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Scoop Top 30 Daily Ratings 4 December 2009

Scoop Top 30 Daily Ratings 4 December 2009

1: Taliban Winter Operations Targeted

Australian Defence Force

Joint Afghan and Australian operations in Afghanistan are having a significant impact on the Taliban’s weapons and ammunition reserves with the discovery of 44 caches in the past two months.

2: World's Press Asks Google To Respect Copyright

World Association of Newspapers

The newspaper industry's representative association made an impassioned defense of copyright to Google's chief attorney on Thursday, calling for "a more rigorous and unambiguous acceptance" of publishers' rights to decide how their content is used.

3: the Obama Escalation in Afghanstan

World Association of Newspapers

Many of the world's religious leaders in attendance at the Parliament of World Religions taking place in Melbourne, Australia, are in partial mourning for the dream of a new world that President Obama promised, and decisively torpedoed in his announcement ...

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4: Fatal shooting Warkworth

New Zealand Police

Police are currently at the scene of a fatal shooting in Warkworth. Preliminary information from the scene advises that a female is deceased at the scene and Police are speaking with a male.

5: Binoy Kampmark: The charge of the 30,000

Binoy Kampmark

President Obama’s decision to deploy a further 30,000 soldiers to Afghanistan looks like, on the surface, a chance to people more cemeteries. Politically, it has the effect of reaching out across the spectrum of political attitudes, hoping to, as ...

6: Top Scoop Stories December 4th 2009 News Summary

The Scoop Editor

LEAD STORY Gordon Campbell: Public Funding For Rugby World Cup Few Can Afford To Attend NZ POLITICS Public Service: SSC Wants Teachers Under Code Of Conduct Balancing Env' Resp's w. Econ' Opp's: PM To Go To Copenhagen Key off to Copenhagen Standards: ...

7: Bomber's Blog: The War On News (video)

Bomber's Blog

Bomber's Blog - The War On News Martyn "Bomber" Bradbury. Bomber's Blog - the war on news. Weekly TV show on Triangle/Stratos. Bomber also posts on the Tumeke! blog:

8: What are we signing up to Mr Power?

United Future NZ Party

UnitedFuture leader Peter Dunne has called on the Government to release details of the recent international negotiations on the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement. “There is a lot of conjecture about the contents of ACTA and what it will mean ...

9: The Curse of Politically Engineered Research

Hugh Pavletich

On November 20th 2009 information was leaked from the Climatic Research Unit of the University of East Anglia , casting serious doubt on climate research carried out within this institution and other institutions around the world. While the vintage ...

10: Imagining 2020 #4: Green Crude by Pete Fowler

Imagining 2020

I was very pessimistic until last year about our prospects of weaning off fossil fuels before reaching an irreversible tipping point. Some positive feedback loop would kick in, like higher temperatures releasing trapped methane from arctic permafrost ...

11: Oh solar me-o: NIWA gives something to sing about!


Solarview, a free web-based tool from NIWA, helps you get the most out of your house. NIWA have designed and built a do-it-yourself tool that tells you how much sunlight your home receives at different times of the year. This helps you work out whether ...

12: FPI Afternoon Roundup

Foreign Policy Initiative

FPI is pleased to offer the Afternoon Roundup, a daily compendium of essential foreign policy news and analysis, to FPI Overnight Brief subscribers. The Afternoon Roundup will be sent each day Monday through Friday in the late afternoon.

13: Kupe flows at last, as Kapuni starts to wind down


Commercial oil and gas have flowed for the first time from the Kupe gas field today, 23 years after the field was first discovered.

14: Have fun, keep kids safe outdoors this summer

New Zealand Plunket Society

Plunket and the National Poisons Centre are urging families to have fun but be safe in the outdoors this summer. Summer is a wonderful time to get involved with young children outside, and there are lots of new things to learn about and explore together ...

15: 'Kiwis for 350' petition to Parliament gains 3,000

Nicky Chapman - Kiwis for 350

The ‘Kiwis for 350’ petition, organised by Dunedin mother and writer Nicky Chapman has gathered over 3,000 signatures in just three weeks. ‘This shows Kiwis are concerned about climate change, they want to act positively, and they want their Government ...

16: Government leaves Auckland in dark on local boards

New Zealand Labour Party

The Government's third super city bill leaves Aucklanders in the dark over the power of local boards, says Labour's Auckland Issues spokesperson Phil Twyford.

17: Council to consider Manners Mall plan next week

Wellington City Council

Wellington City Councillors will decide next week whether to proceed with plans that would provide a quicker, more direct bus route through what is now Manners Mall and see a new shared public space created in lower Cuba Street. The Council’s Strategy ...

18: Sydenham bus priority lanes essential

Environment Canterbury

Environment Canterbury strongly supports the Christchurch City Council’s planned bus lanes and other public transport improvements on the Colombo Street south route, says Cr Carole Evans, who chairs the regional council’s public passenger transport ...

19: 33 million woolly walking stores of carbon?

Federated Farmers

While the Australian Emissions Trading Scheme remains in flux, the formation of the Australian-led Wool Carbon Alliance is intriguing New Zealand’s fibre farmers. “The Australians may be clutching at wool on the issue of wool carbon but we need ...

20: Appointments to Broadcasting Standards Authority

New Zealand Government

The Minister of Broadcasting announced today the appointment of Peter Radich as the chair of the Broadcasting Standards Authority and Leigh Pearson as a board member. Peter Radich is a partner in Radich Law and has been a solicitor of the High Court ...

21: English decisions on Super and ACC short-sighted

New Zealand Labour Party

Continuing strong investment performances by the New Zealand Superannuation Fund and ACC prove yet again how short-sighted Government policies are, says Labour Finance spokesperson David Cunliffe. David Cunliffe said Finance Minister Bill English’s ...

22: Crashed Spitfire out of Rotorua air show

Rotorua District Council

Organisers of next weekend’s Let’s GO Rotorua! Lakefront Air Show are searching for a replacement aircraft after the show’s WWII Spitfighter fighter crashed on landing at Ardmore Airport in Auckland yesterday, damaging its propeller and undercarriage. ...

23: World Disability Day celebrated in style & action

New Zealand Labour Party

Every year on 3 December we celebrate World Disability Day, and this year’s celebrations were a fitting acknowledgment of all disabled New Zealanders, Labour’s Disability spokesperson Lynne Pillay says. “World Disability Day is about acknowledging and ...

24: Should Bisphenol A be banned?

Science Media Centre

This week Breast Cancer UK called for a Government ban on use of Bisphenol A in the production of baby bottles. Breast Cancer UK says there is "clear and compelling scientific evidence" that links BPA, an organic chemical compound used for the ...

25: Diabetes Patient Progressing Well

Living Cell Technologies

· In response to overwhelming public queries, clinician investigator reports progress on Living Cell Technologies’ (LCT’s) Diabetes Trial in New Zealand

26: Deaf community silent protest at key's office

Save the Advance Centre

John Key and his Ministers have turned a Deaf ear to the plight of students who use the services of the Advance Centre. The Advance Centre provides essential services to Deaf and hearing impaired tertiary students in the Auckland region, but found ...

27: Entrepreneurs to reduce delays in medical research

Lack of participants means around 75% of medical research in New Zealand is delayed, slowing down the development of new treatments and medical advancements. Now, in an innovative programme developed by local entrepreneur Jamie Mannion, New Zealanders ...

28: Honduran Elections: What's in a majority

Julie Webb-Pullman

Itś official - Pepe Lobo of the National Party won 56% of the vote. The fact that this represents 56% of the lowest turnout ever, is a fact being glossed over by the majoprity of the international corporate media, in their indecent haste to present ...

29: US Certification of Colombia on Human Rights

Council on Hemispheric Affairs

For another consecutive year in its controversial certification process, the State Department has found that the Colombian government and its armed forces are meeting statutory criteria related to enforcement of human rights standards. This certification ...

30: Environment Court decision reinforces Labour fears

New Zealand Labour Party

Labour MP Jacinda Ardern says the Regulations Review Committee’s decision on three complaints about increased Environment Court filing fees backs Labour’s fears that Kiwis might be denied access to the Court. “Labour always believed the increased ...

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