Daily Voting News For December 7, 2007
Monday, 10 December 2007, 11:49 am
Column: John Gideon
Daily Voting News For December 7,
Guest Blogged by John Gideon
of VotersUnite.orgThe
court case in Pima Co Arizona goes into its fourth, and what
is supposed to be last, day today. The Secretary of State
of Ohio, Jennifer Brunner, is asking Cuyahoga Co to look
into changing over to optical-scan and paper ballots for
future elections. It’s probably time for the county to
tell Diebold/Premier to bring in a large garbage truck and
pick-up the trash. Then file a lawsuit for misrepresenting
their product as something that would work. ...
NAtional: "Election Integrity" Feeding
Frenzy Zeros In On Proof-of-Citizenship Requirements LINKArizona: Pima
County - Record of votes in '06 RTA election missing Tape
may confirm whether results were altered LINKArizona: Pima
County - Election Integrity on Trial in Pima County: Day
Three Summary A Courtroom Report as Pima County Democrats
Seek Public Records Access to Diebold Election Databases LINKCalifornia:
Monterey County - High cost for hand vote count Registrar
report: Elections chief estimates $560,000 more for manual
tally LINK
Advertisement - scroll to continue reading
Vallejo - Recount names a new winner in Vallejo mayor race
LINKIndiana: Delaware
County - Mayoral recount to start next week LINKNew York: Goshen
School District's $70M bond vote to be voided LINKOhio: Cuyahoga
County - Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner wants new
voting system for Cuyahoga LINKOhio: Mahoning
County - And the winners are ... (wait) ... (wait) .. LINKPennsylvania:
Northampton County - Official: State offering funds to help
county get new voting system LINKPennsylvania:
Northampton County - County hunts for new voting machines
for 2008 election LINKTexas: Lubbock
County - Lubbock leads counties in new election format LINK **"Daily
Voting News" is meant as a comprehensive listing of reports
each day concerning issues related to election and voting
news around the country regardless of quality or political
slant. Therefore, items listed in "Daily Voting News" may
not reflect the opinions of VotersUnite.Org or Scoop.**
************* John Gideon Co-Director and Information
Manager VotersUnite.Org http://www.votersunite.org
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