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Scoop Top 30 Daily Ratings 13 February 2007


Yesterday's top 30 rating items on Scoop were...

1: Countdown for Iran: When Commonsense is Nonsense

Ramzy Baroud

The relationship between Iran and the United States is one of peculiar temperament: intense but accommodating at times, barefaced and seemingly self-destructive at others.

2: Abbas Bakhtiar: Iran vs. Saudi Arabia
Dr. Abbas Bakhtiar

Today as we witness the carnage in Iraq, the war in Afghanistan, the war in Somalia, the troubles in Lebanon, Israel and Palestine, everyone’s attention is focused on the gathering of the American Armada in the Persian Gulf and the possibility of ...

3: Clark: Prime Minister’s Statement
New Zealand Government
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It’s my privilege to present this annual statement to Parliament setting out the government’s priorities for the year ahead. Last year’s statement set out an ambitious programme, and a great deal has been achieved.

4: Is Iran’s “Oil Weapon” A Doubled-Edged Sword?
INSS Insight

If the United States organizes effective economic sanctions against Iran or especially if the Bush Administration decides on military action against Iran’s nuclear facilities, Iran may try to strike back with its “oil weapon,” to suspend oil exports and ...

5: 4wd documentary drops the ball
NZ Motoring Writers' Guild

Immediate Release February 11, 2007 4wd documentary drops the ball Last week’s much talked about television documentary on the dangers of four-wheel-drives highlighted an important issue, but glossed over many significant facts that are vital to our ...

6: Research Vessel Damaged In Sea Shepherd Attack
The Institute Of Cetacean Research

Eco-terrorist group Sea Shepherd Conservation Society has rammed and damaged one of the Japanese research fleet’s vessels operating in the Antarctic, immediately after it received generous support and seamanship from the Japanese research fleet ...

7: Libby & Destruction of CIA Counter-Proliferation
Mark Levey

In the course of listening to testimony in the Libby case, it has become clear that Vice President Cheney initiated and directed a criminal conspiracy. But, that's not the only bombshell in this case.

8: Strike on Iran Would Signify Epoch of Nuclear War
Global Research

In my paper entitled “2007: Opening a New Page in the World’s History”, published in September, 2006, I examined the possibility that a US strike on Iran using small-scale nuclear munitions [mini-nukes] would be launched, and that the strike would become ...

9: Sea Shepherd should back off says Carter
New Zealand Government

Conservation Minister Chris Carter today flatly rejected threats from the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society following a violent confrontation between protest ships and a Japanese Whaling vessel in the Southern Ocean.

10: Prime Minister Announces Phillip Field's Expulsion
New Zealand Government

Prime Minister Helen Clark and President of the Labour Party Mike Williams say that Mr Field's public comments amount to an announcement of intention to run against Labour at the next election and so have invited expulsion.

11: Labour runs out of ideas, energy, and time
New Zealand National Party

The Prime Minister’s statement to Parliament today shows the Labour Government has run out of ideas and energy, and is rapidly running out of time, says National Party Leader John Key.

12: Poultry Trade Responsible for spreqad of Avian Flu
United Nations

Avian influenza, last season transmitted by migrating wild birds, is now being spread through the poultry trade, the top United Nations expert on the issue said today, warning that despite some successful efforts of States to contain the virus, no one ...

13: Field defiant, Clark exposed as weak
New Zealand National Party

Helen Clark’s leadership has been exposed as weak over Taito Phillip Field, says National Party Leader John Key.

14: Robert Parry: Bush Is Hiding the Ball on Iran
Robert Parry

George W. Bush is again guiding the nation toward a preemptive war - this time with Iran - without allowing anything like a full debate of the underlying facts, probable consequences of the conflict or peaceful alternatives.

15: Buzzflash Whiplash: Bushevik Iran War Preparations

It was a week of startling revelations that included: The Pentagon issuing a report admitting that they had a department set up that helped create lies to convince America to go to war with Iraq. The Libby trial further revealing that Cheney orchestrated ...

16: Audio: PM's Presser Monday, February 12, 2007
Alastair Thompson

Nuclear arms manufacturer investments by the NZ Super Fund received short shrift from the PM during the course of the conference, as did the idea of a Mortgage Tax which the PM says Michael Cullen did not "float" on Friday. A mortgage tax was now ...

17: University of Waikato appoints new professors
Waikato University

The University of Waikato has promoted four of its leading academics to the rank of professor. The newly appointed professors are:

18: Address In Reply Speech to Parliament
ACT New Zealand

We have just listened to a Prime Minister's speech that epitomises everything that is chronically and terminally wrong with this Government.

19: Blackcaps World Cup squad
New Zealand Cricket Inc.

Two years after being sidelined with a torn tendon in his right shoulder, State Northern Knights opening bowler Daryl Tuffey has been included in the BLACKCAPS squad of 15 to compete in the World Cup in the West Indies in March and April.

20: PM's sea-change speech procurement giant
Business Council

The Prime Minister's Statement today marks a major sea change in the way the country will handle climate change and protect its trading position for long term success.

21: Conservatives launch Families First on Immigration
Bill Berkowitz

Unlike last year's Evangelical Climate Initiative, an attempt to build bridges to combat global warming that drew headlines and stunned some longtime "traditional values" conservative evangelicals, the newly formed "Families First on Immigration" ...

22: After Saddam’s Lynching are Bush & Cheney Next?
Genevieve Cora Fraser

Though the newly anointed Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi declared that hearings for the impeachment of President Bush and Vice President Cheney are off the table, following the State of the Union Address where Bush called for an increase of over ...

23: Big tax changes coming, says Dunne
United Future NZ Party

United Future leader Peter Dunne says New Zealand households will face big tax changes over the next few years.

24: International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC)

Brussels, 12 February 2007 (ICTU OnLine): Trade unionism is taking off in Bahrain, one of the only countries in the Persian Gulf authorising free trade unions (since 2002). 55 companies now have a union and the 25,000 members are grouped within the ...

25: Kosovo: Autopsies Will Be Performed On Protesters
United Nations

The United Nations peacekeeping mission in Kosovo announced today that autopsied are being performed on the bodies of two protesters who died after a violent demonstration in the province’s capital, Pristina, at the weekend.

26: Clark’s stoush with media shows Govt is shaky
New Zealand National Party

Helen Clark’s stoush with the media today over reporting of Michael Cullen’s mortgage levy idea shows the Labour Government is becoming increasingly shaky, says National Party Leader John Key.

27: EDS Targets Carbon Emissions in Green Program

SYDNEY – Global technology services group EDS aims to slash its greenhouse gas emissions in Australia and New Zealand in a wide-ranging program that will affect most areas of its business.

28: Government to buy eco-friendly goods and services
New Zealand Government

Businesses that provide sustainable goods and services are set for a major boost following the announcement of new government procurement policies, Commerce Minister Lianne Dalziel said today.

29: Government requires Biofuels sales
New Zealand Government

The Government will require an increasing proportion of cleaner-burning biofuels to be sold to cut greenhouse gas emissions and increase energy security.

30: Intel Research Advances ‘Era Of Tera’

Intel Corporation researchers have developed the world’s first programmable processor that delivers supercomputer-like performance from a single, 80-core chip not much larger than the size of a finger nail while using less electricity than most of today’s ...

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