Images: Caravana Arrives in Oaxaca for Megamarch
Caravana Arrives in Oaxaca for Megamarch
Story & Images By Julie Webb-Pullman

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APPO and Supporters Preparing to March
As the caravana of suporters from Mexico Federal District (DF) left the Hemiciclo yesterday at noon for Oaxaca, hundreds crowded the streets to cheer them on their way. The scene was repeated throughout the journey, with indigenous women in traditional dress lining the highway at several points. The 10 buses and 50 cars that left DF had been joined by scores more along the way, and despite several arms searches of vehicles by AK-47 -toting military (the only people actually carrying guns), the caravana eventually arrived after a 20 hour trip, to be greetd by scores of appreciative locals, and a brass band. Thousands are now gathered beneath the monument to Juarez at Crucero de Viguera for today's megamarch.

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Caravana leaving the Hemiciclo cheering supporters lining the street
APPO demands for the ouster of Governonr Ulises Ruiz and the withdrawal from Oaxaca of the federal police and military have so far met with Ruiz' continued refusal to budge. Despite his resignation being requested by both houses of parliament, and a desperate attempt to dig dirt on his financial dealings to get rid of him, which should be relatively simple given the widespread corruption of his administration, Ruiz has merely dug in his heels.

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Cheering supporters greet the caravanas arrival in Oaxaca
APPO and its supporters are equally determined, and following the gross and systematic human rights abuses of the past week, this time they are accompanied by a contingent of human rights observers. The day will tell whether their presence will ensure the peaceful march APPO and its supporters seek.

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Supporters gather at the Hemiciclo in DF