in Basra.
8: Congress Reps. Object To Valerie Plame Inquiry Res
Dissenting Views to Accompany H.Res. 420, Resolution of Inquiry to the Attorney General - We strongly dissent from the Majority’s decision to report unfavorably H. Res. 420, a resolution of inquiry directed to the Attorney General regarding the ...
9: The Fundamentalist Shadow of George W. Bush
“How do you find a lion that has swallowed you?” asked Swiss psychologist, Carl Jung, commenting on the moral dilemma posed by the “shadow,” his insightful term for the dark, hidden side of the human psyche. The answer to Jung’s questions is “you can’t ...
10: Central American Strikes And The Energy Crisis
In Central America the relentless upward trend in oil prices is provoking crisis in the parts of the region's electrical energy system dependent on oil. Panama, Nicaragua and Honduras are the countries in the region most dependent on oil imports. Overall ...
11: Russ Wellen: A Super-Power Stripped Bare
A Super-Power Stripped Bare Powerless in the Face of a Hurricane, the US Cringes at the Thought of Nuclear Terrorism By Russ Wellen
12: Drug Rape Trust Appalled By Article
The NZ Drug Rape Trust considers the article “Diary of a drug rapist” in the Otago University Students Association’s (OUSA) publication Critic highly offensive and lacking in any ethical stance or justification. It is irresponsible journalism at ...
13: ELECTION '05: Special Vote Calculator
Special vote caclulator By Douglas Bagnall Click to view....
14: Ministers highlight impact of policy on people
As the General Assembly continued the General Debate of its 60th anniversary session this afternoon, government ministers stressed that international agreements and State activities should have concrete, positive impact on the security, rights and peaceful ...
15: Operation Lucy update - Victim's ID confirmed
Police can now confirm the identity of the victim. She is Birgit Brauer, a 28 year old German tourist.
16: “How-to Guide to Drug Rapists” to Chief Censor
17: Indonesia: Fighting Bird Flu Should Be Priority
Concerned over the spread of bird flu in Indonesia, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) today called for stepped up government control measures and funding to combat the virus, which in a worst case scenario could mutate into a worldwide ...
18: Kevin List: What's Dunne Got Against The Greens?
Last evening United Future leader Peter Dunne took a leaf out of his good friend National leader Don Brash's campaigning book and explained on TVNZ's Close Up at Seven that the Green Party's worldview was not that of the 'mainstream'.
Before any more of you have to ask "what comes next for you" I'll tell you. This column is all about me. More dust must settle before I'll venture any prescription for ACT, after our voters went to National.
20: Helen Clark and Winston Peters meet
The two leaders confirmed their understanding of Mr Peters’ Rotorua speech on 7th September 2005, in which he set out the position New Zealand First would take to ensure stable government for the next term of Parliament.
21: Imact of Policy On People Highlighted UN Assembly
As the General Assembly continued the General Debate of its 60th anniversary session this afternoon, government ministers stressed that international agreements and State activities should have concrete, positive impact on the security, rights and peaceful ...
22: Armed Hold-Up At BNZ Meadowland Dr, Howick
Police report that an armed hold-up has taken place at the BNZ Meadowlands branch. Police say one male offender entered BNZ armed with a pistol. Fired one shot into air then pointed firearm at teller and demanded cash. The offender then fled scene ...
23: The Mapp Report
This coming week, the special votes will be counted. There are 193,000 of them, which is nearly 10% of all the votes cast. Will they affect the provisional outcome?
I'm writing this message to thank all of my column subscribers for your support over the years and also for the kind wishes that many of you have expressed over the loss of my parliamentary seat.
25: Book Launch: Hitler Was A British Agent
Greg Hallett and the Spymaster have co-authored a book titled Hitler Was British Agent. The authors have been researching for the past two years gathering information from all around the world including Europe. Interview subjects included: James Bond ...
26: Total baggage screening starts at airports
Wellington and Palmerston North airports are to introduce total baggage screening for outgoing international passengers from Monday (September 26).
27: Mark Drolette: Hate America? You Bet - This One
“I have seen the face of God!” No, this is not George W. Bush’s daily affirmation upon looking in the mirror each morning after coming to/transmogrifying/getting up (though it could be, I guess), but rather the rapturous exclamation from Howard Beale ...
28: U.S.-Australia-Japan Counter-Terrorism Talks
1. U.S.-Australia-Japan Counter-Terrorism Talks will be held on September 21 (Wed) and 22 (Thu) in Washington, D.C., U.S.A.
29: UN Report Warns Of Global Resurgence Of Racism
As a result of the proliferation of anti-terrorist policy, discrimination against religious groups, minorities and migrant populations is on the rise, particularly at waiting areas at airports, ports and borders, the United Nation's top official ...
30: Benin must repudiate illegal impunity with USA
Amnesty International today called on the government of Benin to repudiate an illegal impunity agreement it has signed with the USA and to reaffirm its commitment to international justice.