Kiwi Veterans Rock All Over The

A lucky and smallish number of New Zealand veterans were entertained by national treasure Dave Dobbyn as they traversed the globe in order to attend the unveiling of the New Zealand memorial which will be dedicated by the NZ Prime Minister in London's Hyde Park this weekend. Scoop had the good and somewhat bizarre fortune to espy Mr Dobbyn cranking out stirring toons such as 'Stand by Me' in a Bahraini hotel bar backed up by a number of New Zealand veterans of World War II , Korea and Vietnam.

While Mr Dobby and the veterans cranked out the hits amid a sea of pricey pint glasses some either timid or very ironic Kiwi public servants pondered as to the cultural sensitivity of the occasion. Fortunately for Middle Eastern sensibilities this good ol' Kiwi knees up was performed in a slightly tacky sports themed bar rather than a holy mosque so cultural sensitivity's were probably not strained too much.

Sadly due to the Herculean value of the Bahraini
Dinar some media were forced into early retirement after a
lemonade and Burger (not a lot of change from twenty US
dollars). Other more intrepid media and veterans mooched
their way to the Bahraini Marketplace in 35 degree heat
where fake watches and toy camels were waiting to be snapped
Coming together for the unveiling of the New Zealand memorial by the PM in Hyde Park this weekend are 32 veterans of 20th Century conflicts such as World War 2, Korea, the Malayan insurgency and Vietnam. The veterans have been chosen by ballot to fly to London and attend the ceremony which will also feature the Queen.

As well as royalty the ceremony honouring New Zealand's contribution to keeping the world a generally nicer place will also feature a number of politicians from across the political spectrum. Joining the PM and Judith Tizard from Labour will be the leader of the Opposition Dr Don Brash, New Zealand First's Deputy Leader Peter Brown, Judy Turner from United Future and newish territorial forces soldier Heather Roy of ACT - Scoop also understands that National's Veterans Affairs spokesperson Katherine Rich will be at the unveiling ceremony.