Huckabee Says God is Pushing His Poll Numbers Up
Mike Huckabee Says God is Pushing His Poll Numbers Up
Mark Karlin, Editor and Publisher,
We received a memo from Liberty "Falwell" University on November 30th, signed by Jonathan Falwell, son of the recently deceased Jerry -- and now overseer of the vast Liberty University/Moral Majority corporate empire.
According to Jonathan Falwell, presidential aspirant Mike Huckabee believes that it is God, not himself, who is behind his rise in the polls: "Mr. Huckabee also said that Divine providence was responsible for his recent surge in the polls in Iowa, as he noted that he is the candidate with much less capital firepower than his rivals."
Former Arkansas Governor Huckabee made his comments during a recent visit to the "hallowed" grounds of the Liberty University campus.
Huckabee mightily impressed "Falwell the Second" when he also "identified the 'fanatic religious zealotry' of Islamo-fascism as a 'real threat' that must be confronted to protect the American way of life."
Heck, if you replaced the phrase "Islamo-fascism" with "Christian fundamentalism" you would arrive at the same threat to American society!
Mr. "Falwell the Second's" e-mail about Mr. Huckabee's visit is posted on the appropriately named website for your perusal.
But, we would like to note that the former Arkansas Governor and Baptist minister so moved Jonathan Falwell that the son of Jerry proclaimed: "I love this nation. And I want to do my part to share Christ with as many people as possible. This truly is the only way we will see America return to its full greatness."
So, the Constitution and democracy have nothing to do with making America great; it is all due to the missionary work and imposition of personal beliefs on this nation by intolerant and extremist fundamentalists.
If Jonathan Falwell is correct, then why even have an election?
Can't we just leave it to Jesus and God to sort it out?