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Scoop Top 30 weekend Ratings - Jan 14-15 2006


The weekend’s top 30 rating items on Scoop were...

1: Greg Palast: No Child's Behind Left - The Test

New York -- Today and tomorrow every 8-year-old in the state of New York will take a test. It's part of George Bush's No Child Left Behind program. The losers will be left behind to repeat the third grade. Try it yourself. This is from the state's ...


2: Linda Clark To Leave Nine To Noon

Linda Clark is to leave National Radio’s Nine To Noon programme in March after presenting the high profile show for almost four years.


3: Southern Ocean Whaling Conflict Implications

Skirmishes between anti-whaling activists and the Japanese whaling fleet conducting purported scientific culling of minke and finback whales in the Southern Ocean nature sanctuary have led to calls for military intervention on both sides.
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4: NZ Concerned About Iran's nuclear programme

Foreign Minister Winston Peters reiterated his strong concern today at the news that Iran had started to remove International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) seals on uranium enrichment equipment and material at Natanz and other facilities and had said it ...


5: Elements Festival Attracts International Origami M

It is probably one of New Zealand’s most unusual professions, but Origami Master Jonathan Baxter is amongst the best in his craft in the world, in demand both internationally and throughout this country.


6: Bangladesh: Islamic Militants Target Journalists

In Bangladesh, widely considered one of the most dangerous countries in the world for the press, 2005 was a year in which Islamic militants increasingly targeted journalists, say Media Watch, Reporters Without Borders (Reporters sans frontières, RSF), the ...


7: Greens warned of problem with licenses

The cases of bus and taxi drivers losing their licenses for long-past minor sexual offences is exactly what the Green Party warned would happen when the new land transport law was being debated last year, Associate Transport Spokesperson Keith Locke says.


8: Florida professor & wife arrested as Cuban spies

The arrest of a middle-aged Florida college professor and his wife as alleged spies for the Castro government has all the earmarks of a politically motivated prosecution aimed at diverting attention from Washington’s backing for terrorism directed against ...


9: Howard to Asia-Pacific Partnership

Transcript of the Prime Minister The Hon John Howard MP Address to the Asia-Pacific Partnership On Clean Development And Climate Inaugural Ministerial Meeting, Government House, Sydney


10: Brownlee Explains National Vs Greens Scrap

Over the last few weeks parliamentary duels have been thin on the ground. However Nationals' Deputy leader Gerry Brownlee has not spent all holidays enjoying the warm Canterbury sun – he's been hounding the Government and the Green Party over arrangements ...


11: Levi’s Brand Launches First iPod Compatible Jeans

January 13 2006 – The Levi’s® brand, the denim authority, is launching a wearable technology revolution with the introduction of new Levi’s® RedWire™ DLX Jeans available worldwide from fall 2006. Designed for both men and women, the jeans seamlessly integrate ...


12: Mazur: Sotheby's Pre-Auction Euphronios Transcript

In the 1970s oil boom years, before Mu-ammar al-Gaddafi nationalized Bunker Hunt's oilfield and the silver market collapsed, he and brother Herbert amassed a quarter-ton of ancient coins and some astonishing pieces of ancient art. These were put up for ...


13: 'Coal Pact' agree: let greenhouse pollution double

Sydney Thursday, 12 January, 2006 : Greenpeace today condemned the just-concluded Asia-Pacific 'Coal Pact' as a coal trade show that, far from tackling climate change, will allow greenhouse pollution to spiral out of control.


14: Linda Clark resignation welcomed

The resignation of Linda Clark is welcomed by PeterEllis.org.nz, a spokesperson Brian Robinson, commented today. Clark's resignation was probably inevitable, following the recent apology that Radio New Zealand was ordered to make to Peter Ellis following ...


15: Driver sex cases breach Bill of Rights Act

United Future leader Peter Dunne pointed out today that the legislation that will cause some bus drivers to lose their jobs, because of minor sexual offences committed several decades ago, appears to breach the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990.


16: Giant gem glistens in New Zealand

New Zealand’s love affair with giant cruise ships continues this summer with the maiden visit of Diamond Princess, which is to be based in Australasian waters for an extended four-month season.


17: Tackle climate change and save the whales

Southern Ocean Wednesday, 11 January, 2006 : As 'Coal Pact' meetings begin in Sydney, Greenpeace whaling protesters in the Southern Ocean called on Australia and Japan to take concerted action to tackle climate change to help preserve the environment ...


18: Public Address 13/01/06 - A Little Respect

After three days in London, I saw the sun. And Lo, all was good in the world. A crisp cloudless winters day was, to quote an Eels' lyric, Novocaine for the Soul. And it provided a wonderful backdrop for my long but leisurely walk from the Tate Modern, ...


19: Daniel Patrick Welch: Pants on Fire

Sam Alito is merely the latest liar on the block for Bush's full spectrum dominance agenda. But the show-trial hearings on whether this proto-fascist ideologue should be allowed to shape US social and political development for a generation provide ...


20: Emirates Signs Us$265 Million Financing Agreement



21: Waihopai Spybase Protest January 2006

People from all around New Zealand will be converging on Blenheim and the super-secret Waihopai satellite interception spybase, in Marlborough, on the weekend of January 20-22. The tragic quagmire that is the illegal American-led occupation of Iraq drags ...


22: Talent Shortage Becomes Real Business Issue in 200

The looming threat of a talent shortage, harbingered by human resources (HR) managers for years, is poised to be a real issue for business in 2006. New Zealand’s most talented employees continue to look for better opportunities in the US, Australia ...


23: Guest Opinion: Ruling by hypotheses in Nepal

The king Gyanendra of Nepal ascended to throne as a head of the nation after a controversial, if not a conspiratorial, royal massacre in June 2001, political spectrum in the country has changed significantly.


24: The White Stripes will perform at Big Day Out

Don’t get hysterical – THE WHITE STRIPES are most certainly performing at BIG DAY OUT next Friday 20 January at Ericsson Stadium As stated on their website last week: “The White Stripes are unfortunately postponing their upcoming Japanese tour dates ...


25: Union members will refuse to work Japanese Ships

The Maritime Union says its members will refuse to work with any Japanese ship involved in whaling that visits a New Zealand port. Maritime Union General Secretary Trevor Hanson says the Union supports the two environmental groups Greenpeace and Sea Shepherd ...


26: Singaporean ‘Guns’ arrive for annual exercise

An artillery regiment from the Singaporean Armed Forces (SAF) has arrived in New Zealand to conduct a military exercise in Waiouru, which runs from 15 – 24 January.


27: International study no reason for complacency

An international study says there's a medium-level risk that New Zealand could not cope with a bird flu pandemic. Overall though, the British report rates New Zealand's pandemic risk as low.


28: French Asbestos carrier blocked

Mediterranean — France thinks it can get away with dumping a warship containing hundreds of tonnes of toxic materials like asbestos, PCBs, lead and mercury in India. We say that's illegal toxic dumping -- so we have boarded the warship to prevent it getting ...


29: Iran: On-The-Record Briefing by Condoleezza Rice

SECRETARY RICE: Good afternoon. I have a statement and then I'll be happy to take some questions.


30: E.A. Peterson: On The Necessity Of Impeachment

2006 began with Mr. Bush brazenly insisting that he can unilaterally order wiretaps on American citizens without judicial oversight, even if warrantless domestic wiretaps are explicitly prohibited by federal law. Under what rationale? Mr. Bush claims the ...



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