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Scoop Top 30 Daily Ratings 12 February 2007


Yesterday's top 30 rating items on Scoop were...

1: Robert Parry: Bush Is Hiding the Ball on Iran

Robert Parry

George W. Bush is again guiding the nation toward a preemptive war - this time with Iran - without allowing anything like a full debate of the underlying facts, probable consequences of the conflict or peaceful alternatives.

2: Strike on Iran Would Signify Epoch of Nuclear War
Global Research

In my paper entitled “2007: Opening a New Page in the World’s History”, published in September, 2006, I examined the possibility that a US strike on Iran using small-scale nuclear munitions [mini-nukes] would be launched, and that the strike would become ...

3: Abbas Bakhtiar: Iran vs. Saudi Arabia
Dr. Abbas Bakhtiar
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Today as we witness the carnage in Iraq, the war in Afghanistan, the war in Somalia, the troubles in Lebanon, Israel and Palestine, everyone’s attention is focused on the gathering of the American Armada in the Persian Gulf and the possibility of ...

4: Is Iran’s “Oil Weapon” A Doubled-Edged Sword?
INSS Insight

If the United States organizes effective economic sanctions against Iran or especially if the Bush Administration decides on military action against Iran’s nuclear facilities, Iran may try to strike back with its “oil weapon,” to suspend oil exports and ...

5: UQ Wire: Brzezinski On The Path To War With Iran

The National Security Advisor to former President Carter testified before the US Senate Committee on Foreign Relations on 1 Feb 2007. Dr.Zbigniew Brzezinski delivered a scathing assessment of the core mistakes made by the Bush administration in the ...

6: Libby & Destruction of CIA Counter-Proliferation
Mark Levey

In the course of listening to testimony in the Libby case, it has become clear that Vice President Cheney initiated and directed a criminal conspiracy. But, that's not the only bombshell in this case.

7: After Saddam’s Lynching are Bush & Cheney Next?
Genevieve Cora Fraser

Though the newly anointed Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi declared that hearings for the impeachment of President Bush and Vice President Cheney are off the table, following the State of the Union Address where Bush called for an increase of over ...

8: New book exposes NZ role over East Timor
Pacific Media Watch

An inquest in Sydney is throwing new light on the death of Kiwi television cameraman Gary Cunningham during the Indonesian invasion of East Timor 31 years ago. ANTHONY HUBBARD reports.

9: Bush Can't Spin Way Out Of Hellish Iraq
Sherwood Ross

President Bush blaming the press for exaggerating conditions in Iraq is like the Devil accusing Dante of defamation for writing "The Inferno."

10: “Education Ministry heading for bankruptcy”
The Maori Party

Te Ururoa Flavell, Education Spokesperson for the Maori Party, today spoke out about yet another instalment of dispiriting statistics, describing the under-performance of the education system with respect to Maori.

11: Step change in UK-Indonesia military ties
TAPOL - The Indonesian Human Rights Campaign

9 February 2007 - The revelation this week by Defence Minister Juwono Sudarsono that Indonesia is considering the procurement of BAE Systems Hawk aircraft from the UK [1] confirms that the two countries are intent on securing a substantial upgrade ...

12: Poultry Trade Responsible for spreqad of Avian Flu
United Nations

Avian influenza, last season transmitted by migrating wild birds, is now being spread through the poultry trade, the top United Nations expert on the issue said today, warning that despite some successful efforts of States to contain the virus, no one ...

13: The GE Information Bulletin
GE Information Bulletin

An independent digest of widely-sourced information relevant to the GE debate

14: KiwiFM Audio: Manning & Wallace – USA v Iran
Scoop Audio

KiwiFM Audio: The United States has intensified its military presence in the Persian Gulf amidst expectation of regional conflict with Iran. Will the USA strike first against the Atomic Ayatollahs?

15: Ban Ki-Moon Names New Top UN Officials
United Nations

Acting on his pledge to achieve continuity with change, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, who took office on 1 January, today named four new senior officials to his cabinet while retaining a dozen others.

16: U.S. Economy Risks and Strategies for 2007-2017
Guest Opinion

On Jan 31st, 2007, the president of the United States gave his speech on “State of the Economy” citing strong economic growth, record Dow Jones performance and low unemployment rate. This report finds a different picture than the one announced.

17: Swanson and Schwarz: Beyond Oral Sex
David Swanson

The last time Congress was controlled by the party in opposition to the White House, we all learned more than we cared to know about the uses of cigars. This time the need for investigations is much more serious. The Democrats are talking fast and ...

18: 90pc of skilled migrants enjoying life in NZ
New Zealand Government

New research shows that most skilled migrants are enjoying life in New Zealand by a year after arriving here, Immigration Minister David Cunliffe says. The research found 90 per cent of skilled migrants were "satisfied" or "very satisfied" with living ...

19: Fringe Festival Review: Hot Pink Bits
Scoop Review

We all have ‘em , and people spend an awful lot of time thinking about ‘em - Hot Pink Bits! Penny Ashton’s lively show is an energetic hurtle through 7,5000 years of sex-obsessed human social evolution, from Palaeolithic stone idolatry through ...

20: Sheep Farmers Closing Chequebooks
Federated Farmers

New Zealand sheep farmers are closing their chequebooks due to lower farm gate returns for their produce, said Keith Kelly of Federated Farmers of New Zealand.

21: Truthout: Watada Court-Martial Ends in Mistrial

Fort Lewis, Washington - The court-martial of First Lt. Ehren Watada, a commissioned US Army officer who refused deployment to Iraq on the basis that he believed the war was illegal, has ended in a mistrial, a military court judge ruled Wednesday.

22: Open Letter to the Republican Party
Error: Couldn't get author

The GOP has become entirely too liberal for real conservatives. If things do not change, we will have no choice but to vote third party, perhaps Constitution Party.

23: Libby Testimony Points Directly to Bush, Cheney
Jason Leopold

According to trial transcripts obtained by Truthout, former White House staffer I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby testified before a grand jury in 2004 that Vice President Dick Cheney instructed him to divulge portions of a then-classified report to New ...

24: Action, not warnings, needed on carbon emissions
Green Party

The Green Party today welcomed Climate Change Minister David Parker's letter to all power generators, which signalled that the Government is planning to impose charges on carbon dioxide emissions - but Greens' Co-Leader Jeanette Fitzsimons also urged ...

25: Education Minister must name schools
New Zealand National Party

Education Minister Steve Maharey must name the five schools under investigation for breaching NCEA regulations, says National Party Education spokeswoman, Katherine Rich.

26: Gay churchgoers abandon mainstream religions
Massey University

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27: Gov responds to "simplistic & misleading comments"
New Zealand Government

Climate Change Minister David Parker has criticised Kyoto Forestry Association head Roger Dickie for making simplistic and misleading comments about climate change proposals.

28: Seeing red – a new tomato product
Lincoln University

Are you disappointed by the dark and unattractive colour of so many dried tomatoes sold in New Zealand? Scientists from the food group at Lincoln University believe they have found a way to produce bright red semi-dried tomatoes that have an acceptable ...

29: New Zealand Planning Institutes – Demographia
Pavletich Properties Ltd

The New Zealand Planning Institute is to be commended for the above Media Advisory. Whilst of course I disagree with some of the comments, the most important points are that the Institute has come out strongly supporting Demographia and stating clearly ...

30: Super Fund nukes’ investments unethical & Illegal?
Green Party

The revelation in The Listener yesterday that the Super Fund’s investment of our taxes in nuclear weapons may be illegal, as well as unethical, requires a rapid response from the Government. The Government must clarify the legal situation and ensure that ...

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